Curses, Foiled Again!

The Court ORDERS that Defendants and their officers, agents, servants, and employees are enjoined from implementing or enforcing against Polymer80, Inc. or its customers, in any manner, the provisions in 27 C.F.R. § 478.11 and 478.12 that this Court has determined are likely unlawful. [More]

Garland again,

This didn’t age well, did it, Leon?

[Via Jess]

Tyrants Gonna Tyrannize

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is asking the Supreme Court to overturn an appeals court ruling that struck down a federal law preventing people under domestic violence-related restraining orders from having guns. [More]

Because how better “to secure the Blessings of Liberty” than to deny rights to people who haven’t even been charged with anything, let alone convicted?

[Via bondmen]

When Mini-Tyrants Rage

A coalition of 14 attorneys general condemned payment networks majors including Visa Inc, American Express Co and Mastercard Inc for pausing work on a merchant code to help detect suspicious gun sales in the United States. [More]

That tells me everything I need to know.

Why is Reuters calling state attorneys general “U.S. attorneys general”?

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

Senators Menendez, Warren urge regulators to support new gun sale code [More]

And that tells me everything I need to know, too.

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Cowing Enough

The FBI Targeted Patriotic Conservatives Exercising Their First Amendment Rights: ‘They’re All Bleeping Terrorists’ [More]

Right. The object here is to send an unmistakable intimidating message about who’s in charge in case anybody else is getting any ideas. That and smear any opposing ideology as the stuff of domestic terrorists.

I wonder if the people who really could be in charge, and in short order, are ever going to realize the disparity in numbers…?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Inciting Enough

Newly Released J6 Footage Shows ‘Non-Uniformed’ Officers, Police Urging Pro-Trump Protesters to Go to the Capitol [More]

It’s a well-known and exploitable psychological phenomenon. I’m surprised sentences aren’t being appealed based on exploitation and manipulation by provocateurs trained to agitate and elicit such reactions in crowds.

I wonder if subpoenas by defense attorneys would reveal coordinated plans and instructions.

[Via Michael G]

Bugging the Confessional?

Re: Federal Bureau of Investigation Infiltrating Catholic Congregations [More]

Hey, it’s a lot safer than going after violent criminals and dangerous subversives…

State-approved Catholics… where have we seen that before…?

These bastards Garland and Wray are no f*****g different than the goddam Chicoms.

[Via Antigone]

This is It?

Sarah Beth Clendaniel, 34, has been charged with conspiring with a neo-Nazi leader in Florida, Brandon Clint Russell, 27, who authorities say encouraged attacks that would cause a “cascading failure” of the energy grid. [More]

These two low-hanging fruit losers are the best examples of the “right-wing extremist”greatest threat Chris Wray and Merrick Garland tell us are the bane of the Republic…?

Funny thing about that

[Via Michael G]

What, No Raid?

DOJ reviewing potentially classified docs at Biden center [More]

Who thinks anything of substance will be done about it?

Maybe if we knew what the documents pertained to…? You know, the more damaging and damning, the more deliberate and vigorous the DOJ effort to bury, stonewall, and shield the Big Guy…

[Via Jess]


Joy Behar defends Joe Biden on classified docs: Unlike Trump, ‘Biden is [not] a liar and a thief’ [More]

Watching The View is grounds for divorce.

[Via Michael G]

Damned if They Do, Damned if They Don’t

Sutherland Springs shooting survivors say DOJ appeal damages gun safety laws [More]

$230M or political posturing… tough choice.

Remember what it took to get relevant records released?

Funny, how it’s just those who survived on luck — and not on getting a gun and stopping the maniac — that are most upset.

[Via Jess]

Machine Gun Charges Against Small Town Police Chief Point to Larger Issues

Nice work if you can get it. The problem is, without a badge, you can’t, and therein lies the crux of police as “Only Ones.” [More]

Special exemptions make it easy to forget your place in the food chain.

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘Comprehensive’ Is

A Comprehensive Assessment of Deadly Mass Shootings, 1980-2018 [More]

I haven’t had time to give this more than a cursory glance, but I do note a search for the term “gun-free zone” turns up “0” results.

Hopefully, there will be things we can glean from this, and assumptions we can check.

Up in Smoke

A federal judge on Friday dismissed a lawsuit from Florida’s agriculture commissioner that challenged a ban on medical marijuana patients’ rights to buy and possess firearms. [More]

So when are they going to arrest her?

And no, of course, I don’t agree with the ban. I just can’t help but notice she’d be happy to arrest us for “violating” citizen disarmament laws she agrees with.

I wonder if the “conservative” High Court’s Bruen decision with its “historical understanding” benchmark will end up saving her.

[Via Jess]

A Certain Appeal

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Defendants Merrick Garland, in his official capacity as Attorney General of the United States; Steven Dettelbach, in his official capacity as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF); the United States Department of Justice; and ATF hereby appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit from the Court’s Opinion & Order on Scope of Preliminary Injunction entered on October 1, 2022… [More]

Of course they’re not giving up on unconstitutionally claiming authority to impose frame or receiver infringements. They enjoy unlimited resources.

FPC has the entire case with filings and orders indexed for us.

[Via Jess]

So Now What?

In addition to exposing the conscious malfeasance of the FBI brass, Durham also established the organizational structure of the whole Russia investigation from the FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane through to the Mueller Inquiry. This information should prove useful in any future investigation when the real culprits are indicted on RICO charges. [More]

I guess the question on my mind is “Will they be?

Time and again we see cover-up upon cover-up that ought to bring a government down but instead gets buried, dismissed, forgotten, ridiculed, …

Change my mind.

[Via bondmen]

Tyrants Haunted by Ghosts

The Department of Justice’s Statement of Interest informs the Court that the United States has serious concerns about the proliferation of untraceable firearms easily assembled from firearm parts kits and unfinished frames and receivers. [More]

Well, yeah. If we don’t know about them, how are we expected to confiscate them?

[Via Jess]

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