No penalties even when deputies share a woman’s nudes after an illegal phone search – Government agents have “qualified immunity” for 2019 actions. [More]
What have we learned about signing “voluntary consents to search”?
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
Senator Lindsey Graham says he is a yes on RFK Jr, Kash Patel and now Tulsi Gabbard, specifically because the latter has now assured him, she will support FISA-702 warrantless searches of U.S. citizen communication. [More]
What other amendments are up for reconsideration?
[Via bondmen]
Now how do you stop them from inserting a spybot?
Speaking of which, still no resolution in sight…
[Via Michael G]
Did you know that every time you search for guns or ammo online, someone’s watching? Well you probably already know, but if you think it’s just the algorithms that feed you ads, think again—the ATF is also watching your searches. Worse, they use your digital activity to shape bans and enforcement actions. And no, we’re not fear mongering here. Published reports confirm that your searches are being tracked, analyzed, and even used to forecast so-called “threats.” [Watch]
The question then becomes what do Donald Trump and whomever he appoints to head the Bureau intend to do about this?
[Via 1Gat]
Tangentially-Related UPDATE
TSA Facial Recognition Scanning Spreading, Part of Planned ‘Across The Board’ Biometric Future [More]
Get your own SKU/QR code!
And just imagine the AI-enhanced deep fake/identity theft opportunities for hackers and those let into the system with bribes!
The ultimate goal, of course, isn’t just to categorize travelers. How many millions of unvetted illegal immigrants are occupying territory in this country again who won’t be affected one bit…?
[Via Michael G]
Can the Police Make Me Open My Car Safe [More]
As we see every damn day, police can “make” you do practically anything they want, and unless it’s a situation where their overt criminal aggression is immediately life-threatening to necessitate self-defensive force, my intent will be to not resist, comply with orders to get out, put my hands behind my back, get on the ground, etc., to say and consent to nothing (beyond “Am I free to go?” and “I want to speak to legal counsel”), and to let my lawyer guide my actions afterward.
[Via Jess]
In 2025, several new gun laws will go into effect in California. [More]
More attacks on RKBA, due process, self-incrimination protections, and privacy rights, while dragooning dealers into spreading the state’s terms of surrender…
You’ve got to scroll down to find them. The “real reporter” figured we needed to hear Kamala and Joe prove they’re cluelsss how the election went and demand more infringements on everybody first because of Madison.
Question about Sec. 34210: Do you see anything in there prohibiting dealers from putting a stamp on the pamphlet warning customers it’s state-mandated bull$h!+? I guess if they wanna stay open, because the vindictive bastards don’t neeed laws to persecute…
[Via Jess]
Under the banner of establishing global governance in the metaverse, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing digital ID for all users, so all blended reality interactions and transactions can be tracked-and-traced. [More]
Hey, if you aren’t doing anything wrong… and it’s not like systems are ever hacked.
If only there were a way to control the aftermath, because some things really do call for French Revolution solutions…
[Via Antigone]
Federal prosecutors seek records from company that deployed AI weapons scanner on NYC subway… In October, the city revealed the scanners did not detect any passengers with firearms — but falsely alerted more than 100 times. [More]
Sounds every bit the economic fascism boondogle ShotSpotter has proven to be…
[Via Steve T]
Today, the Department of Justice suspended the Drug Enforcement Administration’s controversial practice of having agents intercept travelers, interrogate them, and insist on searching their bags in what the agency calls “consensual encounters.” [More]
The government sure has a funny way of carrying out its mandate “to secure the Blessings of Liberty”…
[Via Michael G]
“I’m a [r]ealtor, I can show my badge—I can show my ID; give me a chance to show my ID,” Salem allegedly said repeatedly, according to the ruling. [More]
Nah, it’s more fun to terrorize you and take you hostage without probable cause.”Officer safety” is what this country is all about, you know.
[Via Edmund M]
The Second Circuit has ruled that a Connecticut police officer is not entitled to qualified immunity after handcuffing, detaining, and conducting a warrantless search on the plaintiff’s car because they “presented a facially valid firearms permit and disclosed that he possessed a firearm pursuant to the permit” [More]
Pity there’s no way to send Nicholas Andrzejewski my regards…
[Via CP]
The decision, first announced by the Institute for Justice, means that Tennessee wildlife officers will no longer be allowed to access private lands unless they have explicit permission of the landowner, or have obtained a court-ordered search warrant. [More]
Damn Constitution takes all the fun out of being a JBF (Jackbooted Fudd)…
[Via Michael G]
The U.S. Postal Service has shared information from thousands of Americans’ letters and packages with law enforcement every year for the past decade, conveying the names, addresses and other details from the outside of boxes and envelopes without requiring a court order. [More]
Kinda seems like expecting privacy in that situation is hardly realistic. But it’s something to keep in mind if you’re one of the usual suspects…
Maybe when buying mail order items of interest, “gift” them to a pseudonym…?
[Via bondmen]
Xi Jinping’s Recipe for Total Control: An Army of Eyes and Ears [More]
At least the impulse is “bipartisan”…
Gun owners in the Golden State weren’t deprived of their Second Amendment nor privacy rights because the state only shares minimal biographical information with two research colleges, a Ninth Circuit panel found on Wednesday. [More]
Which will then be used by “The Hero of Medicine” to give cover for infringements to reach into all of their purchases, records, homes, safes…
[Via bondmen]
Senators push for quick action on FISA before surveillance authority lapses [More]
Hurry! We need it NOW!
What? “Include a warrant requirement for federal agencies to search U.S. citizens’ data”…?
No. Do it our way or we let the whole thing “go dark.”
Besides, we don’t negotiate with terrorists.
Received via email:
Here are the 117 GOP Jihadis who have declared their unholy war against the Constitution and the American people [More]
I also blame those who didn’t vote.
Way to take fire out of bellies before the election, Vichycons…
FBI Agents Captured on Video During Home Visit Admit They Spend ‘Every Day, All Day Long’ Interrogating Americans About Their Social Media Posts [More]
If they show up at your door, remember the rule.
[Via Michael G]
NYC to test gun detecting systems in subways amid security push [More]
And if they can have them there, why not Everywhere, in Everytown? If you don’t have to respect the Second Amendment, what’s to keep you from trampling on the Fourth?
After all, it’s for the greater good.
My first thought was of ways criminals and terrorists will defeat this, starting with preferential embedded assets.
[Via Jess]