California Attorney General says “effective immediately, issuing authorities should no longer require proof of good cause for the issuance of a public-carry license.” [More]
These weasels always have big “buts”:
Don’t “Back the blue” or ATF or…? So much for “respect for the law.” How is being against fetus butchering or drag queen story hour for preschoolers “respect[ful] for the rights of others? If you’re against “sanctuary” for illegals (hell, if you even call them “illegals”) or “critical race theory” school curricula, and BLM Marxists, how is that an “absence of racism”? Plus, we all know anyone smeared as a “white nationalist extremist Nazi” is the greatest threat to “our democracy.” Just ask the U.S. Department of Justice!
Page 3 shows all the arbitrary and politically -exploitable “good moral character” outs they’re sending signals to impose, so look for delays and denials that will take more drawn-out court cases to wrangle out.
I wouldn’t be calling the “Supreme Court victory” a slam dunk just yet. If there’s one thing leftists are good at, it’s weaponizing the law against their enemies while ignoring it themselves.
[Via several of you]