Even Less Impressive than the Red Wave

FBI Ramps Up Spending to Fight MAGA Terrorism [More] For being the greatest threat, those Trump supporters sure don’t get much done. There are a lot of innuendoes and they squeeze the low-hanging fruits for all they’re worth, but I’m seeing everything about this in the news except actual and specific reports of it happening. … Continue reading “Even Less Impressive than the Red Wave”

Media More Than Happy to Help Republicans Blow ‘Red Wave’

“Losses in Ohio, Georgia, and Pennsylvania would almost certainly doom the GOP’s chances of winning the Senate.” [More] Democrat media megaphones are ready, willing, and able to amplify and exploit self-inflicted wounds as the Stupid Party continues to demoralize its base.

He Just Wavered

Before deputies could arrive, the offender kicked in the homeowner’s door and entered the residence unlawfully, where he was met with gunfire from the homeowner. [More] I’ll not intrude on his survivors with a link to the funeral home, but his obituary says he “never wavered with his relationship with God.” [Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Shockwaved Enough

‘Shockwaves of emotions’ after 4 L.A. Sheriff’s Department employees die by suicide in 24 hours [More] So “gun law” enforcers with exemptions not afforded to We the People have “a 54% increase in suicide risk when compared to the civilian population.” Criminals also have a much higher risk…? Hmmm… [Via WiscoDave]

‘Doing Something’ in Wake of Uvalde Looks Like GOP ‘Moderates’ Caving on Red Flags

Democrats, we don’t need to concern ourselves with, at least for now—assume they’re all for whatever disarmament edicts they can get whenever they can get them. It’s the Republicans gun owners need to focus on, and there are few surprises here… [More] Betraying gun owners and drowning the fire in their bellies will break up … Continue reading “‘Doing Something’ in Wake of Uvalde Looks Like GOP ‘Moderates’ Caving on Red Flags”

Hard to Hear, So Listen Up

GOP Senator Rand Paul says that he thinks it is difficult to imagine Donald Trump winning another term in office because of the magnitude of everything that is being done by Democrats and the establishment to prevent it happening. [More] That and most women voters want them some abortions, so Dems can collapse the economy … Continue reading “Hard to Hear, So Listen Up”

Much Ado About Nothing

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduced the Shall Not Be Infringed Act to repeal the gun control provisions and every Second Amendment infringement passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law. [More] With Democrats in control of the Senate and the White House, why is anybody expending energy on this now? Let’s see how gung-ho pandering … Continue reading “Much Ado About Nothing”

Taking a Hard Left

Democrats Rally Behind New Yorker Jeffries to Succeed Pelosi as House Leader [More] Emboldened by the “red wave,” are we? We’re talking about a “gun sense candidate” who admits background checks are for registration and let (Freudian) slip his inspiration by a communist dictator. I may just have to do an article as the furor … Continue reading “Taking a Hard Left”

Much Ado about What, Exactly?

Krasner’s impeachment trial will go to the Pennsylvania Senate, where Republicans have a 29-21 majority. State law requires a two-thirds majority vote to remove Krasner from office. [More] Anybody care to make a wager on if this will really be that “day of reckoning” “red wave”-promising Republicans are hyping it up to be?

Speaking of Victors and Spoils…

Soon it will be our task to fight against the Republican insiders who are licking their chops at the feast they see set before them. Many of them are mirror images of the Democrat consulting class, indifferent to outcomes as long as the gravy train continues. [More] That’s what happens when you reward people without … Continue reading “Speaking of Victors and Spoils…”

With Republicans Like These

The Federal Assault Weapons Licensing Act, debuted by U.S. Rep. Chris Jacobs (D-NY) on Monday, would create a scheme for any American seeking to legally purchase most new semi-auto rifles, shotguns, or pistols that would require the government to first sign off on the acquisition. [More] Wrong, Guns.com. He’s an NRA-endorsed Republican and one of … Continue reading “With Republicans Like These”

