Rights Free Zones

Pursuant to Rule 29 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, the States of New York, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawai‘i, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia submit this brief as amici curiae in support of the … Continue reading “Rights Free Zones”

A Line in the Sand

[T]he Court will permanently enjoin Maryland’s laws restricting the carrying of firearms in locations selling alcohol for onsite consumption, private buildings without the owner’s consent, and within 1,000 feet of a public demonstration. State Defendants’ Cross Motions for Summary Judgment will be granted as to the Kipke Plaintiffs’ Fourteenth Amendment claims, as well as the … Continue reading “A Line in the Sand”

Without Deference

Held: The Administrative Procedure Act requires courts to exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority, and courts may not defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous; Chevron is overruled. [More] Took ’em long enough… [Via Antigone]

Not a Democrat This Time

State Rep. Neil Friske arrested in Lansing after police respond to reports of man with gun … “We do not have any details, besides what the media sourced, oddly before anyone of us knew anything.” [More] This looks like how: Records the Free Press obtained Friday through the online Michigan State Police criminal background service, … Continue reading “Not a Democrat This Time”

The March of Progress

Attorney General Delivers Remarks at ATF’s Third Annual Chiefs of Police Executive Forum on Crime Guns … First: our work is far from over. Progress is only progress. Our work is not done until all Americans feel safe in their communities. [More] Boy, talk about slopping the hogs… What have we learned about “progress“? And … Continue reading “The March of Progress”

Without a Trace

Crime gun intelligence centers — or CGICs — use cutting-edge technology to solve and prevent crimes — technology that traces firearms from crime scenes; that links ballistics evidence and connects shootings; and that identifies the gun traffickers and straw purchasers arming gang members and other violent criminals. [More] In other words, if you asked her … Continue reading “Without a Trace”

Not Fonda Jane

This directly undermines the memory and sacrifice of the 58,220 US soldiers and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers who died in defense of freedom and democracy during the Vietnam War, in addition to the millions of Vietnamese civilian casualties as a result of the conflict. [More] As we approach Memorial Day weekend, it’s instructive to note … Continue reading “Not Fonda Jane”

All in All, You’re Just Another Brick in the Wall

Garland speaks with victims’ families as new exhibit highlights the faces of gun violence [More] Quilts for disarmament! They’re not gonna have another Tamerlan Tsarnaev Bloomberg Bus Brouhaha, are they? I didn’t see a search function, so I hope my contribution isn’t redundant. [Via Antigone]

The Poll Tax Workaround

Maryland is among the states looking to follow California in taxing the gun industry to support hospitals, violence intervention programs, and services for victims of gun violence. [More] All the best totalitarian regimes do it! It’s not like Democrats are going to penalize the real cuprits: Their constituents and themselves. Here’s the video of the … Continue reading “The Poll Tax Workaround”

It’s a Big Club and You Can’t Have It

Attorney General Bonta Appeals District Court Decision Overturning a 100-Year-Old Law and Allowing “Billy Clubs” [More] It’s not his money and there’s always plenty more. Democrats don’t even want you to have a stick. [Via Antigone]

Now It’s In for the Kill

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott said Wednesday his office has reached a settlement with Polymer80, one of the largest makers of ghost gun kits and parts in the nation, that will prevent the company from advertising and selling its firearms in Maryland. The company will also pay $1.2 million in damages. [More] Throw a scrap of … Continue reading “Now It’s In for the Kill”

Cooper’s Rule 4

Email in re “We’re the Only Ones Compacted Enough“: Whoa! wait a minute! Does anyone want federal (whether ‘compacted’ or not) on your trains? Careful what you ask for. Wrong arrow direction on the solution. Citizens, with deterrent power, are the solution. — Antigone That would be a good comment to add under the post. … Continue reading “Cooper’s Rule 4”

Guilt by Association

Treasury confirms terms like ‘MAGA,’ ‘Trump,’ Kamala,’ ‘Biden’ used in private bank transaction searches – A letter sent from the Treasury to Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., also confirms the searches push began under the Trump administration [More] I’m wondering why I can still pass thought TSA and Secret Service checkpoints, and think I need to … Continue reading “Guilt by Association”

The Finest Invaders Money Can Buy

United Nations to Hand Out Hundreds of Millions in Cash to U.S.-Bound Immigrants in 2023 – UN-organized ‘cash working groups’ are key to new White House border-management plan that pre-legalizes immigrants before they can jump the border [More] Aren’t you glad to know your taxes help to pay for our fair share? Oh, and look: … Continue reading “The Finest Invaders Money Can Buy”

We’re the Only Ones Illegal Enough

The Los Angeles Police Department recently implored the federal government for permission to give guns to illegal aliens who are set to be awarded police powers to detain and arrest American citizens. [More] Who needs blue helmets? What kind of hellish tyranny employs illegal foreign nationals as a standing army against its own citizens, and … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Illegal Enough”

It’s the Same Agenda

One message called for donations to Everytown for Gun Safety, the Michael Bloomberg-funded parent organization of the Rhode Island Lab’s partner Moms Demand Action (MDA), a gun confiscation group. Another message solicited donations to the Trevor Project, a transgender advocacy group that ran an X-rated chatroom open to teens wherein staff discussed extreme sexual fetishes, … Continue reading “It’s the Same Agenda”

You Really Got A Hold On Me

The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) has filed a lawsuit in federal district court against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), seeking to compel the agency to produce any internal emails on why it chose to freeze, rather than expand, a highly successful program that allows for enhanced cooperation between state and local law enforcement and … Continue reading “You Really Got A Hold On Me”

Bullet Points

Fifteen radical left State Attorneys General from across the nation sent a letter on Tuesday, asking the Biden Regime’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention to ban private citizens from purchasing 5.56-millimeter rounds manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant. [More] They’re really showing us who they are more and more… [Via bondmen] Related UPDATE Here … Continue reading “Bullet Points”

On This We Can Agree

It is fully within our power to stop this epidemic. [More] Absolutely. Just not by doing anything this evil dotard’s handlers are lying to us about… Starting with, it’s not an “epidemic.” Wake me when the “school to grave pipeline” is plugged. [Via Antigone]

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