Missouri lawmaker proposes new ‘anti-red flag’ gun bill [More]
Funny, the phrase appearing nowhere in this story…
[Via Steve T]
Notes from the Resistance
Missouri lawmaker proposes new ‘anti-red flag’ gun bill [More]
Funny, the phrase appearing nowhere in this story…
[Via Steve T]
Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF), together with the Tennessee Firearms Association, today filed a lawsuit in Shelby County, Tennessee against the City of Memphis’ newly adopted gun control ordinances, which were passed by voters in direct opposition to the state’s robust preemption law. [More]
The city has real problems and the idiot Democrats in charge squander resources on diktats they know are illegal.
How is that not actionable malfeasance?
A public servant commits an offense who, with intent to obtain a benefit or to harm another, intentionally or knowingly:
(1) Commits an act relating to the public servant’s office or employment that constitutes an unauthorized exercise of official power;
(2) Commits an act under color of office or employment that exceeds the public servant’s official power;
It’s not enough to have to expend resources to kick these bastards’ crap back at them after months and years of court delays. Start making them personally accountable.
Why not follow up this preemptive strike with carpet bombing?
Oh, wait… the Bill Lee administration…
Extreme-Risk Protection Orders Fail To Deliver: Analysis of Red Flag Laws & Their Consequences [More]
More Rand Corporation inconclusiveness…
You know, the same studies Democrat Dr. Quacky McQuackquack cites to demand eviscerating the Second Amendment.
[H/T Wirecutter]
Think you support universal background checks, red flag laws? Let’s test that [More]
He outlines three scenarios and makes a great case.
But the ones who need to hear his message be like:
Gillibrand vs. Sapraicone: The Race for US Senate forum [Watch]
So. Mike is for “red flag laws and background checks”?
Then why should I believe someone who doesn’t understand the Second Amendment won’t betray us on semiautos the first chance he gets to distance himself from another “gun-free zone” exploitation?
She has such a huge lead anyway, why should the gun owners in her district who aren’t Fudds bust their humps on a losing battle to push for a betrayer with an (R) after his name, and what message would that send the GOP on acceptable candidates?
A bill introduced after a mass shooting in Maine would require the Army to use state crisis intervention laws to remove the weapons of a service member who is deemed to be a serious threat to themselves or others, U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, the bill’s sponsor, said Monday. [More]
“Deemed” how? What part does due process play?
And if he’s a “serious threat,” will he still have physical access to the public?
And yeah, every time you donate through WinRed, the Vichycons get their cut.
[Via bondmen]
Of course they’re talking about taking your guns.
The psy ops is in full force, with “conservative” Frank Luntz telling lefty media that Trump’s toast. Admittedly, the guy let himself get rattled and, as in 2020, the election is his to blow, but the real focus on behavior ought to be on someone who can lie so seamlessly and with a smile, using a mask of compassion and concern to hide malevolent intent.
There’s something deeply wrong with a person who can do that.
[Via Jess]
She’ll ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require universal background checks, and support red flag laws that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. [More]
Well, she can try.
Conflicted on voting? I get it.
Think of it as any chair in a bar fight.
[Via Jess]
He added that red flag laws, “are in place for a reason.” [More]
To show everyone how utterly ineffectual they are…?
[Via Steve T]
Just tell me you’ve got Donald on board.
I suppose it’s too much to mention the only law that will work…
[Via Jess]
How Second Amendment Radicals Are Attacking Laws Meant to Keep Firearms Out of the Wrong Hands [More]
In other words, how patriots are resisting infringements on the right to keep and bear arms and the evisceration of due process…
What can I say but “Rolling Stone“…?
Jared Yanis has the right approach– laugh at their bitchy, impotent silliness.
[Via Jess]
The family hoped officers would either seize the weapon or transfer it elsewhere. The gun ended up with a third party, then eventually ended up back in Harris’ hands. Police could not take possession of the weapon at the time due to Missouri’s lack of a red flag law. [More]
Ya gotta wonder when people are going to wake up and realize it’s not the weapon that needs to be transferred elsewhere…
[Via bondmen]
“Imagine your surprise if you are just minding your own business, wherever you are, Ohio, Alabama, Texas, and all of a sudden, your local constable is, like, “Guess what sucker, California says you’re not allowed to have any guns anymore, give them up.” [Watch]
Gun laws don’t work both ways, so your permit and lawful ownership won’t be recognized there.
Heads they win, tails you lose.
[Via Jess]
The New York State Senate passed legislative measures to advance responsible and effective firearm regulation. The proposed legislation will provide funding for anti-violence education in schools, add reasonable restrictions to the open carry of long guns, establish a ten-day waiting period for firearm purchases, establish a voluntary waiver of the right to purchase firearms, hold firearm industry members accountable for unreasonable conduct, and expand the list of who can petition for Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs). [More]
Here’s to the day when such public bragging of deprivation of rights under color of law is seen as a confession of guilt not protected by the Speech and Debate clause…
[Via Jess]
To publicly excuse himself from going along with what he knows to be wrong, the sheriff offered an unconvincing anecdote “involving a man having a mental health crisis” [More]
Someone needs to tell this “Only One” that “just following orders” is not as good look…
A Secret Service officer assigned to protect Vice President Kamala Harris who got into a brawl with her colleagues earlier this week previously filed a $1 million gender discrimination lawsuit against the city of Dallas while working as a police officer. [More]
Herczeg showed up at the terminal and began acting erratically, grabbing another senior agent’s personal phone and deleting applications on it, according to two sources familiar with the matter… But Herczeg’s bizarre behavior didn’t stop. She then began mumbling to herself, hid behind curtains, and started throwing items, including menstrual pads, at an agent, telling him that he would need them later to save another agent and telling her peers that they were “going to burn in hell and needed to listen to God” …
Well, now we have a name…
What’s amazing is that routine testing systems aren’t in place to identify emotional issues for those responsible for the protection of top officials and how vulnerable that leaves them– or maybe someone does know and that’s the way they want it.
If “they’re “law enforcement” is not seeing the bizarreness up close and personal, how are they prepared to issue red flag judgments on strangers?
[Via Lane]
Our executive director, Olivia Troye, will be joined by Joshua Horwitz and Shannon Frattaroli from Johns Hopkins University, which just launched a national red flag law resource center with the U.S. Department of Justice – as well as Christopher Carita, a former detective from the Ft. Lauderdale, FL Police Threat Response Unit, who will speak about his experience with red flag laws in a state leading the nation in usage [More]
This former Pence aide is proving to be even more ineffectual than the last figurehead.
Restraining Order Based on Unwanted Online Contact Upheld, but Weapons Restriction Struck Down [More]
Since when is any conflict not made better by adding “Only Ones” into the mix?
It actually sounds like they both deserve each other, but the legal hurdles, penalties, and expenses raise a question as to just how far “the law” could go, depending on the jurisdiction.
The question presented in this case is not whether prohibiting the
possession of firearms by someone subject to a domestic violence restraining order is a laudable policy goal. The question is whether 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8), a specific statute that does so, is constitutional under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. In the light of N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n, Inc. v. Bruen, 142 S. Ct. 2111 (2022), it is not. [More]
If only there were a better way…