We Hold These Truths to Be Self Evident

An activist history teacher failed a Seattle student on a quiz for saying only women can get pregnant and that only men have penises. [More]

So simple even a child can understand it!

Which is why we need communist subversives to program the truth out of them…

This is what a Democrat supermajority degrades into. That or this

Suffer the Children

It’s now considered racist to punish thieves in school [More]

That nonsense aside, what kind of punishment?

Because go down a few lines and this becomes a paen to paddling.

Sorry, “Liberty Unyielding.” Nobody paddled feral sons Uday and Qusay unless they could do it to me first.

Nobody could, either. I’ve told the story of my art teacher before:

I remember in High School, I was joking with another kid in Art class and the teacher walked up, backhanded him across the face and tried to do the same to me. I blocked it, looked him in the eye and told him if he wanted to hit me, he would need to call my father first and ask permission. If Dad said it was OK, I’d let him, but otherwise we were going to have a problem. We didn’t have a problem.

[Via Michael G]

Cutting a Swath

The teenanger has been charged with murder and I’m not sure why. He was being attacked by a mob and he defended himself the only way he could, with a knife. Sure, that was illegal to have in school but it protected him from serious injury or maybe even death. After seeing the video, I agree with his mom. [More]

If that’s all the relevant information, then yeah.

What is it about Democrat-contolled environments that guarantees this kind of savagery?

[Via Michael G]

And the Crowd Went Wild

Guy gives new meaning to “Reading Rainbow”…

I guess if you smear them as book-burning Nazis, violence against women is woke.

Funny, the reading that is withheld from children.

[Via WiscoDave]

Just Here for the Smear

This Extremist Group Calls Itself A ‘Parental Rights’ Org. Now It’s Targeting School Boards In 1 Key State. [More]

So they call themselves Moms for Liberty, and HuffPo, SPLC, and some leftist trough-feeding Facebook cat lady who requires they approve you before she’ll let you see and comment on her posts say they’re “trying to discriminate against the LGBTQ community and whitewashing history [and] want to destroy everything good about schools,” but won’t tell us what they’ve done…

They sound like my kind of people.

[Via bondmen]

An Outsized Impact

Salt Lake City high schools will begin staffing weapon detectors after fall break. But some parents and a few Salt Lake City School Board members worry the technology may have an outsized impact on students of color. [More]

I note none of the objections are centered on the Fourth Amendment and teaching young people that their privacy is sacrosanct and only to be abridged after a person receiving full due process has demonstrated he abused his right by harming the rights of others. And since their attendance is compulsory, perhaps a mention of supposed Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination would be in order.

And if Bayyd is emotionally exhausted and requires two days of prep time to face TSA, well, that seems kind of like a red flag on mental stability right there.

[Via Henry]

My Guess Would Be ‘All’

Hamas terrorists were directed by their leaders to target elementary schools and youth centers in Israel to “kill as many people as possible” during their bloody sneak attack over the weekend, according to a report. [More]

Without kneejerk buying into all claims by parties with vested interests, I’m just wondering how many “pro-Palestinian” leftists are also against arming teachers here.

There’s an idea– a pressure campaign on the gun-grab groups to get them to condemn Hamas, and when they refuse and come up with some equivocal weasel words, sic both leftist sides against them.

Two can play at divide-and-conquer.

ULLA SELLA ‘n all that…

We Don’t Need No Education

Oregon again says students don’t need to prove mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate, citing harm to students of color [More]

That’s one way to make excuses for the subversive scam of teachers’ unions, where incompetence is a feature, not a bug. Create chaos and dependency through indoctrination and ignorance, and add in importing pathway-to-citizenship foreign nationals whose countries can somehow churn out employees with superior technical abilities on a pittance of what we spend per capita on students, and you have all the ingredients for control — of all kinds.

Not that our “single-issue gun rights leaders” dare notice…

[Via WiscoDave]

At Least He Doesn’t Hit Like a Girl

The brutal beatdown captured on video shows the trans-identified student, a biological male, throwing multiple blows to the female student’s head after he violently grabbed her hair, yanked her back and forth, then knocked her down flat in the school hallway. [More]

Yet if a boy called this sadistic thug out and put him in his place he’d be charged with a hate crime.

[Via Michael G]

A Democrat Plan Comes Together

At 13 Baltimore City high schools, zero students tested proficient on 2023 state math exam [More]

While it’s undoubtedly a driver, this is more than mere criminal incompetence going all the way to the top. Dependency and the resulting demand for foreign workers, because so many citizens are unqualified — intellectually and morally — to self-govern and hold jobs, are all parts of the plan.

I trust no one capable of thinking believes this is an accident.

Ditto for lining up to hand power back over to a known criminal who ripped off her least fortunate constituents for personal material gain. To paraphrase Dean Wormer, ignorant, “entitled,” and stupid is no way to go through life.

And no, the catastrophic failures are not because of funding inequalities, in spite of what the communist teachers’ union “leaders” and their lying and/or useful idiot members would have a critical mass of the uninformed believe. Baltimore spends >$21K per capita and is the fourth most funded large school system in the country.

We’re the Only Ones Educating Enough

The obvious question is why the Federal Bureau of Investigation would be hiring teachers. I have the answer from the inside. They plan to embed these teachers in school systems nationwide to report on teachers, administrations, and school boards suspected of “domestic terrorism”, which is to say, going against the woke agenda that USGOV supports. [More]

Well, they are hiring.

I’d say looking into “Why?” aside from the cover story that “they bring organization and communication skills to the table” is a legitimate concern.

[Via Michael G]

Tales Out of School

Washington hijinks aside, Wyoming’s Cowboy State Daily reported on Monday that “despite the Biden administration’s efforts to defund school hunter education and archery programs as ‘dangerous weapons training’ for students, Wyoming will go ahead with expanding those programs in public schools throughout the state.” [More]

And yes, Cornyn and Tillis are tools.

That said, where in the Constitution is this even a thing?

And what’s with ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ for “sporting purposes“?

Let me know when they replace Fudd Funding with “Introduction to Your Militia Duties” classes.

[Via Michael G]

Bullet Points

The student at Connolly Primary School in the north of Perth came home with a printed activity dice which offered ways it claimed to cheer up dads when they were in a bad mood. One of the options was a bullet – with instructions to take “when all else fails”. [More]

I guess we can’t expect an Aussie grade school to know when our own universities don’t

Any bets on what would have happened had a father sent that message to the school?

[Via Steve T]

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