We’ll Get There Fast and Then We’ll Take It Slow

A well-known politician in the Bahamas was fatally shot on Wednesday during an armed robbery, police said. Two gunmen opened fire on a group of people outside of an unspecified business establishment in a neighborhood near Nassau… [More]


Firearms, ammunition, and other weapons are not permitted in The Bahamas. According to The Bahamas Firearms Act, individuals found to have a firearm or ammunition in their possession without a legally issued Bahamian gun license face a penalty of up to 10 years’ incarceration and $10,000 fine. [More]

Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama…

The Everytown island life isn’t for everybody.

It’s All in the Presentation

At least tell me they weren’t also “aspiring rappers“…

[Via WiscoDave]

Rocky Mountain Low

Earlier today, the deceptively named “Sensitive Spaces” bill, which would prohibit concealed carry in almost every public space, passed the Senate Judiciary Committee on a vote of 3-2. [More]

It’s not just keeping arms that “shall not be infringed.” It’s bearing them.

Of course, treasonous Democrats know that.

But they also know that once it’s passed, they can drag this on for years through court challenges with virtually unlimited tax plunder.

[Via cydl]

Assault Weapon-Operating Maniac Mows Down Innocents

Car plows into couple, killing wife, leaving husband devastated… He threatened to shoot a school, bomb a building and assault police. [More]

Even thnough the automatic murder weapon was a licensed and registered, there’s only one thing to do.

Sue themanufacturer. I’ll bet if you look up cars involved in fatal accidents and crimes, you’d also be able to identify “bad apple dealers.”

[Via Mack H]

Proper Use of the Term ‘Assault Weapons’

Hanley detailed Soto’s violent spree that included stabbing and running over a mail carrier with a car, breaking into multiple homes and attacking three juveniles with a bat. [More]

And it took men threatening him with guns to get him to get the lunatic to act in rational self-interest and stop? I wonder if Rockford being mostly Democrat had anything to do with those men being “Only Ones” instead of neighbors…

[Via Jess]

Another ‘Prohibited Person’ Fail

A woman accused of randomly shooting and killing a man Tuesday was released from prison months ago and ordered not to have any weapons, the 8 News Now Investigators have learned. [More]

There oughta be a law

How insane would someone have to be to go looking for love in all the wrong places?

[Via Steve T]

None Dare Call It Treason

That national and state gun groups refuse to recognize this greatest threat to RKBA with a bull$h!+ “single issue” excuse and not assess political grades with this as a factor is a conscious betrayal of every one of their members.

Youth Must Be Served

The US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuot denied a request for rehearing En Banc in the Lara v. Pennsylvania case involving young adults and the second amendment. Mark Smith Four Boxes Diner explains the big 2A win! [Watch]

Here’s the case.

Of COURSE RKBA applies to 18-10-year-olds. Try 17.

Of COURSE 1791 is the relevant time period. Some of us have been arguing that for decades. But it’s no surprise lying prohibitionists once more favor applying the racist Black Codes of their Democrat forbears to all.

And of COURSE Judge Krause, with her “In today’s America, by contrast—where firearms include automatic assault rifles” line of “reasoning” is a propaganda-spewing idiot apparatchik.

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

SAF weighs in.

Not the Only One?

“I said [at the press conference] if you shoot accurately, and you kill the guy, you save taxpayers money. And I also said that if somebody gets killed during a home invasion, the odds of them re-offending are zero. And we like those odds, which we do,” he told Fox News Digital. [More]

Still, even if you live in Santa Rosa County, the sheriff’s public sentiments notwithstanding, remember one thing when his deputies respond.

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Text, History, and Tradition…

A federal appeals court upheld court orders prohibiting two criminal defendants from possessing firearms while awaiting trial. [More]

Not that such prohibitions work…

If people are going to cite Bruen to demand historical context, I’d be interested in whether or not bail for those who “would pose an unusual danger, beyond the ordinary citizen, to themselves or others” was widely practiced in the Founding era, under what conditions, and if denying it to the really heinous ones was alleviated by the right to a “speedy trial.”

Virginia’s “But if a crime be punishable by life or limb, or if it be manslaughter and there be good cause to believe the party guilty thereof, he shall not be admitted to bail” strikes me as consistent with another law I keep prattling on about, and raises another question: What was the average length of time from arrest to trial to the gallows for the bad ones?

