Speaking of Not Knowing When to Keep Your Damn Mouth Shut

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he was afraid there will be “more violence” as a result of President Donald Trump’s January 6 pardons. [More]

Yeah, but like with Ashli Babbitt, who’s it coming from?

That’s great, Lindsey. Media and Senate Democrats will like you now, right?

[Via bondmen]

‘Fact Checker’ Meltdown

Doltish reporters Rebecca Shabad and Ryan J. Reilly breathlessly reported that “Rep. Mike Collins, R-Ga., falsely claimed in a lengthy post on X this morning that ‘thousands of peaceful grandmothers’ gathered Jan. 6, 2021, to take a tour of the U.S. Capitol building and that people peacefully explored the building.” They go on and on about “false” and “untrue” claims in Collins’ post, including some assertions that aren’t false. [More]

Doltish is right. I remember Ryan J. Reilly freaking out over “rubber bullets” that earned him his own special Fauxtoshop that seemed so appropriate…

[Via Michael G]

Spooking the Herd

If they do find any, I wonder what percent will be embedded feds…

If they can’t provoke the low-hanging fruit, they need to find some other way to conflate them with us.

[Via WiscoDave]

‘A Conservative Guy’

Egads, there are guns, too! “Everyone is walking around with guns there,” one former Floridian told NBC. “I consider myself a conservative guy, but if you want to carry a gun you should be licensed, there should be some sort of process.” [More]

What kind of extremist must anyone who disagrees with him be? (Disregard that I checked out his Facebook and the guy’s basically an Israel First copsucker from New York.)

NBC News is suddenly obsessed with Florida…?

[Via Michael G]

If Only We Didn’t Have Rights…

Recent operations by the FBI and prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice has led to federal convictions for Florida residents accused of buying high-powered guns to arm the gangs in Haiti… “These international gangs and these criminal organizations have very sophisticated means and networks to be able to facilitate smuggling, whether it’s through shipments, out of the ports, airlines, different things like that…” [More]

Why would they need to?

I notice how it is “international gangs” are in this country in the first place is left unexplored.

Better to let NBC News of rigged flaming truck notoriety blame DeSantis

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Blasting Away Enough

Video shows Houston-area deputies repeatedly shooting a woman in her friend’s apartment [More]

Good thing for her they’re highly trained law enforcement!

Now maybe the NBC News “real reporter” can explain what a “legally registered gun” in Texas is…

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

Or the Calm Before the Storm…

NBC News story tells Americans they’re ‘wrong’ to think crime is rising, blames ‘conditioning’ of press [More]

A slight decline over such a short interval hardly signifies a trend, especially if those claiming happy days are here again can’t provide numbers to explain their suppositions.

I don’t suppose Kevin Dilanian wants to take a stroll through some of the places he’s giving the “all clear” for…?

Say, you don’t suppose NBC News is just trying to quiet jitters and shore up pre-election Democrat numbers, do you…?

[Via Steve T]

An Award Winning ‘Real Reporter’

Disinformation Reporter Ben Collins Failed To Correct the Gaza Hospital Story – Perhaps the Walter Cronkite Awards ought to have slightly higher standards? [More]

What, the “disinformation reporter” who called a Second Amendment rally a “white nationalist rally”…? And he’s the arbiter of “extremism”…?

I thought he’d promised to quit “journalism”…? (At least he got the “no skills” part right.)

As for being “depressed” over “death threats,” how were they delivered, were they reported to the authorities and what did their investigations conclude? Or more likely were they just “wishes,” something those of us who aren’t contemptible weaklings have directed not just against us, but against our children, and don’t let the losers slow us down…?

What can I say but “NBC News”? Don’t these people have a truck to blow up or something?

And I would say a Walter Cronkite Award is more than appropriate.

So would he.

There’s a reason I call these people the DSM

[Via Michael G]

Elon Musk Must Be Destroyed!

What was Musk’s strategy for TWITTER? Game plan published by fired Trump staffer provides clue…‘War against Globalist American Empire’…

Russian State TV Suggests Elon is ‘Our Agent’…

And aside from being a Russian mole, he’s an antisemite!

Time to go full Russell Brand on the guy, right?

Either that or this full-scale smear campaign is being waged because his X platform is doing a substantive end run around the authorized narrative and that’s got to be shut down.

Here’s one example from the above-linked NBC News piece, utilizing a familiar tactic and guilt by association:

The site is run by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. After the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, Beattie promoted the baseless claim that the FBI had planted agents in the crowd who incited it to storm the building.

Oh, really?

Baseless” …?

And NBC News…?

Headline ‘News’

Firearms killed a record number of children in 2021, study finds [More]

All by their own selves… and “children”…

See, start out with two big lies and your low-information mind control volunteers will be primed to absorb the rest without question.

It’s almost like NBC News has a thing for fraud

I guess when they’re losing influence, they need to become more and more hysterical to get the attention they need to survive.

[Via Antigone]

What, No Thought Police?

NBC News host actually asks if anyone will be able to ‘police’ what Tucker Carlson says on his new Twitter program: ‘Or is this the point? It’s just a free-for-all?’ [More]

Nothing upsets the totalitarian-minded more than the prospect of freedom for all.

[Via bondmen]

Staggering Around the Truth

“Every gun sold without a completed background check poses a potential risk,” said Rob Wilcox, federal legal director for the gun control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety. “And these staggering numbers show that we have a serious problem.” [More]

No, the serious problem would be if you could demonstrate the resultant carnage directly produced by this. The fact that you haven’t even cited one (I don’t count Sutherland Springs because time was not a factor, the Air Force withholding information that would have never shown up was), yet according to this there have been over a million “opportunities,” points to the whole purpose of this transparent propaganda piece being to gin up a hysterical demand for more controls on you and me and fewer restraints on government power.

And then they explain “the Charleston Loophole”:

The shooter had admitted to drug possession during a prior arrest, which made it illegal for him to buy or own a gun.

Anybody see Word One about Hunter Biden in all this fine “reporting”?

What else aren’t we told about? You’d think the National Institute of Justice’s 2013 “Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies” would at least rate a mention:

Universal background checks … Effectiveness depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration …

No? What else would we expect from NBC News?

[Via Jess]

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