Man if a squad of cops is afraid to confront one AR-15 imagine how fun it will be to forcibly confiscate 20 million of them
— Bennett’s Phylactery (@extradeadjcb) May 27, 2022
[Via WiscoDave]
Notes from the Resistance
Man if a squad of cops is afraid to confront one AR-15 imagine how fun it will be to forcibly confiscate 20 million of them
— Bennett’s Phylactery (@extradeadjcb) May 27, 2022
[Via WiscoDave]
Fears of a Chinese invasion have Taiwanese civilians taking up target practice [More]
Just not with anything that would work.
I hope a country that won’t let its own people defend themselves doesn’t expect anyone else to…
[Via bondmen]
Democrats, we don’t need to concern ourselves with, at least for now—assume they’re all for whatever disarmament edicts they can get whenever they can get them. It’s the Republicans gun owners need to focus on, and there are few surprises here… [More]
Betraying gun owners and drowning the fire in their bellies will break up the anticipated wave before it hits the shore.
“Assault rifles should at minimum require a special permit, where the recipient is extremely well-vetted IMO,” the Tesla CEO replied. Musk reiterated that he supports “tight background checks” for all gun sales… [More]
Ain’t no rich savior coming. Wishing for one weakens.
Dem Rep Escobar: ‘Just Like We Regulate Vehicles and Cigarettes’ and Alcohol, We Should ‘Regulate Guns’ So People ‘Don’t Live in Fear’ [More]
You know, “dirty, deadly, and banned“…
[Via bondmen]
There are several here who fit the definition of “Sick Son of a Bitch” in this picture, but none go by the name of Beto. Look instead at the freaks who keep gutting gun laws so 18 year olds can buy weapons designed for war to go into schools and slaughter babies. THAT is sick. [More]
[Via Michael G]
If there’s a silver lining – or a “hoist with [her] own petard” ending to this, it’s that Brown is now a felon and prohibited by “law” from owning a gun for the rest of her life. [More]
You wouldn’t expect a criminal who knows she’s untrustworthy to trust others.
Call it what it is — ‘permitless carry’ [More]
Been saying that myself for some time. There are still plenty of intolerable infringements.
As for the rest of the non sequitur hysteria, what else wold se expect from a MILM getting free publicity in a USA Today/Gannett Publication?…
[Via Jess]
Gun control groups/lefty politicians in a “civil war” over Denver’s CCW ban in parks [More]
Girl fight!
[Via President Non_Fudd]
A quarrel over policy between Nye County commissioners and judges with the Fifth Judicial District Court has now led to a unanimous vote by the board to move the district courts and relocate them to their own dedicated buildings. The decision stems from an order … that states no weapons are allowed in any courthouse facility. [More]
Yeah, it’s a “win,” but without addressing security to and from, it seems like they’re just relocating the gauntlet…
[Via Jess]
But this “guns first” approach ignores a basic fact – over 92% of violent crimes in America do not involve firearms. Although Biden blames guns for the increase in violent crime, the latest data show that gun crimes fell dramatically. [More]
It’s almost like they have a hidden agenda or something…
[Via bondmen]
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace asks why the Left doesn’t come out with ‘more laws about illegal guns’ [More]
What did we just get done noting about “real reporters”?
[Via Michael G]
The mass shooting is being used to promote gun control and censorship. For those of us who criticize U.S. immigration policy, this is a concern. [More]
As Edwin Vieira Jr. noted in Kolbe v. Hogan:
This reliance on a permanent private market for firearms guaranteed that most militiamen, through their own efforts, could always obtain firearms suitable for both collective and individual self-defense, and forestalled tyranny by precluding rogue public officials from monopolizing the production, distribution, and possession of firearms.
This is more than tyranny. Deliberately undermining “the security of a free State” is treason.
[Via DDS]
AI may be searching you for guns the next time you go out in public [More]
Second…Fourth…Hey, no right is absolute, right?
Denver city council targets “black CCW holders” with new law that violates due process [More]
Considering historic roots and who agrees with that now (try bankrolling billionaire Michael Bloomberg), who but the ignorant could be surprised?
[Via President Non_Fudd]
Duane Chapman to Newsmax: Gun Owners Should Have Mental Health Card [More]
Says the hoplophobe…
[Via Jim S]