Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

Arizona man allegedly sold firearms to undercover FBI agent to ‘incite race war’ – Indictment says Mark Adams Prieto recruited people at gun show to help carry out mass shooting targeting minorities [More]

Yay, our heroes, protecting us from “greatest threat” white supremacist gun show denizens!

Anybody know this loser?

[Via 1Gat]

Aid and Comfort to the Enemy

Hunter Biden withdrew $800 from ATM and met with drug dealer just hours before revolver purchase, bombshell text messages reveal [More]

A “violent, convicted drug dealer”…

Remonds me of something I wrote a while back:

This is what Hoffman has helped to perpetuate. Anyone buying heroin is getting it from very dangerous people who are part of an organized underworld ultimately enriching the murderous cartels.

I wonder how many murders Hunter owns a percentage of…

[Via bondmen]

A Matter of Priorities

The Washington D.C. prosecutor’s office that targeted January 6 protesters, including a 71-year-old great-grandmother known as the “Praying Grandma,” decided to drop charges of kidnapping and murder against a young woman who carjacked a vehicle carrying a sick woman then crashed the car, resulting in the sick woman’s death. [More]

Can there be a bigger accountability-avoiding scam than “Confirmed by voice vote“?

[Via Michael G]

More Than Meets the Eye?

A homeowner in Oakland was arrested after shooting and killing a robbery suspect. The 77-year-old homeowner was arrested on suspicion of murder. He remained behind bars on Tuesday while the district attorney considered whether to file charges. [More]

If he listens to his lawyer and keeps his mouth shut, he ought to be able to claim self-defense, but using a stolen gun doesn’t help and they may at least get him on that– assuming he’s not a “prohibited person” and “eligibile” for more, and that this wasn’t a dispute between associates…

[Via 1Gat]

If Only They’d Disarm You and Me…

Schierbaum said the suspected shooter has been arrested at least 11 times and is someone who should never have been in possession of a gun. [More]

Yeah? And how does he propose to make that happen?

Interesting response options

On a positive note, at least Moriarty wouldn’t have been scared.

[Via Jess]

Tangentially-Related UPDATES (Alright, they happened around Atlanta, so I’m gonna stuff ’em all in the same drawer)

These two take me back years, to a job I briefly touched on. They hired me to run their plant in SoCal but wanted to indoctrinate me with an introductory month-long gig as the preseident’s personal assistant, to learn the company (his) ways.

I wasn’t there but a day or two when he got the call that his Atlanta plant manager needed brain tumor surgery, so my trial by fire was to fly down there and take over the factory until such time as he could come back to work or a permanent replacement could be found.

I was going through the financials with the controller down there and asked why we were being hit up for something called “MARTA,” and she explained the Metropolitian Regional Transit Authority sales tax. The (black) foreman overheard us, laughed, and told me it stood for something else.

[Via Steve T]

He Couldn’t Believe His Eyes

A Travis County assistant district attorney was arrested Saturday morning on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon following an argument with a roommate … Frederick said his roommate was making “googly eyes” at a guest in their apartment. [More]

Over to you, Hank

It’s telling who government considers qualified to assess our fitness to control ourselves…

[Via bondmen]

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