A One in Five Million Shot

One murder with @ 5M members at the time? Is there a more peaceable population on the planet?


Last night, I was given a statement from the victim of Tim Walz to release this morning. [More]


Anyone blindly believing this, is retarded. [More]

I agree.

What about people who blindly discourage investigating such a serious criminal accusation leveled against a powerful politician?

It’s no secret I could not be more against Walz. I think if he and Kamala are elected it’s an existential threat to peaceable means of redress for Second Amendment advocates. With that being said, I thought Community Notes existed for just such posts as these.

I understand not dignifying a “Have you stopped beating your wife?” loaded question and helping draw attention to it. Still, this has the potential to impact election results, and if I don’t object to them doing this to Walz I can’t object to them doing this to anyone, including me.

As a proponent of “Red Flag Laws,” Walz is all for you and me having to prove OUR innocence if accused of something the government will disarm us over without being convicted of anything. But that still doesn’t make it right for anyone to demand he prove HIS innocence: The burden of proving guilt is on the state.

FEC and DOJ should be the ones investigating this. If it turns out to be a malicious lie being spread in an attempt at election interference, that’s prosecutable, especially if more than one person is involved. So is if the accusations turn out to have substance.

If you see something say something, right?

Spooking the Herd

If they do find any, I wonder what percent will be embedded feds…

If they can’t provoke the low-hanging fruit, they need to find some other way to conflate them with us.

[Via WiscoDave]

David Holt Show Everyone His Huge ‘But’ After OKC Shooting

He goes on to say while he’s a Second Amendment supporter, he believes there needs to be more state policy regarding commonsense gun regulations.” [Watch]

Yeah? What’s he proposing?

“Republican” Mayor Dave is what we call a “Vichycon.”

[Via Steve T]


“People like me who like to hunt and who love guns, it’s sad almost to watch them get cut up,” said volunteer Dan Krull. “But we are going to support this sort of thing because it is symbolic and sends a message like, ‘Look we need to do something.’” [More]

You’re a real genius, aren’t you, gunkapo Fudd Dan?

So: Who was the FFL who processed the transfers?

Or was this another one of these?

[Via Steve T]

A Safe Seat Democrat

The face diapers work as well as his “gun laws.” How’d they let the one guy in without one?

Let’s be clear. Allowing Trump to hold an event at MSG is equivalent to the infamous Nazis rally at Madison Square Garden on February 20, 1939 [More]

That may be you he’s talking about.

Solid blue district Democrats don’t even try to hide their Antifa affinities.

Or that they want your guns.

We’re the Only Ones Carless Enough

A man who was arrested Friday evening in a St. Louis carjacking case later took off in an unattended police car, removing handcuffs and making it from the back to the driver’s seat. A short time later, he crashed the police car into a tree. [More]

One more and we’ll have us a spate.

[Via bondmen]

Forming a Congo Line

Che Guevara and Víctor Dreke in the African Congo [More]

Miguel A. Faria, M.D., gives us a recent history lesson on communist “revolutionary” savagery and incompetence, excerpted from his book “Cuba’s Eternal Revolution through the Prism of Insurgency, Socialism, and Espionage.”

My own thoughts go to those importing this here.

We’re the Only Ones Having It Our Way Enough

Cobb County Sheriff called deputies for help after Burger King got his order wrong [More]

Really? Not a single negative comment?

He can’t erase them from Twitter.

So is the “law enforcer” breaking the law?

Shall we see if this stays up?

[Via Jess]

¿Cómo se Dice “Only Fans” en Español?

[H]alf of the audience was flown in at the network’s expense, while the other half was brought in by a rent-an-audience company called FansOnQ. [More]

How is this not foreign collusion/election interference?

Shall we ask?

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Forfeiting Enough

Appeals Court rules state must return $225K seized from California man during Brandon traffic stop [More]

Will he be compensated for the time and money he has spent fighting this?

