Of Everything That Stands, the End
Because he spoke before he was inaugurated, giving him the power to act, Trump alerted the Deep State that he represented an existential threat to its survival. The bottom line is that the Deep State cannot afford for Trump to become president on January 20, 2025. [More]
You might want to play this in the background, just to set the mood for how insane it all is.
All that talk from Democrats about the peaceful transition of power and Joe Biden greeting him cordially is more than them just poking him for Jan. 6, it’s for plausible deniability. Add in domestic enemies embedded in the Secret Service, an assasination attempt where they left vulnerabilities anyone could exploit, and leaking his golf schedule for a second attempt, and there is nothing they won’t stop at.
Then follow that up with their manufactured external existential threat.
These are the most dangerous times we’ve ever lived through — so far.
Maybe we’ll get a chance to see just how smart the Founders were with the Second Amendment.
[Via bondmen]
The Question of Our Time
Italy’s Giorgia Meloni: Why the West Is Worth Defending [More]
I know before she died, and looking at the state of Europe, Mom wondered what her brother being killed in Italy accomplished.
Who wants to go save England, France and Germany from themselves?
[Via bondmen]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond…
A Plan Comes Together
A Plan Comes Together
China’s New Export Restriction Choke Hold on Critical U.S. Ammunition Components, Are You Prepared? [More]
No, if course I’m not prepared. No one is prepared for the larger issue of critical material supplies that can be cut off at any time in the hands of those who want to eat us.
And that’s just the way the men behind the curtain want things.
There’s a Storm Coming
The Opposite of Neutral
In a bombshell report released on Thursday, a group of experts recommend to the government that the country, which has been neutral since 1515, work on a “common defense capability” with the EU and NATO. [More]
Yeah, listen to the globalists some more.
What could go wrong?
[Via bondmen]
There’s a Storm Coming
We are at War! What are We Going to DO? [More]
So posting memes and anonymous griping comments aren’t going to do the trick?
The only thing I don’t see is the local level American traitor political and enforcement collaborators, who will act at the direction of their new masters to convince the helpless, the unprepared, and the cowardly that surrender will buy survival. For just long enough to close the trap.
Who thinks the scenario envisioned here is over-the-top impossible? A ridiculous screen fantasy…?
[Via Allen K]
The Rules of War
US Defense Secretary issues chilling warning on NATO’s looming war with Russia [More]
Revealed: how Putin plans to flood West with migrants [More]
The important thing is, this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.
Besides, look on our works, ye mighty, and despair.
And sorry, ration books won’t include ammo.
In the Image of Its Creator
And Ye Shall Hear of Wars and Rumors of Wars
Schumer Warns U.S. Troops Will Be Sent to Fight Russians if Border Bill Is Not Passed [More]
We could just try something else. How did Washington put it?
Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. If we remain one people under an efficient government. the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to be scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.
Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or caprice?
It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements. I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let those engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them.
Taking care always to keep ourselves by suitable establishments on a respectable defensive posture, we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies.
Or, we could ignore all that and listen to the same lying, oath-breaking whores who want our guns…
[Via Michael G]
I’m Goin’ Down to the River Jordan
Critics lash out at Biden after attack kills 3 US service members in Jordan: ‘Hit Iran now’ [More]
McConnell and Graham and Bill Kristol are champing at the bit.
Border security, not so much.
Who’s willing to die for this? Explain what “winning” looks like and what that will take.
Some of the Best Damn Gaslighting I’ve Ever Seen
Trump Will Lose 2024 Because Americans Worry ‘He’s Going to Start a World War,’ Biden’s Deputy Campaign Manager Says [More]
Hat’s off, man– the guy’s a pro.
His premise is so stunningly, hypocritically outrageous on so many fronts, and there is so much to unpack, that a typical response will be to sputter.
That the DSM is spreading this tells us so much…
And that Fulks makes a point of lauding Hillary Clinton at the time Bill’s Epstein connections are being revealed tells us more.
