Narrative Parroting Helps ‘Reasonable’ Tennessee Gun-grabbers Influence the Ignorant

Great. Well heeled Vichycons and Fudds are on board with throwing the rest of us under the bus. So, what’s new? [More]

The string pulling violence monopolists can always count on useful idiots, “real reporters,” and gunkapos (but I repeat myself) to do their bidding.

President Trump Can Lead in Fight Against State-Level 2nd Amendment Infringements

“What are you going to do about it, President Trump?” [More]

First, we neeed to realistically look at what he CAN do. Then we need to realistically look at what he WILL do and use every means at our disposal to get his ear and try to keep him on course.

Senate Should Demand Unequivocal Answers from Bondi on Second Amendment

I believe in asking political candidates and nominees specific questions that demand unequivocal answers… [More]

Or they could just give her a pass for “I believe in the Second Amendment BUT…”

Judge Declares Bump Stock Ban Unlawful, Orders ATF to Pay Attorney Fees

We’ll see how ATF responds to the order…to pay costs, and we’ll see if they start behaving any differently under the new administration. [More]

I just wish the costs came out of their pockets instead of the taxpayers’.

Too Many Chiefs and Not Enough Indians?

I note some in comments are not only defending but applauding the H-1Bs. [More]

The last thing I have time for is to engage in debates under my own articles, especially since no shortage of posters shielded by anonymity seem to devolve into distractions and confirmation bias-based insults. That said, I don’t like to see some contentions go unchallenged, and I find a lot to be concerned about with some of the observations articulated by Matt Bracken. I had another link by a former HR recruiter explaining scams that H-1B companies engage in, but I guess that was too much free speech for Mr. Musk’s foreign labor-championing X.

Speaking of which, my wife retired after decades as a mainframe programmer, versatile in all the old languages that are still in demand but with an aging pool of qualified IT personnel. She still gets calls for contract openings, and nine times out of ten the recruiter’s English is practically unintelligible. My more tolerant and enlightened betters would say that shows what a dignity-violating racist I am.

I can’t help but recall how The New York Times crowed about Democrat expansion in Virginia a few years back:

“Guns, that is the most pressing issue for me,” said Vijay Katkuri, 38, a software engineer from southern India, explaining why he voted for a Democratic challenger in Tuesday’s elections. He was shopping for chicken at the Indian Spice Food Market. “There are lots of other issues, but you can only fix them if you are alive.”

As with people of all backgrounds, I’ve known a handful of exceptions, people of Indian heritage who are patriots as fine as any I’ve met, but the rule of numbers overwhelmingly results in Grewal and unusual punishment.

Trump and Musk Immigration Stance Ignores MAGA Pledges and U.S. Education Failures

The whole point of the last election was to turn all that around. [More]

A sinking ship doesn’t need to take on more water, especially if it means excusing Democrats helping send it to the bottom.

YouTube Grinch Steals Gun Owner’s Christmas Gift to Relatives

The simplest explanation is that YouTube agrees with the gun prohibitionists on zero “tolerance” for young people being anywhere near them. [More]

They have subsequently recanted and allowed the video, but too little too late and I’ve had it with them.

Raid on Innocent Family Shows ATF Tyranny Must Be a Priority for Trump

This is where citizens could really use some of those pledges of Second Amendment protection we heard along the campaign trail from Donald Trump, and from every Republican in Congress who won their seat because of gun owner support. [More]

The new administration, through orders to subordinates, and the Republican-controlled Congress, with the power to subpoena and investigate, could do much to stop citizen abuse — if they want to.

Door Number Three

In my view, there are two main types of people who shut down this debate: The first group are those who are openly racist against Black Americans… The second group are people who call anyone who raises this topic “racist” in order to shut down any discussion of it. [More]

There’s a third leg to that stool. I’d say more influential in the black community are its members who are openly racist against white Americans. Since the majority of the problem does not lie with those they blame for their own poor choices, focusing on the racist/woke dichotomy won’t solve it.

Racism is collectivism. I say that because it ignores individual worth, and as a culturalist.

And outside of natural rights, “entitlement” is Marxism.

And yeah, we know it’s overwhelmingly geographically limited to non-diverse, self-segregated concentrations, and we know the great enabler of it all. And to fools who say “it’s poverty,” you don’t know poverty. Generations of our ancestors did, and they were growers and builders.

As a final note, I reject the racial weaponizing of capital letters.

If a truth offends, the fault does not lie with the teller.

