End of Argument

Donald Trump owes this guy a YUGE apology.

And don’t get me stated on NRA.

Nigerian Massacre Enabled by Same ‘Laws’ Being Demanded for U.S.


Unsurprisingly, the murderers who carried out the slaughter weren’t slowed down for an instant by the citizen disarmament edicts. [More]

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops agreeing with CAIR on citizen disarmament must show we’re more united than divided, right? I know these guys are counting on it!

Right After the Unconditional Surrender

CBS Urges U.S. Adopt Japan’s Occupation-Era Gun Control [More]

Well, the grabbers have threatened to nuke us on a couple occasions…

The evil mother****ers who believe they have no skin in the game really do fantasize about making war on us to bend the ones of us still alive to their will.

[Via Michael G]


Not Taking Any Chances

Sen. Chris Murphy urges Biden to not get involved in bipartisan gun talks [More]

What better evidence do we need that the Democrats realize the Doatard-in-Chief is an incompetent joke who screws up everything he does and says? And how is their knowing that and not acting on it not treason?

Kind of like the citizen disarmament they’re plotting…

Hopefully, Hunter’s latest outrage will provide the needed derailment distraction to expose them for the goddam elitist hypocrites they are.

[Via Michael G]

With Friends Like These

If this terrible legislation becomes law, our friends at the National Rifle Association point out tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners would be turned into felons and their lawfully-acquired property would be subject to confiscation by federal agents. [More]

And “our friends at the National Rifle Association” would advise compliance:

“Bill did what any honest, law-abiding American would do…he turned in his SKS Sporter to the police.”

[Via James Simpson]

Framing the Terms

This week will determine if there’s a compromise to be made on Capitol Hill to attempt to prevent gun violence or if this round of talks will end up in an overflowing trash can of failed attempts. [More]

Translation: This week will determine if there’s a betrayal to be made on Capitol Hill to attempt to impose citizen disarmament…

It’s almost like DSM “real reporters” have an agenda or something…


The Perfect Set-Up

So, we have two guys who started their career into the gun control lobbying “lobby”, that work tirelessly to create a whole new class of criminals (gun owners) if we don’t follow the laws they help get enacted, and they previously worked hard to get ACTUAL criminals breaks and treat them as victims themselves. [More]

It’s almost like they’re domestic enemies who want to destroy Western civilization or something…

[Via President Non_Fudd]

The Rest of the Story

“You know who didn’t have due process? You know who didn’t have their constitutional right to life respected? The kids at Parkland and Sandy Hook and Uvalde and Buffalo and the list goes on and on.” “So spare me the bulls**t about constitutional rights-” [More]

So “Billy’s mom lets him do it”?

And how did denying others their rights work out for him?

Consider the source.

USDA Using Tax Dollars to Pressure Employees on Citizen Disarmament

Might such overt pressure from the very top be construed as creating a hostile working environment for employees who hold different political views? Might expressing those views be reasonably considered career and advancement-limiting, and might not expressing any political views on the taxpayers’ dime, by either side, be considered inappropriate and unethical, especially when coming from management that controls employee reviews? [More]

It’s the moral equivalent of requiring a “bullet fee” from the family of the condemned, and those imposing it get off on that.


Why did the USDA buy submachine guns? [More]

“Weapons of war”? The better to kill you with, my dear!

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