Senate Republicans Slam Establishment GOP For ‘Rushed And Secret’ Border Negotiations With Democrats [More]
You know, just a little something to reward their “cheap labor” donors on the road to Armageddon…
[Via Michael G]
Team America, World Police
Now, Gallagher is warning that in order to “prevent war,” the United States must “quickly remake an arsenal of deterrence that can arm Taiwan as well as our own forces to allow us to prevail in any conflict in the Indo-Pacific.” [More]
Is he insane?
And for this…?
Speaking of Vital American Interests…
US warship shoots down drones fired from Houthi-held Yemen in Red Sea [More]
But Lloyd said…
You know what would make us safer?
The Middle of Nowhere
Pro-Hamas mob chants ‘Allahu Akbar’ during nighttime Manhattan rampage [More]
And comedy gold:
Where are the US patriots?
The ones being persecuted or the ones being canceled, purged, and slated for deprogramming?
Funny, how the message has changed now that they’ve figured out the sons of cheerleaders for full U.S. engagement want nothing to do with a personal stake on the front lines themselves.
Those include the ones attacking Rep. Massie for putting his constituents’ interests first, and who have an interesting origin story they don’t think is important to acknowledge on their website (which actively hides its affiliation.)
Which brings us to our “Must Read” of the day on the draft… and squaring that against the new oath that naturalization candidates will no longer be required “to declare that they will ‘bear arms on behalf of the United States’ and ‘perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States.’”.
I believe some vintage CCR is in order here.
The Omega Glory
How China Will Punch Out Our Lights [More]
And/or the tentacles in the digital infrastructure…
Add the development that “Getting rich isn’t China’s big project anymore; the project is power.”
Got power packs?
[Via bondmen]
You’re in the Army Now
Without warning, hundreds of noncommissioned officers were ordered via email to report to the recruiting school at Fort Knox, Kentucky, in less than a week, with hundreds more set to start at the school in December — a sudden unexpected move by the Army as the service scrambles to boost its recruiting force by 800 by the end of the year. [More]
But…but…but Lloyd said…
Everybody ready to draft Gen Zers? And if women are exempt again, will identifying as a trans woman be a “Get out of jail free” card?
Hey, I don’t suppose they’ll be able to spare any of the new guys down at the border…?
[Via bondmen]
The Road to Perdition
‘The left has really let us down.’ Why many American Jews feel abandoned [More]
Seeing as how the ones being talked about here spent their adult lives voting me and mine closer to the camp, why should I feel sorry for them?
I saw a troubling Twitter/X post that I believe merits further serious investigation, especially since it looks like we’re all being dragged along for the ride in a politically and media-fueled feeding frenzy that exploits our demands for justice and our fear.
We all have an existential interest in this.
It’s stipulated the person in the video sides with the Palestinians. Can we get a similar stipulation for those stirring the pot? The question for us, as “jurors,” is if her testimony is credible or if we could honestly assign a “guilty” verdict on Hamas misfiring rockets beyond a reasonable doubt.
And yes, of course, we all saw the parachutes. That’s a different discussion. I’m only asking about the hospital incident. If you can demonstrate Sara El-Yafi’s arguments are false, I’m asking you to be an expert witness and educate us on the “jury.”
Tangentially-Related UPDATE
Here’s some more fuel for the fire.
Thing is… (grab the video before they block it again)
[Via Michael G]
As the World Burns
But Lloyd says “No worries” on “kinetic military action,” and before you say “Oh bullsh!+,” I defy you to think of even one incident where our government has ever lied to us about something important.
Cui Bono?
Guess who else would benefit. [More]
Tell me that creepy idiot, the Dotard in Chief, doesn’t look and sound like a crazed Dr. Strangelove character. (Look at his forehead and eyes and then look at earlier photos— is he Botoxing to surreptitiously deflect age concerns with an illusion?)
[Via WiscoDave]
In Time of Need…
Precedent says “no,” but he could try…
How many he could get, whether they’d be dumb enough to attempt it, and what they’d do if met with defiance is another story.
That’s an interesting point about the gun exemption to Roosevelt’s requisitioning mandate based on 2A being an individual right. That’s something to throw back in the faces of antis claiming that recognition is a recent “gun lobby” fraud.
[Via Jess]