We’re the Only Ones Timely Enough

“We have a lot of things that are legal, but is it the right thing to do? We have to rise above that. And sometimes it requires an evolution of our thinking. What was written in 1789 may not be appropriate for 2022 unless we’re okay with kids being killed.” [More]

So, after Obama’s “What works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne” pronouncement, the totalitarians now claim control of all space-time. As if it works in Chicago…

Still, I have some questions for this jackass:

And to those who feel this is too dangerous, that it is uncalled for, that it is unneeded because we have the vote, or the right to speak, that we have evolved beyond such crude reminders of our barbaric past, I must ask where in history is any civilization guaranteed stasis? Has not despotism and mass destruction plagued every civilization that preceded ours? Is it not, in fact, still commonplace throughout the globe? By what suspension of reality, by what denial of the observable and the probable, by what art, device or magic are we sheltered few immune from catastrophe? Are we certain, from our brief and privileged vantage point, that such things will ever remain headline curiosities? Is it not just plain stupid to proclaim that our familiar way of life will forever be the norm, when everything that has gone before us shows we are, instead, the extremely lucky beneficiaries of a rare and fortunate convergence of circumstances; and one, by the way, that has only been preserved under force of arms?

This badged stooge will work out great in Seattle.

Police Blackout of Madison Shooter’s Social Media Denies Information Public Has Right to Know

This is exactly why, unlike some “gunfluencers” who advocate suppressing shooter names, I’m against keeping them held back. [More]

The only way to discourage such demons is to deny them the one thing they want more than “fame”– success. And that won’t happen as long as government denies the obvious remedy.

Gun Prohibitionist Warren Shows Creepy Hypocrisy by Minimizing CEO’s Assassination

The unfortunate CEO is a bellwether of what’s coming if Marxist citizen disarmers have their way. Elizabeth Warren and fellow gun prohibitionists are clearing that way. [More]

What’s the difference between mainstream Massachussetts Democrats and in-your-face Marxists?

Asking for a friend?

Jay-Z Rape Allegations Illustrate Double Standards for Anti-Gun Elites

It’s interesting that the rape is alleged to have been committed at an MTV party, and a bigger corporate shill for a decadent totalitarian monopoly of violence you will not find. [More]

For starters, #BelieveWomen is suspended and unlike many of the gun laws they demand, he’ll get full due process.

DOJ Proposal Suggests Unauthorized Use of NICS for NY Ammo Background Checks

So, if the FBI and DOJ don’t have authority to do ammunition checks, where do they get authority to allow New York State to use NICS for that purpose? [More]

Made possible by GOP Quislings, so will Republicans do anything to clean up their mess after they assume power in January?

The X Factor

X prides itself on being the bastion of free speech—a sanctuary for open discourse in a landscape increasingly dominated by cancel culture. Yet, its own advertising policy remains shackled by hypocrisy: gun ads are outright banned. [More]

Elon Musk still has a ways to go

Case in point: It’s easy not to like Sen. Fetterman when you realize he wants enforcers to use up to lethal force on us to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms.

Color Revolution

Camo is a combination of black, brown, dark grey, dark green. So it would technically be legal. [More]

Not to put too fine a point to it but woodland camo includes sand, which is recognized as a color. Ditto for desert camo and beige. And those aren’t the only palette combinations.

The point of being so specific is that her proposed law is, and sticking to the letter of it shows what a cluster**** it would be in practice, just like “assault weapon” characteristics bans.

‘Deceptively Colored Firearm’ Bill Introduced by Deceptive Michigan Democrats

Where she may have gone too far without realizing it in her hatred of all things, gun is who will be most affected by her cosmetics ban. Those include a large bloc of potential Democrat constituents. [More]

They’ll never stop eating away until they’re forced to. There’s a way to do that, but it will require the new DOJ meaning what Donald Trump says.

NY Democrat’s ‘Outside the Box Thinking’ Has Unintended Consequences – for Her

And note the Constitution doesn’t just say that executive officers have to take the oath—it says they are “BOUND” by it. That means once she volitionally “unbinds” herself, she’s in violation of a non-negotiable requirement and must be removed from office. [More]

To steal a line from Lex Luthor about Otis: “It’s amazing that brain can generate enough power to keep those legs moving.”

Stallone Cozying Up to Trump is Pragmatism, Not Principle

“Until America, door to door, takes every handgun, this is what you’re gonna have,” Stallone declared… [More]

What kind of phony stays out of the fight and then shows up to share in the glory of the win?

Rush to Name Senate Majority Leader Betrays Gun Owners and MAGA Voters

Can we at least have some time for public input on something that can profoundly affect us all before sneaking this through? [More]

Republicans once more snatching defeat from the jaws of victory… will any gun owners object to all three being unsuitable “choices”?

Throwing a Red Flag on the Play

Extreme-Risk Protection Orders Fail To Deliver: Analysis of Red Flag Laws & Their Consequences [More]

More Rand Corporation inconclusiveness…

You know, the same studies Democrat Dr. Quacky McQuackquack cites to demand eviscerating the Second Amendment.

[H/T Wirecutter]

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