And what will it personally cost the government thieves?

Here’s the way the JBTs describe it:

Asset forfeiture is a powerful tool used by law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, against criminals and criminal organizations to deprive them of their ill-gotten gains through seizure of these assets.

“Criminals.” That sure implies they’ve been tried, found guilty, and sentenced, doesn’t it?

Someone with a better historical understanding help me out here: I found, on the Hawaii Criminal Justice Division’s page of all places, the claim that “The first statute authorizing civil forfeiture was enacted by Congress in 1789 as a sanction for the use of ships in customs violations. (Act of July 31, 1789, Sections 12, 36; 1 Stat. 39, 47.)”

If anybody has time to dig into this right now, does it say anything about them being tried and convicted first? I’m wondering if a Bruen style “text, history,. and tradition at the time of ratification” argument could be made.

[Via Michael G]

Tell Me He’s a Democrat without Telling Me He’s a Democrat

Angry cyclist who screamed at driver that he has ‘more rights’ fined after calling cops – The cyclist later admitted he had lost his temper and said the driver was ‘the subject of my wrath’ [More]

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

Too Little Too Late

ASU under fire after Harris campaign accesses data to text 70,000 students… “We’re going to be submitting a [Freedom of Information Act] request very soon to understand how that information was supposedly public,” Carpenter said. [More]

The election will be over by then, and if all goes as planned, guess who will be in charge of doing something about this…

How about if you see something say something, for all the good that’ll do?

[Via Michael G]

The Cognitive Dissonance… It Burns…

Dennis Quaid tells Coachella rally how he sponsored illegal immigrant housekeeper who supports Trump [More]

Yes, Dennis. Time to pick a side.

In fairness, many of us have behaved in the past in ways we would not with age, and hopefully wisdom, and most of us have not had the temptations that come with Hollywood stardom.

Look for the same Hollywood that decries “McCarthysism” to blacklist him now.

None Dare Call It Treason

FEMA Reportedly Took Funds From Border Security to Advance Open Border Policies – The executive director of the Center for Renewing America argued that Democrats are making it seem like Border Patrol has enough funding while intending to redirect those funds to facilitate illegal immigration. [More]

Who but a greatest threat rightwing extremist racist Nazi insurrectionist would oppose that?

Gaslighting Writ Large

Doorbell video shows murder suspects posing as energy workers before allegedly killing jewelry store owner – The victim was found dead in his basement after the impersonators gained entry to his house [More]

Too bad it wasn’t Lance Thomas’ house.

I’m sure regular readers here would be too savvy to fall for this but that doesn’t mean you don’t have people you care about who may not be.

Rabid animals like this need to be put down. They like gas? Give it to them.


My link didn’t work when I just tried it

According to this, they’ve been arrested.

[Via Jess]

Sorry, Not Sorry

“What was supposed to be a video about the importance of the CHIPS Act to Michigan jobs, has been construed as something it was never intended to be, and I apologize for that.” [More]

Talk about a total non-apology. In other words, if you have a problem with it, that’s your problem.

Forget It, Jake, It’s Chi-Town

Mob of up to 30 looters, some armed, ransack freight train in Chicago [More]

You’re not allowed to do what’s needed to make them stop and discourage repeats. I’m also wondering if someone on the inside told them which car to pick.

If they’re so oppressed, how come their cars look newer and nicer than mine?

We’re the Only Ones Disability Abusing Enough

In Phoenix, Arizona, cops were called by a Circle K gas station in reference to a white man they wanted trespassed from their store. When they arrived, the white man pointed across the street to a black man, claiming that the man was the actual culprit. Just taking his word for it, Phoenix officers Ben Harris and Kyle Sue violently attacked the black man. His name is Tyron McAlpin. He’s completely deaf and has cerebral palsy. [More]

Well, if he didn’t want to be arrested he shouldn’t have broken the cops hand with his mouth.

[Via WiscoDave]

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