The FBI Is Undercounting Firearm Self-Defense Incidents [More]
There goes John Lott being dangerous and outrageous again.
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
The FBI Is Undercounting Firearm Self-Defense Incidents [More]
There goes John Lott being dangerous and outrageous again.
[Via Michael G]
Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2023 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4%, the correct number is at least 35%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 51.5%. [More]
Check out the video at the end.
Wanna read that line again, self-righteous, propaganda-parroting stage prop pretending to be a heroic FBI “Only One” with a gun?
The President of the Crime Prevention Research Center, Dr. John Lott says that Kamala Harris record shows that if elected president she will seek to end legal gun ownership in America. [Watch]
And look who’s helping!
[Via Jess]
Antigun Activists Ambushed Me – The New York Times disparaged my research based on vague criticisms by progressive academics. [More]
Y’oughta see what they say about John Lott!
You’ll have to excuse Jennifer. She’s got Daddy Issues.
[Via David G]
Lott: Biden Gun Regulations Don’t Affect Mass Shootings [More]
Yeah. “Gun control” doesn’t work.
That’s another reason why I wish “our side” would stop saying “Enforce existing gun laws.”
[Via bondmen]
The Media Say Crime Is Going Down. Don’t Believe It. The decline in reported crimes is a function of less reporting, not less crime. [More]
Interesting, though, that it’s happening at a time of extended record gun sales…
Does Vice President Kamala Harris know what existing gun control laws are? Apparently, not. [More]
She doesn’t need to.
The prohibitionists aren’t really interested in “background checks.” It’s all just another step on the way to the end goal. The DSM is neither interested in nor qualified to educate those it works so relentlessly at deceiving. And forget the information gatekeepers doing anything but punishing “wrong thinking.”
It’s not like anyone dumb or corrupt enough to vote for Kamala is going to question or correct anything she says.
It’s why I constantly chide to share links. If we don’t do it, no one else will.
Between January 1st, 1998, and October 25th, 2023, 52.5% of attacks used solely handguns, and 16.8% used only rifles of any type… [More]
That this is not what we are being told shows the agenda is prohibition and control, not public safety.
[Via Jess]
Data posted at the Gun Violence Archive website shows 2023 produced fewer homicides, suicides, and gun-related injuries than in 2022, which indicates expansion of permitless carry laws, allowing more people to carry firearms for personal protection, did not result in more bloodshed as anti-gunners predicted. [More]
Someone ought to write a book with that title…
California’s New Unconstitutional Concealed-Carry Ban Hurts Black People And Women Most [More]
All true. But they’ll still vote Democrat because of wealth transfers, DEI benefits, feticide, and other leftist priorities.
And the laws never stop the ones who want to get and carry guns badly enough.
Gun crime expert blasts red state ‘cherry-picking’ by Yale professor in Senate hearing: ‘Political bias’ – Democrats have long claimed red states are more dangerous than blue states [More]
Take the wormy ones out and the rest of the bowl looks pretty good.
America’s highest gun death rates are in the South [More]
In Democrat enclaves among Democrat constituencies…
We’ve discussed the rates misdirection before. Just don’t expect the subversives at the oxymoronically-named Center for American Progress, or cheerleading DSM narrative parroters to admit the gaslighting.
So if the problem isn’t guns per se, then what is it?
[Via Jess]
Brady’s Astroturf Campaign To Skew The Comments [Watch]
Here’s my comment:
This proposed rule infrin ges on the Second Amendment.
As Edwin Vieira Jr. noted in Kolbe v. Hogan:
“This reliance on a permanent private market for firearms guaranteed that most militiamen, through their own efforts, could always obtain firearms suitable for both collective and individual self-defense, and forestalled tyranny by precluding rogue public officials from monopolizing the production, distribution, and possession of firearms.”
They gave me a tracking number to check back when it’s posted.
Have you made your views known yet?
John Lott explains how this will create a backdoor gun registry.
[Via Jess]
Outside of so-called gun-free zones, which bar the legal carrying of firearms, over 63% of active shooting cases were ended by an armed civilian, according to the center. [More]
Well then, there’s only one thing to do.
Attack John Lott without actually refuting his work.
[Via Michael G]
Do Gun-Control Groups Care What Really Causes Mass Shootings? Everytown Lawsuit Says No [More]
Only useful idiots believe citizen disarmament is about “gun safety.”
The violence monopolist string-pullers funding the groups love mass shootings because they make it easy to stampede the herd.
[Via bondmen]
Gun Free Zones Are Favorite Targets of Mass Shooters, Crime Research Group Says [More]
It’s called natural selection.
[Via Michael G].
Oregon Senate Democrats disinvited economist and gun rights researcher John Lott from a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing based on criticism from anti-gun online publications. [More]
So hostile parties with skin in the game and who know the least about it get to determine who the “experts” are…
Oregon Democrats really are f*****g Maoists.
[Via bondmen]
Dr. John Lott testified before the Michigan House Judiciary Committee about gun control bills, including licensing and universal background checks, Red Flag laws, and safe storage laws. [More]
Not that eye-rolling sharks smelling blood in the water ever let rationality interfere with a good feeding frenzy…
[Via Andy M]
Time to crank up the porch space heater, pour two fingers of the good stuff and light a Maduro.
Go to the AAR website to listen/watch live streaming or to find a station near you.
“Most counties experience no murders, a smaller set where there are a few murders, and then a tiny set of counties where murders are very common.” [More]
Guns aren’t the problem.
The “purchase delay” story has as happy an ending as can be expected when you consider all the prior restraint infringements.
“Ed” tells me via email:
Yesterday, Saturday, at around 4 pm, I received a call from [redacted] to inform me that he just received an email on behalf of “General” Bonta that it’s OK to release my HK! I arranged to pick it up later that evening and now have it in my possession…
…Notice, they CC’d the police but NOT to me, like it’s none of my business what they do related to me behind my back. And to date, still not a single response to my request for the documentation and so-called evidence they claimed to have, to which I, as “the accused” have a legal right to be presented with to see what the alleged “evidence” is that they used to make the libelous accusations of my “alleged criminal activity” and “firearms theft,” that they used to defame me…
…And, as ALL the guys that were there last night working the F/A counter told me about their customers having this same problem, I suggested that they tell those folks to look up your article and then contact AmmoLand to pass on their info.
Yeah, if it happens to you, let us know.
This appears to be yet another real-world example of those “false positives” the left viciously attacks John Lott for documenting. And the end of this story brings nothing to mind so much as Emily Litella realizing she’s wrong.
Ed’s just lucky Bonta didn’t deploy a shock team to confiscate what’s on his registration list. Just think how much more that will happen once Amalgamated finishes beta-testing its crystal ball.
Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.4%, the correct number is at least 34.4%. In 2021, it is at least 49.1%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 50%. [More]
I’m sure that’s just an honest oversight and there’s nothing intentional, right?
[Via Jess]
Study: FBI Undercounts Times Armed Citizens Stop Active Shootings [More]
Does it matter? You’ll note nobody’s hearing about this from CNN or The Washington Post…
[Via Jim S]