Home Defense-Free Zone

Homeowners in Irving initially came up with the idea of shooting and killing the pigs, but then realized they should not be firing a gun at the animals in a suburban neighborhood. “My first thought was, like, well, I can go shoot them,” Mendez said. “But I’m like, yeah, I’m in a neighborhood. I can’t just go out there and start blasting.” [More]

No, not just “blasting,” but then again, what qualified hunter would characterize it that way? Would he say the same thing if it was a feral human threatening him, and settle for “slingshots and clapping two pieces of wood”?

As long as Cooper’s rules are adhered to, what’s the problem? Who died and made this guy the arbiter of appropriate responses to be selected for national amplification?

Messin’ with Texas

Two illegal aliens told Texas National Guard soldiers that the reported “International Migrants Day” crossing rumors were being pushed all throughout Mexico via television and social media. [Watch]

Please announce immediate repercussions to be implemented after Inauguration Day, President-elect Trump.


None dare call it treason…? It oughta be.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Flag Burner

Cain’s bill establishes consequences for falsely accusing another person of being a threat. If the bill passes, state and local entities would be barred from enacting red flag laws unless they are “expressly authorized by Texas law.” HB 162 would establish that federal regulations are unenforceable if they do not protect the accused’s due process rights. Further, persons “who serve or attempt to serve a red flag order within Texas unless the order was issued under Texas law” would be subject to imprisonment. [More]

False reports should be self-incriminating.

So should enforcement and prosecution attempts that deny due process.

[Via Jess]

Survey SAYS…

Last week, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn lost his bid to be the chamber’s majority leader. The next day, he announced his intention to seek reelection to the Senate in 2026. We asked readers if they would support him if the Texas GOP primary election were held today. Here is a sampling of the comments we received from our readers after they voted in the survey. [More]

By all accounts he should be finished. If he’s not, it’s on Texas Republican voters.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Messin’ with Texas

Through the case, Plaintiffs seek to end enforcement of Texas laws that restrict firearm carry in three locations: (1) in any business where alcohol comprises 51% or more of sales (even if the individual is not consuming alcohol), (2) racetracks, and (3) sporting events. [More]

Despite its reputation, Texas has been late coming to the party on a lot of things.

[Via Jess]

Now He Tells Us

According to the attorney general, the Biden-Harris administration is required by federal law to assist states in verifying the citizenship status of individuals suspected of being ineligible to vote—and their inaction constitutes a violation of that law. [More]

They’ll get right on it– after they “win” the election and take over nominating judges.

It’s been an ongoing problem for years and Ken’s just getting around to it two weeks before Election Day? If I didn’t kow better, I’d say he files these things for publicity without any intention of effecting real change.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

All Red

Texas Democratic Senate candidate Colin Allred is featuring his wife in campaign ads to cast himself as tough on the border and immigration. Just four years ago, she sued to secure the release of dozens of illegal immigrants held at federal facilities in California, including one who was charged with assaulting and threatening to kill his girlfriend. [More]

Talk about an aptronym

[Via Michael G]

A Diversionary Tactic

Texas Official Lays Blame for Brutal Rape and Murder of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray on Trump [More]

At times you gotta wonder if they know they’re maliciously gaslighting or if they really are insane.

Gotta do something to distract from her proven political corruption.

But wait! There’s more!

Lina Hidalgo’s top three staffers were indicted in April 2022 after prosecutors expanded the investigation into an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach contract’ awarded to one of the judge’s political cronies. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton last month joined the investigation into Lina Hidalgo’s $11 million no-bid contract.

Well… there’s a surprise:

[Via bondmen]

Insufficient Gun Owner Involvement in Unsuccessful Herrera Race Will Not Go Unnoticed

If this doesn’t change, correction, if we don’t change that, gun owners will be telling two supposedly opposite groups they can get away with more betrayals and infringements. [More]

Establishment Republicans and Prohibitionist Democrats just got a pretty good snapshot of gun owner willingness to walk the talk.

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