Two killed, one injured in rapid St. Louis shootings [More]
Quick! Throw more money at it!
[Via bondmen]
Notes from the Resistance
Two killed, one injured in rapid St. Louis shootings [More]
Quick! Throw more money at it!
[Via bondmen]
“Our Cities Turn Into War Zones Every Night” [More]
So, naturally, those depending on that are bent on eradicating the one thing that could stop it.
[Via bondmen]
An Australian Senator has called for X owner Elon Musk to be jailed for life for refusing to adhere to the Australian government’s demands to remove a video of the brutal attack on a Christian Bishop in Sydney last week by an apparent Muslim extremist. [More]
Naturally, these are the same tyrants who demand a monopoly of violence unto themselves.
[Via bondmen]
FBI Director Christopher Wray: ‘We Don’t Monitor Protests’ [More]
You’re certainly not going to believe your lying eyes, I hope.
Anybody smell gas…?
[Via Michael G]
You’re doing fine all by yourself.
California cops, firefighters, and utility workers are earning up to $800k a year in overtime pay [More]
In case you were wondering why so many of their unions endorse Democrats…
And don’t forget to indoctrinate the kids!
[Via bondmen]
FBI director issues chilling warning about possible terror attack on U.S. soil similar to Russian concert hall massacre which left 144 people dead: ‘We are increasingly concerned’ [More]
Brought to you by rigorous admissions and open borders.
And these guys, through commission or omission…
So DEI Greg has his crack BDTs (Blood Dance Teams) ready to deploy and set more disarmament steps in motion. That’s a plan Chris will fully embrace and enforce, especially since his guys will have had the perps on their radar, if not with embedded assets on the payroll.
After such an invited event here, who can doubt establishment Republicans will fold like a cheap suit on “assault weapons”?
“Three of our primary adversaries, Russia, Iran, and China are working together … and they’re a global threat to our prosperity and our security,” he said. “Their advance threatens the free world, and it demands American leadership … If we turn our backs right now the consequences could be devastating,” he added, “It’s an old military adage, but we would rather send bullets to the conflict overseas than our own boys, our troops. [More]
Funny, that they all ignore where bullets and boys are already needed, and dub anyone prioritizing that as an enemy tool…
St. Louis police dept. considers extending officer shifts to 11 hours amid staffing shortage [More]
I think I may have found a reason why staffing and funding are problematic for them…
[Via bondmen]
Judge Allows Juror Who ‘Celebrated Trump’s Loss in 2020’ to Stay in Pool [More]
Does anyone really believe this is anything but a partisan plot to let Democrats steal the election because they’re pretty sure that “greatest threat” is too disorganized and perceives it has too much to lose by going kinetic?
[Via bondmen]
Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.
And still, no “single issue” deflector or open borders “libertarian” will take my challenge.
During an interview with Univision that took place last Wednesday and aired on Tuesday, President Joe Biden stated that he would consider taking further executive action on guns and criticized 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump because Trump “famously told the NRA that, don’t worry, no one’s going to touch your guns” if Trump won. [More]
I just wish I could believe him.
[Via bondmen]
How Taxpayers Will Heavily Subsidize Democrat Boots on the Ground This Election [More]
Just think of it as a down payment on a bullet fee.
[Via Michael G]
CIA Officer/Former FBI Boasts “Can Put Anyone in Jail…Set ’Em Up!” “We Call It a Nudge” [More]
[Via Len Savage]
Woman shot at cars on Florida highway because of solar eclipse, cops say [More]
Some gravitate toward of a Creator.
Others toward a destroyer.
Same as it ever was.
[Via JR]
A former Vermont trooper accused of stealing a $14,000 Rolex watch and other valuable items from the evidence locker will avoid prison under a plea deal reached Friday. “Your honor, words cannot describe the regret and remorse I feel in my heart,” Giancarlo DiGenova told a judge in court Friday. [More]
Regrets that he got caught, POS scumbag…
The nerve of these @$$holes… and the incompetence of those administering the evidence rooms.
It’s not just that they wouldn’t offer you and me such a deal — they wouldn’t have to.
[Via Steve T]
A police officer in Wisconsin has been arrested on a felony sexual assault charge for his alleged inappropriate conduct toward a female student while working as a School Resource Officer (SRO). [More]
What a trust-betraying, self-serving weakling.
But he was allowed to have a gun there, and destroy your life if you had one.
[Via Steve T]
St. Louis among next wave of cities in DOJ effort to fight violent crime [More]
And the Collaborative didn’t work, either?
No worries. Federal dollars fix everything!
[Via bondmen]
Georgia Inmate Mails Bombs From Prison to DOJ Headquarters in DC; Federal Prosecutors Don’t Say How [More]
But “commonsense gun safety laws” work.
[Via bondmen]
FBI Agents Captured on Video During Home Visit Admit They Spend ‘Every Day, All Day Long’ Interrogating Americans About Their Social Media Posts [More]
If they show up at your door, remember the rule.
[Via Michael G]
Mexican president says the ‘flow of migrants will continue’ unless the US meets his demands – The interviewer recalled that critics derided Obrador’s requests as ‘diplomatic blackmail’ [More]
I thought we didn’t negotiate with terrorists…
Tangentially-Related UPDATE
Regulars here know who the whistleblower is.