Blind Leading the Blind

Mayor Tishaura O. Jones on Tuesday announced plans to ban “military-grade” weapons on city streets, including the prominent AR-15 and AK-47 model rifles. [More] An opportunistic leftist moron elected by the ignorant who focuses on that and suppresses addressing the real issues pretty much explains why she presides over a $h!+hole city where the violence … Continue reading “Blind Leading the Blind”

Headline ‘News’

Firearms killed a record number of children in 2021, study finds [More] All by their own selves… and “children”… See, start out with two big lies and your low-information mind control volunteers will be primed to absorb the rest without question. It’s almost like NBC News has a thing for fraud… I guess when they’re … Continue reading “Headline ‘News’”

Release the Hacken!

To fight back against the improper use of taxpayer dollars and to defund bureaucrats, today, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) is calling on Inspector General Michael Horowitz to work with the whistleblowers to fully investigate the issue, recover misspent funds, and hold bad actors accountable. [More] Because nothing says “We’ll get to the bottom of … Continue reading “Release the Hacken!”

First Do Harm

That appears to be the mission statement for Opposite Day “progressive” gunquacks: It’s the part of me that won’t give up on our AMA efforts to stop the public health crisis of gun violence, demanding waiting periods, universal background checks, red flag laws, and bans on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines that our House of … Continue reading “First Do Harm”

All Your Purchase Are Belong to Us

Unlike decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin, CBDCs are issued and backed by a government entity and transact on a centralized, permissioned blockchain. Not only would this CBDC model centralize Americans’ financial information, leaving it vulnerable to attack, it could be used as direct surveillance tool into the private transactions of Americans. [More] Oh look: Joe … Continue reading “All Your Purchase Are Belong to Us”

Bugging the Confessional?

Re: Federal Bureau of Investigation Infiltrating Catholic Congregations [More] Hey, it’s a lot safer than going after violent criminals and dangerous subversives… State-approved Catholics… where have we seen that before…? These bastards Garland and Wray are no f*****g different than the goddam Chicoms. [Via Antigone]

Out of the Closet

The University of North Dakota (UND) currently provides a “Gender Pronoun Guide” and “Gender Expression Closet” for its students. [More] Curious, how that which appears to enslave to self-destructive behavior is described as “free”… What is it about “progressives” and Opposite Day again…? [Via Michael G] UPDATE Time to turn Mr. Rogers into an unperson… [Via Antigone]

Close But No Cigar

As the Left makes arguments that gun control is about saving lives, Pope Francis and the American bishops have taken this tack as well. Though the USCCB’s emphasis is certainly on sensible measures (such as reasonable background checks), the push to have Congress tighten the legislation around the buying and selling of firearms ever since … Continue reading “Close But No Cigar”

Survey SAYS…

We normally don’t post a blog entry for a single academic paper, but this one is important because it is the largest well-conducted survey concerning gun ownership and self-defense with guns (as well as other topics) to date.  The survey size makes most of the data unassailable, and thus “gold standard.” [More] And here it … Continue reading “Survey SAYS…”


Plaintiff lacks standing…Bruen is the wrong person to sue…plaintiff hasn’t shown injury… the plaintiff hasn’t shown a likelihood of winning… [More] Everything to dance around and obscure the indisputable fact that these m***********g tyrannical New York a******s are denying a fundamental right to We the People under force of arms with full intent to bring … Continue reading “YadaYadaYada”

We’re the Only Ones Protective Enough

“EVERY BATTLE IS WON OR LOST BEFORE IT’S EVER FOUGHT!!” —Sun Tzu– While I pray it never happens, I can assure you that our Brevard County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Deputies are prepared to win the battle to protect our children and teachers!! [Watch] I guess including the Second Amendment in the mix is out … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Protective Enough”

Feel the Burn

Suspected forest arsonist detained and tied to tree by local residents before arrest [More] Lawsuit in 3…2…1… At least, thank goodness for them, he’s white. Otherwise… [Via Antigone]

If Wishes Were Fishes

Celebrity YouTuber cites Supreme Court gun ruling in bid to dismiss machine gun charges [More] I’m not seeing how the most effective arguments can be considered with zero mentions of “militia.” That makes me wonder about the Second Amendment law track record the attorneys have achieved. Don’t get me wrong: I think “shall not be … Continue reading “If Wishes Were Fishes”

A Superior Observation

[T]he Court is unaware of historical precedent that would permit a governmental entity to entirely ban a type of weapon that is commonly used by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes, whether in an individual’s home or in public. The Court also notes that the Town’s justifications are somewhat undermined by the other subsections of this … Continue reading “A Superior Observation”

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