Governor signs 2 BFA-backed bills to prohibit firearms liability insurance, sales tracking, registries [More]
He’s on again. But we can never let up on the pressure.
[Via Antigone]
Notes from the Resistance
Governor signs 2 BFA-backed bills to prohibit firearms liability insurance, sales tracking, registries [More]
He’s on again. But we can never let up on the pressure.
[Via Antigone]
House Committee passes two BFA-backed bills to prohibit firearms liability insurance, sales tracking, and registries [More]
“Friends across the aisle” is a lie. Anyone who would propose mandating such clear infringements is my enemy and deserving of my resistance and contempt.
Vote Your Gun Rights [More]
They put a lot of work in their guide.
Are you an Ohio gun owner? Do you know any you can share it with?
BFA PAC Announces Grades and Endorsements for Nov. 5, 2024, General Election [More]
I see some “A’s” I disagree with (for instance, Bernie Moreno’s a self-serving phony making the right noises for the votes), but this isn’t a primary and we’ve got to go with what we’ve got.
Legislators to go on summer recess with 26 firearm bills still pending [More]
There’s a lot we need to keep our eyes on, and actions to be taken when we’re called on.
Click here to see our Voter Guide for the 2024 Ohio Primary
Note I have simply copied and pasted their email. I have not vetted any of the endorsements. So use this as a good starting point. As always, due diligence is each of our responsibility.
2024 BFA-PAC Grades and Endorsements for the Ohio Primary [More]
One thing I haven’t done is vet candidates for proof of commitment, so use this as a guide but do your own due diligence. I might be able to affect the U.S. Senate race, but I’ve pretty much been redistricted out of having a say in the rest of it.
And yeah, Dolan’s a douche.
Why “RUN HIDE FIGHT” is all wrong… [More]
We used to feature Ed Monk’s stuff on our old website.
5 gun law facts you should know before toking that first legal joint [More]
If you do indulge, wear a Covid face diaper in (and out of) the store, buy with cash, and don’t smoke in front of anyone you can’t trust. That, and lie on the 4473, because being coerced to rat yourself out is a human rights violation.
Just understand that if you get caught, evil people are going to hurt you badly.
The same will be true this time around if voters legalize marijuana for recreational use. If you use marijuana, you lose your gun rights regardless of state law. [More]
No, you’ll lose recognition of your rights.
Don’t use a credit card and lie on the 4473, and don’t be/do/talk stupid, and chances are you won’t get caught.
Firearms Bills in the 135th General Assembly [More]
If you’re an Ohio gun owner, share this with your friends. If you know an Ohio gun owner, share this with them.
Issue 1 supporters can’t count on getting a fair shake in the media, which increasingly portrays them as “a basket of deplorables” (and that’s being nice). As usual, it’s up to them to educate themselves and spread the word. [More]
If you’re an Ohio gun voter, the only way this will pass is if you get involved and help make it pass.
In other words, big city liberals want to deal only with people in their own political strongholds. They don’t want rural, small-town Ohioans to have a say. [More]
It’s the model established nationwide by Michael Bloomberg and Everytown.
I have an Issue 1 article coming out later today on AmmoLand.
Issue 1, a ballot initiative that asks Ohio voters if the state should strengthen the petition process and raise the threshold to 60% for approving constitutional amendment proposals… [More]
Otherwise, urban Democrats will presume to dictate your rights for you.
Columbus Files Yet Another Lawsuit Seeking to Infringe Gun Rights [More]
It’s not Zach Klein’s money being squandered and it gets his name in the papers. When you think about it, that’s a special kind of contemptible. And anyone stupid or biased enough to vote for him in the first place won’t let a little thing like repeated losses keep them from pushing a proven apparatchik for higher office.
Even if he is that most loathsome of creatures along the lines of Bill Kristol, Joe Scarborough, and Joe Walsh:
Gun grabbers like New York billionaire Mike Bloomberg bankroll ballot issues that would restrict and seize our constitutional rights. SJR 2, if approved by voters, would raise the bar for passing changes to our foundational document to 60% instead of a simple majority, thereby making it much harder for out-of-state money to force their values upon Ohio. [More]
And naturally, lying Democrats who scream “Home Rule!” whenever they want to undermine preemption or impose new infringements are against Ohioans deciding on their Constitution in the face of outside money pouring in.
Delaware County judge blocks Columbus gun ordinance enforcement [More]
But there are still miles to go, this is not the only road to travel, and municipal governments have virtually unlimited tax plunder to throw at this, while rights defenders need to scrape for nickels.
If you’re an Ohio gun owner, are you helping with the load, either financially or through activism?
These are the stakes in the effort to raise the voting threshold to 60% to approve changes to the Ohio Constitution. It’s about protecting our rights and shielding our state constitution from big money meddlers so that we’re not subject to the fickle political whims of the moment. [More]
Ohio gun owners: It’s in your interests to get up to speed on this and help.
Currently, when constitutional amendments are placed on the ballot, it takes only a simple majority (50% plus one vote) to change the constitution. SJR 2 would require any future constitutional amendment to be approved by at least 60% of the voters, whether proposed by initiative petition, by the General Assembly, or by a constitutional convention. [More]
This ought to buy us some time, at least.
But the changes the state is going through have already taken over where I live.
And we know how that ends up.
A handful of House and Senate bills are beginning to work their way through the state’s legislative process, as the Ohio Legislature’s 135th General Assembly gets underway. The first three, as currently written, would reduce firearms regulations and expand Second Amendment rights. [More]
PODCAST: The Media and Gun Control Activists Struggle to Exploit MSU Murders [More]
I chatted with BFA Executive Director Dean Rieck about my AmmoLand observations and more.
Also from Buckeye Firearms:
Lawsuit filed against Columbus over unlawful, unconstitutional gun laws [More]
Subversive Democrats know they have virtually unlimited tax funds to harass us with, meaning productive gun owners have to fully finance complaints and appeals, and partially finance the bastards attacking us.
Governor DeWine Signs BFA-Backed SB 185 to Protect Second Amendment Rights During Emergencies [More]
First, do no harm. Excellent.
Now, assuming we’re talking about a widespread disaster where limited civil authority resources are triaged and whole areas will be left for an indeterminate time to fend for themselves, dare we hope we’ll ever see a bill that provides for activating the militia of the whole people after training and equipping them first?
Columbus leaders are making the argument that despite Ohio’s preemption law and despite a judge’s “stay” order in their lawsuit against the state, they have the right to pass certain gun control laws. [More]
It’s not like it’s their money they’re spending. The same can’t be said for anyone opposing them, and that’s part of the plan.
Same caveats as I just did on the GRNC post below… [More]
2022 BFA-PAC Grades and Endorsements for the August Ohio Primary [More]
Not a single Democrat made the list, which if you think about it, is the way it should be since with everything else they must do to advance party interests and candidates, it is literally impossible to be a “pro-gun Democrat,” Jorge & pals notwithstanding.
I’m presenting this list as a starting point. I know who my pols are and suggest everyone else know theirs as a minimal citizenship standard rather than just following anybody’s list.
Ohio Permitless Carry Goes into Effect Monday, June 13, 2022 [More]
Boy, everybody I know can’t wait for their first fender-bender!