So Will Anything Not Rendered Inedible by Bacteria and Mold

Meat will be a special treat. [Watch]

Unless a neighbor dies

They’re talking Marxism, of course, prettied up with the finest production values the globalist billionaire illusionists’ money can buy. The forced lowering of entitlement expectations will happen soon enough.

These are the evil minds behind the useful idiots demanding confiscation of your guns.

[Via Michael G]

Always Room for Compromise

Student op-ed claims certain voting privileges should be revoked from ‘cis men’ [More]

So much for the people always hyperventilating over “our democracy”…

Maybe we could have a tradeoff, starting with people who don’t work having any say in the “redistribution” of money from people who do…

And then there are all those non-gun owners…

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Fleeing Enough

Cops responding to the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting ran away from gunshots while 19 children and two teachers were left to die in their classrooms… [More]

I guess turning your back on the armed crazy and skedaddling to save your own precious hindquarters are time-honored tactics:

On the bright side, these are the guys they’ll send to confiscate the “20 million AR-15 style rifles.”


Ann Barnhardt calls it like she sees it.

[Via WiscoDave]

Hinckley Epitomizes Criminal Lunacy of Citizen Disarmament Advocates

It’s the way they feel. And who better to endorse disarming you than a “prohibited person”? [More]

This is madness. But then again, anyone who is both informed and sane instinctively knows that.

And for the record, I thought this photo would be perfect to use, but it turns out there are copyright issues.

New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town!

Girlfriend of thug who was stabbed to death by New York City bodega worker WON’T face charges for knifing him three times because ‘prosecutors say she was defending her beau’ [More]

The poor worker is not so lucky.

And the productive sector not only puts up with it, they vote their collectivist oppressors in.

At least tell me she’ll still be able to get all the abortions she wants…

And tangentially-related:

NYC releases PSA for residents in the event of a nuclear attack [More]

Radioactive flesh-eating zombie apocalypse to follow. People on the other side are going to block off the bridges, right?

Does kinda make you wonder who knows what…

[Via WiscoDave]

Ask the Experts!

While most experts say comprehensive gun control is still the best solution to mass shootings… [More]

Well, that right there tells me I can’t trust a thing that follows. That and blocking access to what AoL considers “extreme,” blaming “racism” i.e. traditional American culture, and adding in a dash of “equity” collectivism…

Besides, when they emphasize “young men and boys,” how are we supposed to define either?

I don’t suppose beating unforgiving woke culture into young skulls from an early age perverts minds and instills an obsession for exacting revenge against institutions perceived as sources of torment…?

And how are you going to “combat” $h!+ when you don’t even mention the only deterrent proven to stop manufactured monsters in their tracks except to say we need to prohibit that?

[Via Jess]

At Issue

Particularly after Heller and McDonald, as recently reaffirmed by Bruen, the government certainly cannot prevent Petitioner from exercising his Second Amendment right to keep firearms in the home. And the Second Circuit may not use Torvicia’s exercise of that constitutional right to render him vulnerable to government searches and seizures of his
firearms which violate Fourth Amendment protections but for some atextual, judge-invented special needs exception. [More]

“Single issue” apologists and flat-out deceivers take note.

[Via Jess]

Gun Prohibitionist Abrams Spares No Expense on Own Security

People who must pay for their own security are private citizens, the ones to whom the Second Amendment was supposed to assure an uninfringed right to keep and bear arms. Most — including Abrams’ supporters — can’t afford to. That she would also deny them the means to protect themselves speaks of a swindled constituency with views manipulated by a subversive public education system, and a media politically hostile to guns in private hands. [More]

Only two kinds of people would vote for this self-serving hypocrite: Ignorant and manipulated citizenship malpractitioners or evil apparatchiks who know exactly what they’re doing and why.

Tub of Goo Proposes Others Fight and Die to Impose His Tyrannical Fantasy

THE 28th AMENDMENT – My proposal to repeal and replace the 2nd Amendment – Michael Moore [More]

I’m just remembering when NRA didn’t have the guts to repeal and replace Michael Moore.

