We Can’t Wager for Trifles Like Quatloos

Stacey Abrams group to pay largest fine for campaign violations in Georgia history [More]

I vote for Kal-if-fee.

And as long as I’m on a Star Trek kick, I just saw this today further illustrating how p*ssified the damn limeys have been for some time now…

[Via Michael G]

Judicial System Reeks with Democrat Political Bias Against Guns and More

They’re not only conflicted but hiding it. You don’t get more in-your-face corrupt than that. But don’t look for the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board to care. [More]

What good is having your day in court when the judge is in bed with the offending politicians?

All in the Family

Stacey Abrams’ brother-in-law arrested in Tampa for human trafficking, attacking teen … Officials said Gardner… now “works as a motivational speaker and emotional intelligence trainer… [More]

All that and that wife he’s cheating on is a corrupt and incompetent federal judge

So guess who Hollywood wants us to believe should be President of Earth

Can we detect a more widespread “looking to the wrong people for leadership” problem here…?

All-Electric Gaslighting

Stacey Abrams Joins Rewiring America as Senior Counsel [More]

Ah, good old Opposite Day “progressive” climate justice:

Electrical fires hit Milwaukee’s Black renters hardest. Nobody is held accountable.

I can’t help but wonder how many cow farts it would take to equal her annual greenhouse gas emission output…

[Via Michael G]

We Can’t Wager for Trifles Like Quatloos

“Over half a million dollars is missing from the New Georgia Project, a discrepancy experts say is grounds for state and federal investigations into the Stacey Abrams-founded group and the woman Abrams tapped to run it. [More]

Jeez, if she can’t manage that, imagine what she’d do to the economy of the whole United Earth.

[Via bondmen]

Gun Prohibitionist Abrams Spares No Expense on Own Security

People who must pay for their own security are private citizens, the ones to whom the Second Amendment was supposed to assure an uninfringed right to keep and bear arms. Most — including Abrams’ supporters — can’t afford to. That she would also deny them the means to protect themselves speaks of a swindled constituency with views manipulated by a subversive public education system, and a media politically hostile to guns in private hands. [More]

Only two kinds of people would vote for this self-serving hypocrite: Ignorant and manipulated citizenship malpractitioners or evil apparatchiks who know exactly what they’re doing and why.

Abrams Exploits Constituent Ignorance and Flat-Out Lies About Guns

Who would be ignorant enough to fall for that? Based on results, millions throughout the Republic, citizenship malpractitioners who no longer ask, but demand to know what their country can do for them, voters influenced by emotion over reality and image over substance. [More]

From the party of cognitive dissonance…

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