‘…No Law Respecting the Establishment of Religion…’

All-Muslim city council in Detroit suburb approves animal sacrifices at home [More]

And PETA’s not freaking out and bussing in raging cat ladies…? Hell, they’re not even mentioning it.

Kinda like the way the LGBTQ radical brigades kept it zipped when Muslim cab drivers went all homophobic in Cleveland…?

I guess this tells us which weaponized “cause” the destroyers find more effective. And we’re getting a preview of which idiots will be expendable first once they’re no longer useful.

Case in point: If the choice is between environmentalcases and “immigrants,” guess who gets priority and why, and for how long.

When you control a monopoly of violence, useless eaters aren’t that insurmountable a problem.

No Wonder They Made it a ‘Sensitive Area’

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office is offering a sweetheart plea deal to a suspect charged in the brutal anti-Semitic beating of a Jewish man in Midtown, prosecutors confirmed. [More]

64/26 makes it awful hard for me to get worked up.

And forgive me for wondering if Waseem Awawdeh, Mahmoud Musa, Faisal Elezzi, and Mohammed Othman are really most accurately described as “Staten Island men” or if a better grouping might be under “rigorous.”

[Via Michael G]

I Like to Be in America, O.K. By Me in America, Everything Free in America

You’re Welcome: Illegals in NYC Tossing Free Food [More]

Hold our cervezas.

Building an entitled government-dependent Democrat voter base one in-your-face outrage at a time.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

[Via Michael G]

None Dare Call It Treason

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to Biden: “President Biden, you are the first president of the United States in a very long time that has not built, not even one meter of wall, and that, we thank you for that, sir.” [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

[Via Michael G]

With Republicans Like These…

Gun Owners of America has learned that the FIRST gun bill that House Republicans plan to vote on is… NOT a pro-gun bill. The bill would expand the FBI’s power to punish Americans who attempt to legally purchase a firearm from a commercial gun dealer by reporting them to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. [More]

My new rep and one of my senators are enemies, so no use writing them.

It really seems to me a more effective tactic would be an en masse “WTF?” blast to Kevin McCarthy.

[Via Jess]

To Themselves and Their Posterity

A pregnant mom crossed the Rio Grande decades ago to give her unborn child a better life. Now her daughter is becoming a member of Congress [More]

And guess what she wants:

Ask not what we can do for your country, ask what your country can do for us.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

Oh, look: Here comes a new batch of Democrats!

Let’s Go Brandon

Border Patrol Union President Pushes Amnesty for Millions – Brandon Judd styles himself as an immigration hawk. But he has a history of selling out on the issue. [More]

A plan comes together.

It figures The Weasel Whisperer backs it. As does the “ex-Democrat” so many “conservatives” seems to be getting excited about.

[Via Andy M]

Embrace the Cultural Diversity

According to an interview with Telemundo, the mother says she did not report the rape, which should raise more than a few eyebrows: “Telemundo News confirmed with two people who know [the child’s mother], who confirmed she is the girl’s mother.” The witnesses also told Telemundo the woman is in a relationship with Fuentes and was interviewed at his home address, where she apparently lives with the victim and her other children. [More]

Man, I can just feel the vibrancy!

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

[Via Michael G]

Bordering On Treason

Mitt Romney, Susan Collins Dismiss the Idea of Impeaching DHS Chief Mayorkas [More]

They’re right, but for the wrong reasons. Of course he’s a disloyal subversive.

This is just noisemaking by Republicans pushing for it. They know the Party failed in what it should have focused on: making sure it had the votes.

[Via bondmen]

A Saying About Good Fences Comes to Mind

Police were called 21 times this year to the Northeast Philly home where a woman was decapitated… One nearby resident, who asked not to be identified, said the occupants of the house were Syrian immigrants who had moved in about seven years ago. [More]

What’s that word I’m looking for…?

Oh, yeah, rigorous

Churning Up a Blue Wave

Will GOP Commit Political Suicide With Bipartisan Amnesty Bill? [More]

Chuck Schumer is counting on them!

C’mon, Vichycons, don’t you want the Democrats and their media to say conciliatory things about you for a day?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority, so all you “gun rights leaders” can stay in hiding!

[Via Michael G]

Schumer ‘Amnesty’ Exposes Self-Defeating Blindness of ‘Single Issue’ Gun Owners

Start with the fact that Schumer’s stated goal, “get a path to citizenship for … however many undocumented there are here” will create an overwhelming number of new Democrats. Anyone who disputes that is deliberately ignoring all observable demographic realities. Even the terminology he employs is a calculated deception. It’s not a “path.” With the numbers involved, we’re really talking about a superhighway. And guess who pays the tolls? [More]

Dismiss this observable danger at your peril. And dismiss anyone who does.

Wrong on Rights

Dem Rep. Garamendi: ‘The President Is Absolutely Correct, No Assault Weapons’ [More]

This coming from an old subversive who says the way to stop the influx of drugs and criminals is to forget border security, where tens of millions have illegally crossed, and focus on the Coast Guard.

[Via bondmen]

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