I am getting a kick out of “Comments,” particularly where animaladjusted leftists are melting down over this:

“Remove (a) licensed hunters of game … We don’t need to abuse and shoot wildlife but need to protect it … Hunters aren’t conservationists, they just use this as a sorry excuse for their bloody wildlife abuse and murder … Agree. It’s toxic masculinity at its best…”

You hear that, Fudds? They’re coming for you.

Polyphemus may have promised to eat you last, but eat you he will.

[Via Jess]

Joe’s Confused About Where He Is Again

“Now is the time to galvanize this movement because that’s our duty to the people of this nation,” Biden said. “We’re living in a country awash in weapons of war.” [More]

I think he’s got us confused with Afghanistan. Boy that Stalinist deletion policy is something the media has downplayed, isn’t it?

Every time this m*****f***** demands infringements, at least one American in the audience ought to loudly shout out something to the effect of “Tell us about Hunter’s gun!”

Spoken Like a True Violence Monopolist

Illinois Governor: No civilian should have 90 bullets at the ready [Watch]

After all, he has a culture to transform

And point of order: If they’re “bullets” by definition they’re not “at the ready”…

[Via Dan Gifford]


And what EJ said. I confess I missed that when I was hurriedly putting this together and it rates right up (down) there with Kevin DeLeon.

Staggering Around the Truth

“Every gun sold without a completed background check poses a potential risk,” said Rob Wilcox, federal legal director for the gun control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety. “And these staggering numbers show that we have a serious problem.” [More]

No, the serious problem would be if you could demonstrate the resultant carnage directly produced by this. The fact that you haven’t even cited one (I don’t count Sutherland Springs because time was not a factor, the Air Force withholding information that would have never shown up was), yet according to this there have been over a million “opportunities,” points to the whole purpose of this transparent propaganda piece being to gin up a hysterical demand for more controls on you and me and fewer restraints on government power.

And then they explain “the Charleston Loophole”:

The shooter had admitted to drug possession during a prior arrest, which made it illegal for him to buy or own a gun.

Anybody see Word One about Hunter Biden in all this fine “reporting”?

What else aren’t we told about? You’d think the National Institute of Justice’s 2013 “Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies” would at least rate a mention:

Universal background checks … Effectiveness depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration …

No? What else would we expect from NBC News?

[Via Jess]

Survey Says…

Most gun owners favor modest restrictions but deeply distrust government, poll finds [More]

And of course, no such article would be complete without an exploitable word from a conveniently useful Fudd:

“As a gun owner myself, both pistols and hunting rifles, I feel that it’s important that background checks, red flag laws and raising the age should be something that we as a country should be doing,” said poll respondent Christopher Montes of Connecticut.

You’re a real f-ing idiot, aren’t you Chris?

[Via Jess]

What Can Brown Do to You?

UPS issues new rules for shipping firearm parts – serial numbers now required – UPS demanding compliance with new federal rule that’s not in effect. [More]

Democrat Senators extorting compliance not with laws, not with rules, but with their wishes, is naked, in-your-face tyranny.

Not standing up to that is naked, in-your-face cowardice, that is, the face of most of today’s corporate America.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Libertarian Party of California Demands California Attorney General Held Accountable for Gun Owner’s Data Breach [More]

Good luck with that in an irreversibly Democrat state, turned that way over the last 30 years by the very thing you guys advocate:

3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders.

Well, we know what that ensures.

Care to take the challenge?

None Dare Call It Treason

California’s New Gun Control Law Designed To Bankrupt The Gun Industry [Watch]

Colion Noir expands on the latest Golden State gun and speech grab.

The ambitious Newsom can get away with that with an industry basically comprised of rope-welling capitalists.

And as Edwin Vieira Jr. noted in Kolbe v. Hogan:

This reliance on a permanent private market for firearms guaranteed that most militiamen, through their own efforts, could always obtain firearms suitable for both collective and individual self-defense, and forestalled tyranny by precluding rogue public officials from monopolizing the production, distribution, and possession of firearms.

The wannabe totalitarians are engaging in more than tyranny. Deliberately undermining “the security of a free State” is treason.

[Via Jess]

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