The Dog Ate My Transcript

EXPLOSIVE: Liz Cheney’s J6 Committee DELETED OR DESTROYED Interview with Top Secret Service Official Robert Engel – That Likely Would Exonerate Trump! – WAR ROOM VIDEO [More]

If this wasn’t evidence of a criminal conspiracy at the highest levels it would be the Department of Justice using all the resources at its disposal to uncover the truth instead of Steve Bannon.

Funny, how quiet the DSM is about this…

Here’s a question I don’t know the answer to, and a cursory search shows it’ll be quicker if I just ask somebody who knows:

Is there a records retention law binding on congressional committees with criminal penalties for disregarding?

[Via Michael G]


Jack Smith Wants Judge to Exclude Trump’s January 6 Evidence From Trump’s January 6 Trial [More]

Reminds me of the Wayne Fincher trial, where the judge wouldn’t let him argue the Constitution and Second Amendment…

Cut through all the crap and what we have here is administration loyalists prosecuting Joe Biden’s political opponent on the premise that HE’s the one interfering with elections.

[Via Michael G]

Parroting the Narrative

CNN’s Kayyem: Trump Is Utilizing ‘Threat of Violence’ to Rally His People [More]

Chris Matthewshoaxers

Never let a meme go to waste…

I mean, the DOJ and FBI have put a lot of effort into it…

So… no one’s interested in exploring eleciton interference…?

[Via bondmen]

Unauthorized Journalist

Lawless FBI Notifies Blaze Journalist Steve Baker He Will Be Charged Next Week for His Actions as a Reporter at the J6 Protests [More]

The Nazi snitches at “Sedition Hunters” are cowards who hide behind anonymity. Who is dumb enough to believe reporting “crimes” is their only agenda, and that they don’t have shadow backers who would make their credibility suspect if they were known?

[Via Michael G]

Hunter Biden Second Amendment Defense Could Upend Democrat Agenda on Guns

If Biden’s motion ultimately prevails, other categories of prohibited persons become vulnerable to challenge, as well as records required to be kept by Federal Firearms Licensees, which themselves have no historical counterpart. The possibilities for reclaiming rights seem boundless. [More]

It would be deliciously ironic if, in saving his own skin, this degenerate saved ours…

Pardon My Cisnormativity…

Ohio Woman Pleads Guilty… According to court documents and statements made in court, on April 15, Whitney M. Durant, aka Soren Monroe, 20, of Worthington, intentionally damaged the property of HerChoice, a pregnancy center located in Bowling Green, Ohio, by defacing the clinic’s building, spray painting the words, “LIARS,” “Fund Abortion,” “Abort God,” and “Jane’s Revenge.” [More]

Quick “woke” etiquette question: Is it an aggression in this case to say “woman“?

What’s in a Name?

“Based on the facts and the law, if Hunter’s last name was anything other than Biden, the charges in Delaware, and now in California, would have not been brought,” Lowell said… [More]

Ever the victim, eh?

What if his last name was Taylor?

My spider sense is telling me Democrats know Joe’s jig is up and are upping the signals to his inner circle that it’s time for him to go.

Carrying on a Tradition

Three months ago the New Mexico governor announced a 30-day ban on citizens’ right to carry a concealed firearm in Albuquerque and the county that Albuquerque sits in. What did the Justice Department do when the governor did that unconstitutional order? What did the DOJ do in response to that unconstitutional action from the governor of New Mexico? [Watch]

The same thing they didn’t do two decades ago when we petitioned the Republicans for rights enforcement.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Hush-Hush Enough

Defying presidents and Congress, the ATF, DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals shroud their shootings in secrecy – Despite nearly 30 years of demands for transparency, the DOJ’s law enforcement agencies release little data about whom they shoot, why and when, and they rarely use body cameras. [More]

They could tell us but then they’d have to kill us. Funny, how this kind of “gun violence” is fine with those who want to disarm you and me.

Anybody else get the feeling this is not what the Founders had in mind…?

[Via Steven H]

Merrick Garland’s Already Got People Working On It

Biden’s DOJ to stop him in 3…2..1…

After all, the DSM tell us Operation Lone Star is “racist and murderous.”

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via Andy M]

We’re the Only Ones Chronic and Habitual Enough

“The Justice Department will do everything in its power to find and hold accountable the gun traffickers who are arming the cartels.” [More]

Good one! And they’re headline whoring for the same reasons.

Why does Sir Wilfrid’s cross-examination of Frau Helm come to mind…?

Hunter Biden’s Lawyers are Playing to Supportive Media with ‘Vindictive Prosecution’ Insinuations

“Lawyers for Hunter Biden raised the prospect that he is the victim of ‘vindictive’ prosecution… [More]

And leave it to the “real reporters” to make that what the public takes away from all this.

That Should Have Been the End of It

Watkins… testified that she … never heard any commands for her and other Oath Keepers to enter the building on Jan. 6, 2021… Rhodes … told jurors that there was never a plan to attack the Capitol. He testified that he was surprised and upset when he learned that some group members had joined a pro-Trump mob in storming the building… [More]

I rest my case.

Tales of the Master Race

At Harvard Law School, she hosted speakers who defended violent anti-government activists and murderers of police officers as “political prisoners” because they were racial minorities. She parroted pseudo-scientific black supremacist views, writing, “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities” than people with light skin. [More]

But she can’t be a racist because “power”

My poor melanin-deprived mind just isn’t developed enough to understand how that works.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Love You Long, Long Time Enough

Commercial sex buyers allegedly included elected officials, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, attorneys, scientists and accountants, among others. [More]

Any “gun sense candidates”…? I’m just thinking the last time we ran across an Asian whore…

How about human smuggling…?

And no, still no word on Epstein clients…

[Via bondmen]


And here come the narrative media denials

I’d say this has risen to the court/election interference level where it warrants a Justice Department subpoena and investigation to see who’s playing whom…

Who would be against it?

Back to Square One?

Hunter Biden legal team may need to overhaul defense strategy in gun case [More]

That drives the timing on resurrecting one FOIA and pressing one complaint:

And point of order on that “second gun”– the (extremely NSFW!) Marco Polo report, at the top of page 282, claims:

“Five days after he illegally obtained a .38 caliber handgun, Hunter solicited a female to the Red Roof Plus+ in Newark. During the tryst, he posed with what he claimed was a black ‘airgun,’” [further identified in a footnote as a] “PT-80 Semi-Auto .177 Cal. CO2 Pellet Pistol 8 shot magazine from GAMO.”


In any case, I’m interested in finding out if any report raised the question of Biden lying on the 4473 before this one.

[Via Dan Gifford]

We’re the Only Ones Conspiring Enough

North Carolina and North Dakota Police Chiefs and Federal Firearms Licensees Indicted for Conspiracy to Illegally Acquire Machineguns and Other Firearms. [More]

Amidst all the outrage over Larry Vickers, let’s not forget we all have the right to such firearms the chiefs claimed for themselves but would arrest us for. I also find it difficult to comprehend how an FFL and recognized expert, versed in all the traps and pitfalls, could stumble into such a huge one himself.

[Via Jess]

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