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Tag: David Codrea
New Year’s Resolutions Can Help Achieve Gun Owner Goals

New Year’s Resolutions Can Help Achieve Gun Owner Goals [More]
Getting rid of some gun laws can be even healthier for you than getting rid of some extra weight.
Trump and Musk Immigration Stance Ignores MAGA Pledges and U.S. Education Failures

The whole point of the last election was to turn all that around. [More]
A sinking ship doesn’t need to take on more water, especially if it means excusing Democrats helping send it to the bottom.
Gun Talk Redux

In This Hour: — David Codrea from War On Guns on how to become an effective gun rights activist. — President Jimmy Carter and his legacy of pushing gun bans. — What are the most accurate hunting rifles? [Listen]
We covered quite a bit in the first half hour, including a good way to get involved, realistic expectations for the incoming Trump administration, and a key to assessing whose voices to heed…
Here’s yesterday’s Gun Talk Hour 3 discussion with host Tom Gresham for those who missed it…
Gun Talk Radio
YouTube Grinch Steals Gun Owner’s Christmas Gift to Relatives

The simplest explanation is that YouTube agrees with the gun prohibitionists on zero “tolerance” for young people being anywhere near them. [More]
They have subsequently recanted and allowed the video, but too little too late and I’ve had it with them.
Raid on Innocent Family Shows ATF Tyranny Must Be a Priority for Trump

This is where citizens could really use some of those pledges of Second Amendment protection we heard along the campaign trail from Donald Trump, and from every Republican in Congress who won their seat because of gun owner support. [More]
The new administration, through orders to subordinates, and the Republican-controlled Congress, with the power to subpoena and investigate, could do much to stop citizen abuse — if they want to.
ATF Director Under Trump Will Still Be Directing Unconstitutional Agency

The new guy needs to understand all this and have the AG and the president‘s ear to make sure they do, and to restrain their past-demonstrated impulses to ignore the words “shall not be infringed.” [More]
My latest Firearms News article assesses the best we can make out of a no-win scenario.
Police Blackout of Madison Shooter’s Social Media Denies Information Public Has Right to Know

This is exactly why, unlike some “gunfluencers” who advocate suppressing shooter names, I’m against keeping them held back. [More]
The only way to discourage such demons is to deny them the one thing they want more than “fame”– success. And that won’t happen as long as government denies the obvious remedy.
NBC ‘Magazine Disconnect’ Story Attempts to Cheerlead Gun Bans and Lawsuits

Does anyone who fully understands the issue and the motivations for pushing it really believe this is about safety? [More]
Don’t these people have a truck to blow up?
Daily Defense Redux

Today on AAR Daily Defense, Mark chats with … David Codrea on the NYC shooter updates as the story continues to evolve. Other topics include JayZ and gun grabbers, and continuing discussion of the anti-rights freaks in MI trying to pass a law allowing firearms to be sold in MI only of they meet government regulated and approved colors! [More]
Here’s an aspect of the NYC assassin story we talked about:
Family of UnitedHealthcare CEO murder suspect didn’t report him as police ask what they knew during manhunt [More]
Exactly what I asked about two days ago…
Jay-Z Rape Allegations Illustrate Double Standards for Anti-Gun Elites

It’s interesting that the rape is alleged to have been committed at an MTV party, and a bigger corporate shill for a decadent totalitarian monopoly of violence you will not find. [More]
For starters, #BelieveWomen is suspended and unlike many of the gun laws they demand, he’ll get full due process.
Daily Defense
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DOJ Proposal Suggests Unauthorized Use of NICS for NY Ammo Background Checks

So, if the FBI and DOJ don’t have authority to do ammunition checks, where do they get authority to allow New York State to use NICS for that purpose? [More]
Made possible by GOP Quislings, so will Republicans do anything to clean up their mess after they assume power in January?
Will Third Time Be a Charm for Hunter Biden FOIA Request?

With Hunter Biden’s court record and the pardon, the government cannot credibly evade a responsive production of documents with claims it has used in the past. [More]
My prediction: They’ll try to stall. Then we get to see what Bondi is really made of.
‘Deceptively Colored Firearm’ Bill Introduced by Deceptive Michigan Democrats

Where she may have gone too far without realizing it in her hatred of all things, gun is who will be most affected by her cosmetics ban. Those include a large bloc of potential Democrat constituents. [More]
They’ll never stop eating away until they’re forced to. There’s a way to do that, but it will require the new DOJ meaning what Donald Trump says.
Axios Head Exemplifies Media Denial of Its Own Part in Public’s Rejection

When we see it happening with things we know, like guns, it’s fair to question what else were being gaslighted on. [More]
The meme is true. We don’t hate “the media” enough.
NY Democrat’s ‘Outside the Box Thinking’ Has Unintended Consequences – for Her

