Meanwhile, Across the Pond…

Just some Muslims dancing about with knives and machetes in Birmingham. Perfectly normal [Watch]

Ask the Police:

It is an offence to carry any sharp or bladed instrument in a public place, with the exception of a folding pocket knife where the cutting edge of the blade is 7.62 cm (3 inches) or less. Please note that the term ‘cutting edge’ is not limited to an area of the blade that has a textured or serrated edge…The penalty for committing this offence is a maximum prison sentence of four years.

What’s the “hate crime” penalty for reporting it?

[Via CP]

Welcoming the Stranger

Feds ID 400 migrants smuggled into US by ISIS-affiliated network —with the whereabouts of 50 unknown [More]

Who created the conditions inviting them in?

What makes them think that’s the only network?

Who was “rigorously” admitted to set up the safe houses?

And what are their plans for ratcheting down on you and me after the plan comes together?

Coming Soon, to a Caliphate Near You

German Islam Critic Michael Stürzenberger Sends Thanks from His Hospital Bed After Terrorist STABBING ATTACK [More]

I thought the way that whole thing unfolded was pretty — I guess “funny’s” not an appropriate word, but neither is “ironic.”

All those Hamas supporters furious with the establishment DNC promise entertainment aplenty this summer in Chi-Town.

[Via Michael G]

Take It As a ‘Win’ That He Didn’t Have His Hand Over His Heart

US Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Robert Wood was seen standing during the moment of silence to honor Raisi [More]

Did they play Sorude Melliye Jomhuriye Eslāmiye Irān?

Funny, who the collectivists take a knee against…

And for Airplane! fans, the correct perspective

Self-Inflicted Wounds

The prisoner was named by the prosecutor’s office in Paris as Mohamed Amra… Another video, apparently taken before or during the attack, shows two masked people dressed all in black and armed with what appear to be automatic firearms. [More]

Between “collective duty” and invader empowerment, I’m having a real tough time giving a f…

What were all these deaths for again…?

I’d say “Never Again,” but it looks like our “leaders” are rattling sabers for Round Three…

[Via Michael G]

Imams Demand Action

An imam linked to prominent Michigan Democrats like Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Rep. Rashida Tlaib said in a sermon this month that pro-Israel members of Congress were “stooges” of the Jewish state who should be charged with “treason.” [More]

There are cases where he has a point, but that doesn’t mean it’s an either/or proposition.

[Via Michael G]

Coming Soon, to a Caliphate Near You

The power of putting George Washington in a kaffiyeh [More]

It’s either “literally surrender” to cultural appropriation or topple, spray paint, smear, or remove it.

It’s kind of a thing with such types.

It’s what we can expect whenever such “power” is submitted to, which makes fair the question “Why would we?” or more to the point, “What’s the real agenda of those who have the power to stop it but not enough to stop us– yet?”

It all kinda makes me want to go out there and get taxed some more to “forgive” student loans

Can We All Get Along?

Yet according to our Attorney General and FBI Director, we’re the greatest threat.

[Via Michael G]

That’s One Solution…

Pass a bill guaranteeing qualified immunity and let’s talk. Can we also do it to these domestic enemies? And these…?

Or, how about this as an alternative?

As a side note, look at all the indignant leftists screaming about rights. Funny, how subjective they are when it comes to freedom of political expression.

♬ So Look for the Union Label… ♬


[Via WiscoDave]

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