Survey SAYS…

Support for Biden recovered from a low of 36% in July to 45%, driven in large part by a rebound in support from Democrats just two months before the November midterm elections. During a few bleak summer months when gasoline prices peaked and lawmakers appeared deadlocked, the Democrats faced the possibility of blowout losses against … Continue reading “Survey SAYS…”

Operation Demoralize

“The media swarms and lies. Tells you it’s over, wants you to give up. Happens every single time.” Don’t fall for it. [More] Think of it as a coordinated buzzkill. Just look at what all the  Google News hits on “red wave” are suddenly and in unison telling us, and then look at the same term … Continue reading “Operation Demoralize”

A Means to an End

A Minnesota Federal District judge defies the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision by applying “means-end scrutiny” and “narrow tailoring” to a case involving banning firearms at the Minnesota State Fair. [More] He knows he can get away with it, hence giving SCOTUS and all gun owners the finger. If the Repubs don’t blow the “red wave,” they’ll … Continue reading “A Means to an End”

Survey SAYS…

Poll: Democrats Inch Ahead of Republicans on Generic Congressional Ballot [More] But…but…but red wave… Some of us have been warning them not to blow it… But nobody “important” ever listens to us. [Via DDS]

Wanting and Getting

Gun Shop Owner Wants ATF Auditor Investigated for Using Her Personal Phone to Photograph Documents [More] As I’ve surmised before, we’re going to need two things to happen: First, the Republicans are going to have to not blow the “red wave” and reclaim House Oversight and Senate Judiciary, and second, unlike with “Gunwalker,” they’re going … Continue reading “Wanting and Getting”

She Who Commands

A House oversight panel on Tuesday subpoenaed gunmaker Smith & Wesson for documents on the manufacture and sale of AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles after its CEO refused to appear for a hearing on the firearms frequently used in mass shootings. [More] In-your-face traitress Carolyn Maloney gives a hint as to the unrestrained sadism she would embrace … Continue reading “She Who Commands”

Unhatched Chicken Counting

The Dubious and Doomed ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban That the House Approved Today May Cost Democrats This Fall – Recent polling suggests that Americans are starting to recognize that such laws make no sense. [More] I wish I could share the enthusiasm but I think all it would take is one gun-free zone exploitation the magnitude … Continue reading “Unhatched Chicken Counting”

Doing the Jobs Government Won’t Do

By the end of this week, the cable network will have lost its presence in some 20 million homes this year. The most recent blow came from Verizon, which will stop carrying OAN on its Fios television service starting Saturday. That will starve the network of a major stream of revenue: the fees it collects … Continue reading “Doing the Jobs Government Won’t Do”

But No One is Talking About Taking Your Guns…

House Democrats are trying to condition Americans to repeal the Second Amendment. pic.twitter.com/MSOdkKbTBO — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) July 13, 2022 Not that that would invalidate the right to keep and bear arms… Any bets on Donald Trump ever giving Thomas Massie the public apology he owes him? I’ll have more to say on the foolish … Continue reading “But No One is Talking About Taking Your Guns…”

Names That Should Live in Infamy

The Republicans who joined Democrats in voting for the bill were Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, John Cornyn of Texas, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rob Portman … Continue reading “Names That Should Live in Infamy”

Who Will Judge the Judge?

TYRANNY: Michigan GOP Candidate for Governor, Ryan Kelley, Has Guns Taken by Judge for Standing Outside the Capitol on Jan 6 [More] And the compelling state interest to show he is a violent danger risk to himself and others is…? If you’re willing to eviscerate the Second Amendment, there’s nothing to stop you from eviscerating … Continue reading “Who Will Judge the Judge?”

The Impose Unenforceable Edicts for the Children Act

Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee will hold a vote on a gun control package Thursday which includes six gun control measures that would not have prevented the Uvalde attack. [More] Here it is. Hopefully, Republican “moderates” won’t totally blow the “red wave” in November and this never makes it to the floor. [Via Jim S]

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