And note the Constitution doesn’t just say that executive officers have to take the oath—it says they are “BOUND” by it. That means once she volitionally “unbinds” herself, she’s in violation of a non-negotiable requirement and must be removed from office. [More]
To steal a line from Lex Luthor about Otis: “It’s amazing that brain can generate enough power to keep those legs moving.”
Round 2 Redux

Today on Armed American Radio Mark continues the conversation started yesterday with David Codrea on Pam Bondi and her 2A chops or lack thereof. Is she right for gun owners as head of DOJ after her support for Florida’s post Parkland gun control bill? [Listen]
In case you missed it live and want to hear it.
And my elaborated thoughts on what Donald Trump’s election means for the Second Amendment are here.
Round 2
TODAY 4-5p ET Armed American Radio the day before Thanksgiving national broadcast, @dcodrea David Codrea joins Mark for the hour to finish what they started yesterday!! Tune in live at http://armedamericanradio.com [More]
Daily Defense Redux

Today on AAR Daily Defense, Mark chats with long-time AAR contributor, blogger, and citizen journalist, David Codrea. Topics include the makeup of the Trump cabinet from a gun rights perspective. Mark and David discuss bills likely to move quickly…or not…and then turn attention to Pam Bondi for AG. David is no fan and eloquently articulates the reasons why, including her past support for anti-gun measures in Florida as state AG. Mark counters with analogies and gives her the benefit of waiting out the hearings. She will no doubt be put on the spot during the confirmation process and allowed to articulate her 2A positions moving forward as AG. A lively discussion, so good in fact, that David returns on Wednesday to wrap up his legitimate concerns. [Listen]
My latest Firearms News piece, “Donald Trump and Republicans Owe Gun Owners, and It’s Time to Collect,” elaborates on my position.
Daily Defense

I’ll be joining host Mark Walters at 4 Eastern to talk about my new Firearms News piece and more.
Go to the Armed American Radio website to find a station near you or listen/watch via livestream.
Donald Trump and Republicans Owe Gun Owners, and It’s Time to Collect

There’s much Donald Trump won’t be able to do, but a lot that he can if he means to keep his pledge to the gun owners he could not have won without. Rein in ATF, Mr. President. Do what you can with your bully pulpit to influence American citizens and your unique power to influence your party and the Congress. Make informed judicial appointments. Listen to gun rights leaders. And task the Justice Department with the Constitutional imperative to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” [More]
Now is not the time to rest on laurels and trust that everything is going to start going our way. If we don’t stay on top of him — and them — Pam Bondi won’t be the only disappointment.
Gallup Poll on Guns Reflects Manipulation, Ignorance, and Denial

That makes using resulting data to “inform” legislation demonstrably irresponsible and dangerous. [More]
Lies, damned lies and statistics…
Stallone Cozying Up to Trump is Pragmatism, Not Principle

“Until America, door to door, takes every handgun, this is what you’re gonna have,” Stallone declared… [More]
What kind of phony stays out of the fight and then shows up to share in the glory of the win?
What I Asked For?
Gun enthusiast David Codrea did not get what he asked for, and though backed by many Republicans, the average gun owner is thankful he did not. [More]
I just became aware of this post from two years ago, and have to ask what is it I asked for and where did I ask for it? And where have I advocated for anyone losing rights?
Maybe if this were accompanied with a link and some in-context quotes I’d be able to figure out if this character is reading challenged, delusional, a liar, or all three.
My whole thing about Hunter Biden, aside from being the first to report his having a gun meant he lied on the 4473, was to point out the hypocrisy of it and also to question Secret Service disavowing involvement on an affidavit when others reported them at the scene of the investigation.
Sale of InfoWars to The Onion Unintentionally Highlights Everytown’s Illegitimacy

It’s ironic that Jones has essentially been punished for “fake news,” the very thing The Onion exploits for its own profits. [More]
When it’s all said and done, my guess is these gloating (and ultimately humorless) prohibitionists are going to be anything but happy.
Speaking of Deniers
[Via WiscoDave]
Daily Defense Redux

Today on Armed American Radio Daily Defense, Mark talks with David Codrea from Waronguns.com about the state of the nation post-Trump election victory and what it means for our 2nd Amendment gun rights going forward. [More]
We also talked about having the Senate Majority Leader decision crammed down our throats, and how “alternative media” did what the DSM could not.
Rush to Name Senate Majority Leader Betrays Gun Owners and MAGA Voters

Can we at least have some time for public input on something that can profoundly affect us all before sneaking this through? [More]
Republicans once more snatching defeat from the jaws of victory… will any gun owners object to all three being unsuitable “choices”?