A Matter of Priorities

Hawaiian Electric knew of wildfire threat, but focused instead on mandated shift to renewable energy – Hawaiian Electric is facing scrutiny over whether its power lines started the Maui blaze [More]

That’s some carbon footprint the Opposite Day “progressive” environmentalcases mandated.

Meanwhile, via Michael G:

Exclusive: Is The Government of Hawaii Lying About The Missing and Dead on Maui?

Vultures all, the looters, the land speculators, the rope-selling economic fascists, and especially the government…

A Plan Comes Together

“This is hilarious. The boss of Raytheon, one of the US top weapons manufacturers, says the company has ‘several thousand suppliers in China and decoupling . . . is impossible.’” [More]

Say, gang, I’ve got a swell idea! Let’s force that same dependency on America’s entire supply chain!

Any questions about why those bringing this about, like their masters, don’t want us armed?

Hey, who’s up for dying for “gun-free” Taiwan?

An Air of Disbelief

“The Toronto Sun has learned Quebec police are investigating the possibility that the smoke creating poor air quality in southern Ontario and making downtown skylines disappear may have been the result of arson… This narrative has not made as many headlines — and is polar opposite to what the likes of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Environment Minister Steven Guibeault have been saying.” [More]

If you think they’re misdirecting now, wait ’til they find out the perp is one of their fellow environmentalcases or a “refugee”!

[Via Michael G]

Related UPDATE

There are Now 250 “Out-of-Control” Fires in Canada, Here’s Why Some Say It’s All ‘Planned’ [More]

And the outrageous thing is, that wouldn’t surprise anyone who’s been paying attention to how totalitarians operate.

[Via WiscoDave]

Enemies Foreign and Domestic

Europe’s top eco-zealots are plotting a huge ‘civil disobedience campaign’ of highway blockages and disruption at ‘federal properties’ in America’s first summer of chaos [More]

Good. Let the normies see your insanity and immaturity, and its adoption by the Democrat agenda.

Don’t forget to slash more tires!

Why would they be allowed to be here?

[Via WiscoDave]

What Is He, Nuts?

Bannon noted on his “War Room” podcast that he is a big supporter of Kari Lake and would rather see her become former President Donald Trump’s running mate for 2024, but he floated the suggestion of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a replacement if Lake was simply uninterested in the idea. [More]

Put this a heartbeat away from the presidency?

He’s also a climate cultist.

I’m not getting why so many “conservatives” are lining up to publicly suck this guy off just because he’s useful in exposing the Covid fraud.

And They All Took Jets Over to Do It

Last summer, I reported that A British group of eco-zealots group called “The Tyre Extinguishers” were active in this country and claimed they’ve deflated tires on dozens of SUVs in several major cities, including New York, Chicago, and the Bay Area. The group appears to be back again this spring, and vandalized over 40 SUVs in the Boston area. [More]

In Democrat cities that embrace their nonsense…?

Tommy Lee…?

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the Cult of Human Extermination…

Climate Change Activists Now Going After Rice – A Staple That Feeds Billions – “They say flooded rice fields, which then naturally ferment hay and other plants, produce too much methane.” [More]

So is it true that environmentalcases make a great natural fertilizer?

[Via Michael G]

Up in Smoke

More than 2,000 residents were told to evacuate Tuesday afternoon after a large fire broke out at a recycling plant in Indiana, sending plumes of black smoke into the sky. The fire broke out in the City of Richmond, which is about 70 miles east of Indianapolis and near Ohio’s western border. [More]

Right next to the interstate that people traveling from the east need to take to get to the NRA Annual Meeting

Funny, how recycling for the environment just put all those toxic pollutants into the atmosphere. I can’t wait to see the eco-disasters once we’re all forced into electric cars.

All-Electric Gaslighting

Stacey Abrams Joins Rewiring America as Senior Counsel [More]

Ah, good old Opposite Day “progressive” climate justice:

Electrical fires hit Milwaukee’s Black renters hardest. Nobody is held accountable.

I can’t help but wonder how many cow farts it would take to equal her annual greenhouse gas emission output…

[Via Michael G]

Enemies Foreign and Domestic

Atlanta ‘Cop City’ anarchy sees at least 35 ‘agitators’ detained, part of an ‘international group’ [More]

Good thing Antifa’s just an idea and not a group!

Curious though, how none of the environmentalcases have a word to say about all that toxic black carbon smoke their comrades are subjecting us to…

It’s almost like all the leftist issues are expendable-as-needed parts of a larger agenda…

Adventures in ‘Settled Science’

Co-founder Luke Isemans said the potential risks of what he is doing are outweighed by the known threat of climate change. [More]

Fanatics have no right to force any unknown risks on the rest of us. True, 2 kg is nothing, but if this becomes widespread, it would become morally justified for anyone potentially affected to stop them immediately instead of waiting years for things to unwind in court.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise…

Climate-Change Lockdowns? Yup, They Are Actually Going There… [More]

No worries, Harry and Meghan will still be able to take private jets to sustainability awards. After all, they promise to have a net-zero carbon footprint, which doesn’t actually mean that they’ll use less energy, just that they’ll be able to pay credits to the high priests of global climate change, who have somehow authorized themselves to be the ones selling indulgences.

Naturally, our domestic environmentalcases won’t admit to making laws respecting the establishment of religion when they can pass it off as
“settled science.”

[Via bondmen]

There is No New Thing Under the Sun

Netherlands to Shut Down Thousands of Farms to Comply With EU Climate Demands [More]

Centrally-planned famine? Where have we seen that before?

You wonder at what point the victims will have nothing left to lose by fighting back.

No worries. In the words of Greta, “Let them eat bugs!”

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

The Biden administration doesn’t want them to have to starve to death all by themselves

[Via Michael G]

To Themselves and Their Posterity

The Biden administration on Saturday agreed to pay climate reparations to developing nations, a move that China—the world’s top emitter of greenhouse gases and one of its largest economies—could profit from. [More]

And if you disagree, you’re a denier, an extremist, a hater, and an anti-government insurrectionist/seditious conspirator. And a Nazi.

Either that or we’re being ruled by traitorous domestic enemies…

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