A Continuation of the Original Rebellion

While the FBI has been sending spies into Catholic churches, hunting for “domestic terrorism,” Old Joe Biden’s laughably named “Justice” Department has just offered what Fox News calls a “sweetheart plea deal” to a woman who claims to be a man and who smashed doors, destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary, assaulted a church staffer, and sprayed graffiti at a Catholic church in Washington state. There isn’t even the pretense of fairness anymore. The double standard is glaring and obvious. [More]

Now there’s someone in need of a good exorcism.

Aberrations in self-imposed psychic prisons of rage are not happy and will never be happy. And they know it.

So do the principalities and powers using them.

[Via Michael G]

Suffer the Children

Children Are Not Property The idea that underlies the right-wing campaign for “parents’ rights.” [More]

No, they’re not. They’re precious charges and we are their devoted stewards. I don’t know anyone who thinks they can be owned aside from totalitarian enslavers, demonic perverts, and abortion fetishists.

Anybody know if this Marxist hag has kids?


Asked and answered.

[Via WiscoDave]

Blaming the Victim

SFSU Responds To Alleged Assault On Riley Gaines… By Praising The Protesters [More]

It’s telling how the elite luminaries in “women’s sports” are showing their true purpose has nothing to do with their stated one.

Everyone understands coexistence is impossible with those who demand total allegiance or extermination…?

Curious, it’s the same “side” that wants our guns…

[Via bondmen]

Gelding the Lilly

William Whitworth, a 19-year-old male who claims to be female and goes by the name “Lilly,” has been arrested in Colorado Springs, Colo., after threatening various local schools. [More]

This has gotta be fake news.

I mean, neither The Washington Post, CNN nor The New York Times even mentions the guy…

Either that or their DSM agendas demand different profiles…

[Via Michael G]

A Fresh Supply

Florida Grand Jury: Biden Regime is Facilitating Sex Trafficking of Foreign Children [More]

Well, I mean, now that Epstein and Maxwell are out of the picture…

Of course, with the “horrifying health conditions,” he may want to take a shower with them before he sniffs their hair…

I can’t wait for militant armed pedos to start making threats against “Christcucks.”

[Via Michael G]

A Democrat, Of Course

“Kill Everyone Now!” Wyoming Democrat Lawmaker Posts Video Calling for Politically Motivated Murders – Posts Threatening Photo on Social Media [More]

More evil from this evil moron

So… are Wyoming Republicans going to remove committee assignments and begin expulsion proceedings?

[Via bondmen]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Flyers at Christian university compare opposing trans ideology to ‘genocide’ [More]

There’s a storm coming.

[Via Michael G]

The Horns of a Dilemma

It’s going to be interesting when some gun store becomes the first to refuse a sale because an employee think the purchaser is “mentally ill”… because they’re wearing a dress and wanting to be called a woman’s name. Who will the left defend? The gun store, or the purchaser? [More]

It reminds me of a paradox I thought of a few years back on the nature vs. nurture theories for homosexuality, prompted by those who argue they’re born that way and no one would choose it based on the discrimination they face.

Suppose there’s a biological/genetic basis for that and the markers could be identified in utero.

Would they try to outlaw “a woman’s right to choose” if that were the reason for her decision to terminate a pregnancy?

[Via WiscoDave]

Embrace Us Or We’ll Kill You

I really do love the way Democrat lunatics are overplaying their hands.

Now there’s a surprise:

[Via bondmen]

Tolerate and Embrace Me Or I’ll Kill You!

“Hi, my name is Allan Poller, A-L-L-A-N P-O-L-L-E-R, phone number []8931. And I just want to let you know, Representative [Name], if you keep on coming for the gays, we’re gonna strike back and I guarantee you, you do not want to fuck with us. We will kill you if that’s what it takes. I will take a bullet to your fucking head if you fuck with my rights anymore. And then if you want to keep going down that path, you know who’s next.” [More]

Boy, if he thinks nobody wanted to accept him for who he is before…

Where Credit is Due

In this case, a mentally ill woman suffering a psychotic break with reality was told by the media, doctors, therapists, academics that she was perfectly sane, was actually a man trapped in a woman’s body and was literally fighting against the genocide of people like her. [More]

And Democrats. Don’t forget Democrats.

