The Grappling Hook

U.S. President Joe Biden, a Democrat, has grappled with record numbers of migrants attempting to cross illegally since he took office in 2021… [More]

Oh no, he has not. He’s doing his treasonous bit for the plan.

Democrats are going to keep it up until their hold on power is electorally incontestible.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Your Tax Dollars at Work

The Biden administration has awarded an anti-terrorism grant worth more than half-a-million dollars to an LGBTQ activist group, which distributes condoms and “sex education” material, to expand its “in-school support for LGBTQ+ youth” as young as age 6. [More]

And on top of that, they’re communists!

Remember in the Constitution where this power is delegated to the Executive branch?

Just remember, if you object, you’re anti-government.

And a racist.

[Via Michael G]

The Dotard-in-Chief

And now he just walked out on a Medal of Honor ceremony, the highest honor for a soldier [More]

I don’t think he knows what he’s doing.

Tell me Jill and the White House/Democrat inner circle covering that up isn’t election interference and seditious conspiracy.

Tangentially related, I saw a comment in re recent revelations from a “conservative” saying they didn’t care if Obama was gay, they cared about economy, defense, etc.

That’s missing the point.

Stories about Larry Sinclair were being dismissed and suppressed at a time when they could have made a real difference. Maybe.

I wonder now if the Dems admitted Joe had the intellect of a turnip how many would still vote for him over Donald Trump…

[Via WiscoDave]

Proof of Efficacy

First lady Jill Biden tests positive for Covid-19 [More]

Everybody ready for the next planned mass panic with forced shots?

How many times have she and Joe caught it now? The thought strikes this may be the excuse needed to give them cover to get him out of the way.

Also note the “testing protocols that anybody who meets with the president does indeed get tested.” I wonder if that includes sniff victims.

I also wonder, with such complete monitoring, how they have absolutely no idea whose bag of coke it was that got misplaced in the White House…

First They Need to Grow a Pair

House Republicans Need to Go Scorched Earth on the Border Crisis [More]

Maybe back up all that tough talk with some action that will make a difference…?

Meanwhile, the cheap labor dolts running the RNC are focused on making soothing noises to a state they’ve already hopelessly given away. The fools think it will make the DSM stop calling them racists.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

There’s a Storm Coming

Biden preps rollout of expanded background checks as part of major gun safety push into 2024 [More]

They perceive “gun control” is now a winning issue and are doing a major and massively-funded push to stir up the useful idiots to demand more infringements. And they’re branching out to Everytown, including yours.

They don’t care if things get tied up in post-Bruen court challenges — they have the tax plunder resources to sustain the long run, and they’re counting on using every trick in the book — from the superhighway to citizenship to prosecuting Trump, to more outright election steals to get the majority needed to populate SCOTUS with apparatchiks like in Illinois.

Don’t look for any but a handful of Republicans to go on offense.

Ultimately, it’s going to boil down to a percentage of the populace reviled by Democrats and their DSM water carriers saying “No.”

They’re going to force it on us. On you.

[Via Jess]

Place Your Bets

Who will win the 2024 US presidential election? [More]

Not that Biden will end up being the candidate…

I see this got a link on the Drudge Democrat influencer site.

I checked back and PredictIt ran numbers on the last election, too, and that made me wonder if that opens the door to a legal challenge from those who lost money that could force election results evidence to be examined…

Brazil Returns to Gun Control of Old Under Socialist Dictator Lula

How the new disarmament edicts will play with Brazil’s established “gun culture” will be instructive. Defiant Bolsonaro backers should not be surprised to find themselves smeared as extremists and conflated with criminal insurrectionists by highly-placed government officials and the media, just like here in the U.S. [More]

The parallels between there and here are numerous and disturbing. As are the tactics and goals of totalitarians demanding a monopoly of violence.

Life in the Briar Patch

The Biden administration was dealt a major blow in its efforts to control the ongoing border crisis on Tuesday when a federal judge blocked a rule introduced in May that makes migrants ineligible for asylum if they have entered illegally and failed to take advantage of expanded lawful pathways set up by the federal government. [More]

Since when has the Biden administration been trying to control the crisis, as opposed to pouring fuel on the fire?

Tigar’s a goddam Brit-born Berkeley grad and Obama appointee. And this sounds like exactly what the Democrats were hoping for.

Am I wrong to suspect controlled opposition Faux News of being controlled opposition Faux News again?

What am I missing?

Return With Us Once More to Those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear

In Friday’s post about The Lone Ranger, I neglected to mention something that further illustrates what an inconsistent dolt Joe Biden is.

From my earlier AmmoLand article on “shoot to wound,” quoting Force Science Institute:

“When Michael Paladino, president of New York’s Detectives Endowment Association, showed [Biden] the bill he reportedly scoffed and suggested that it be called the ‘John Wayne Bill’ because of the unrealistic, movie-like sharpshooting skills it demands of officers.”

So when did he decide the new police standard should be leg shots?

A Second Amendment Guy

“I’m a Second Amendment guy. I taught it for four years, six years in law school. And guess what? It doesn’t say that you can own any weapon you want. It says there are certain weapons that you just can’t own. Even during when it was passed, you couldn’t own a cannon. You can’t own a machine gun.… No, I’m serious.” [More]

Someone should dig up syllabuses, the texts he used, and some exams.

What a dog-faced pony soldier’s ass. That not one Democrat or “commonsense gun safety group” member feels compelled to publicly correct such blatant incompetence and dishonesty is all anyone needs to know their integrity.

[Via Michael G]

God Save Us All

Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton clarified the situation slightly late on Friday by telling reporters who were travelling with the president that Mr Biden was merely “commenting to someone in the crowd”. [More]

Sure. How many ideas did you go through before you picked that one, Olivia?

And how about when a panicked aide ran on stage to herd him off?

[Via Jess]

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