[Via Dan Gifford]

FOIA Seeks Information from DOJ on National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center

Who the DOJ is partnering with and how their activities are lawful in light of the Supreme Court’s latest ruling on the Second Amendment are of particular interest. [More]

I don’t think anyone’s ever asked them to provide documents showing how they figure their actions are consistent with Bruen before.

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

“Here, the district court concluded that ‘the federal government has both a dominant interest and a pervasive regulatory framework’ to control immigration into the United States, ‘preclud[ing] state regulation in the area,’” wrote Chief Judge Priscilla Richman. [More]

Nominated by President George W. Bush

[Via Michael G]

Related UPDATE

States copy Texas after Supreme Court permits local police to arrest and deport illegal immigrants [More]

Now I’m confused.

Standard of Care

California’s K-12 Schools Promoting Antisemitism to Children – “Teachers instructing students of all ages that Israelis are responsible for the massacre of their own families on Oct. 7.” [More]

As long as U.S. Jews overwhelmingly support Democrats and consider people like me domestic terrorists, I’m not sure what my expected reaction should be.

And I know it’s verboten to suggest inordinate influence, but let’s look at one of the major driving forces for the sentiment.

[Via Michael G]

Busting Morons for Headlines

A Cleveland man who made thousands of dollars by buying and selling guns used in shootings and homicides said little on Tuesday as a federal judge sentenced him to more than 11 years in prison. Kenneth Smith, 23, apologized for selling 32 guns to undercover federal agents in less than three weeks, netting $24,000. The guns had been used in 30 shootings, including several homicides. [More]

The rest of the story is paywalled and the only other thing I could find is he did all this while being a “prohibited person” himself:

KENNETH SMITH, 23, East Cleveland, was charged with Engaging in the Business of Dealing Firearms without a Federal Firearms License, Illegal Possession of a Machinegun, and being a Felon in Possession of Firearms.

It does raise the question why they needed to drag it out over 32 guns and three weeks when one sale could have done the trick, and for some reason a South Park bust comes to mind (NSFW).

[Via JG]

Clearing the Board

The Governor vetoed 30 gun-control bills, modified 6 other gun-control bills so that they no longer pose a threat to Virginia’s lawful gun-owners, and he signed 4 bills that had been modified in the General Assembly changing VCDL’s position from Oppose to Neutral. There are no more gun-control bills left. [More]

And making lemonade out of lemons:

Today, the Virginia chapters of Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, both part of Everytown for Gun Safety’s grassroots network, issued the following statements applauding Governor Youngkin for signing two gun safety measures into law, including a measure to prohibit auto sears, which are devices that convert semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic weapons, HB 22 (Del. Jones)/SB 210 (Sen. Perry) and a measure to hold gun owners accountable for allowing children under their care with certain dangerous histories to access firearms, HB 36 (Del. Willet)/SB 44 (Sen. Van Valkenburg).

Even though those bills only parrot what are already federal laws, VCDL being “neutral” doesn’t cut it. The federal laws infringe on Virginia gun owners, and as such, both are should be opposed.

Related UPDATE

‘We can make Virginia a safer place’: Youngkin signs ‘Lucia’s Law’ [More]

I do wonder how a “preliminary determination” rises to the level of proof beyond a reasonable doubt…

But it has “strong bipartisan support,” so it MUST be good. Right?

I’m sure it would have stopped young Dylan in his tracks…

[Via Mack H]

Hurry Up and Wait

BREAKING: Boland v. Bonta Vacated [More]

After you get through all the legal back and forth, it sounds like the handgun roster can just got kicked down the road and everything depends on what happens to something else.

Am I wrong?

[Via Jess]

Where the Grabbers Get Those ‘Women and Guns’ Statistics

A Tennessee mother is mourning the death of her teen daughter after police said that she accidentally shot and killed her while rummaging in her purse for her keys. [More]

It sounds like being oblivious to how things work and not taking any one of several appropriate available precautions made her a walking IED.

I’m just not seeing acceptance of responsibility.

Quite the opposite, in fact

Meanwhile, Over at the ‘Living Constitution’…

Former Justice Breyer rips conservative Supreme Court for giving nation ‘Constitution no one wants’ – Breyer said originalism will ‘overlook lots of changes designed to further the value of protecting basic civil rights, because the world has changed’ [More]

Yeah, the guy who dissented in Heller and said the RKBA shall be infringed wants the Constitution to say whatever he and his fellow authoritarians want it to say, because they’re smarter than the Founders and they’re smarter than you.

Everybody wants that.


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