[Via bondmen]

I’d Say ‘Good for the Goose, Good for the Gander,’ But I Hear That’s Offensively Binary

This game lets you play as a trans character and go around killing people who aren’t on board with the trans agenda like Priests and “TERFs” (Trans exclusionary radical feminists) like J.K. Rowling. [More]

So if I post a game where the object is to slaughter virtual trans characters nobody will try to destroy me in meat space…?

[Via Doc]

Pederasty Dies in Awareness

The Washington Post – whose slogan is “Democracy Dies in Darkness” – mocked parents for requesting public records on what their children are learning on topics relating to gender identity and race Wednesday in a social media post on its TikTok page. [More]

Probably because owner Jeff Bezos considers the grooming industry a profit center.

[Via Michael G]

Not Their Day

‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ rally in DC canceled in wake of Nashville school shooting – ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ organizers say they stand by event’s message but cannot guarantee participants’ safety and are forced to abandon the protest [More]

Yeah, well, who are the violent ones? Note they never call the people who actually throw them off rooftops and execute them on suspicion of being who they are “Muhammadcucks”? (Funny, that. The story is only a couple of years old but AP has already pulled it and it can only be accessed via the Internet Archive. I wonder what else they do that to — and what they don’t — on orders from above.)

I wouldn’t put it above the real lunatics among them to snipe their own people — with an AR-15 –to make it look like a “Christcuck” did it. I find it interesting that young Audrey made a point of wearing a red cap to the slaughter.

I see the DSM is tripping all over itself to disassociate transexuals from mass shootings, but in order to do that they’re going to need to backtrack on the deliberate confusion they sow over the definition of “mass shooting” and include urban transgressions arising from another Democrat special interest group. Interesting they want to talk percentages– I wonder how it would extrapolate if the transexual demographic weren’t such an infinitesimal minority.

I see my first post of the day has already developed into today’s aggregator. Might as well start with this:


[Via Herschel]

[Via Michael G]

[Via WiscoDave]

What’s in a Pronoun?

The shooter who killed three students and three staff members at a Christian school in Nashville legally bought seven weapons in recent years and hid the guns from their parents before carrying out the attack by firing indiscriminately at victims and spraying gunfire through doors and windows, police said Tuesday. [More]


How many people were in there?

Then again, we’re talking AP English.

I remember when that was a fun thing.

[Via Scott J]


Looks like this one is going to be today’s aggregator.

[Via Steve T]

[Via bondmen]

[Via Geordan]

Lost in Translation

Sympathy for the devil:

I’m just wondering if the “leadership” is really serious about this armed “Day of Vengeance” thing…

[Via Michael G]


[Via Jess]

[Via bondmen]

[Via Geordan]

[Via Mack H]

[Via WiscoDave]

And I’ll sign today’s aggregator post off with this:

I Scream, You Scream

Nashville school shooting: Biden criticized for joking about ice cream in first statement since attack [More]

Who says the Dotard in Chief was joking?

As for Sheryl Crow (and other overprivileged leftist “celebrity” lottery winners calling for prior restraint infringements against their “fans” and against people with sense enough not to be), as usual, they’re talking sh!+.

An atrocity horrible enough to divide white traditional Christian Americans on the subject of “assault weapons” certainly seems … advantageous … to the violence monopolist’s current agenda. And they’re not beyond creating a public struggle session to shame gun ban opponents into submission.

As for why “he” did it, I defer to George Brougham:

Evil does exist. Evil IS.

The power we have is to destroy its practitioners, to contain it, or to repel it and send it howling in the darkness.

That’s what its devotees and functionaries are trying to take away from us.


  • What are the possibilities the monster was influenced by this call for “revolutionary” violence?

‘Trans Radicals’ Plan ‘Day Of Vengeance’ In D.C. Alongside Firearms Training [More]

They and their Democrat water carriers may have overplayed their hand.

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