What Gun Owners Elected Them For

U.S. District Judge Karin Immergut ruled that banning large capacity magazines and requiring a permit to purchase a gun falls in line with “the nation’s history and tradition of regulating uniquely dangerous features of weapons and firearms to protect public safety”… [More]

Thanks, Donald Trump and Senate Republicans!

[Via bondmen]

Just Like the Framers Intended

If it sounds like these authors, Guha Krishnamurthi (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law) and Peter Salib (University of Houston Law Center) are hinting that cops just violate second amendment rights under the color of law based on the protections police enjoy virtually everywhere and in most, if not all, circumstances, you’d be wrong. They say, “The officer’s justifications may conflict with the federal courts’ understanding of Bruen or the Second Amendment—perhaps flagrantly.” [More]

Funny… if they’re going to override Bruen, they don’t cite any Founding Era text, history, and traditions for enforcer supremacy over citizens’ unalienable rights…

Speaking of which, you’d think ol’ Guha would know better than to side with the Red Coats…

A Good First Step

Wrong Thinking is Punishable; Right Thinking Will Be as Quickly Rewarded. You Will Find It an Effective Combination.

Restricting the Government from Speaking to Tech Companies Will Spread Disinformation and Harm Democracy [More]

Hey, we could be East Korea!

At least that’s what the guy who said “I personally hate gun violence and wouldn’t mind having all guns confiscated” believes.

[Via Steve T]

But No One’s Talking About Taking Your Guns Redux

“We’re not going to get uniformity in this country unless there are enough lawyers who will bring on these cases – and these are very difficult cases – where it becomes unsustainable for the gun manufacturers to defend these,” Romanucci said. “Any time when there’s a mass shooting where you see a pattern, it is my belief that if there’s a viable claim, that a lawsuit should be brought so that it’s unsustainable for the gun manufacturers to defend.” [More]

It’s like they’re trying to create a talking points narrative or something…

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Just Like the Founders Used to Ban?

The Biden administration says its Defending new restriction on the possession of pistols with stabilizing braces parallels colonial times. [More]

Do they really want to go down that road?

This part bugged me:

He argued sawed-off shotguns are wildly inaccurate when fired, whereas braces make pistols more stable and accurate.

Does “our side” really want to go down THAT road?

Speaking of Intellectually Flawed

A federal judge denied a motion for preliminary injunction today in a lawsuit challenging New York’s “places of worship” gun ban, saying that the Bruen test “is considered by many to be an impractical and intellectually flawed approach” [More]

You know what else is intellectually flawed?

Allowing these subversive bastards to be confirmed with a voice vote so Senators can’t be held accountable and still maintain their “A” ratings.

[Via Jess]

Monster Makers Chaining Their Creations

The US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit heard oral arguments about whether a Pennsylvania law banning 18-20 year olds from having firearms in public when a government declares an emergency violates the 2nd Amendment. [Watch]

At the very least, it violates U.S. Code.

You have to wonder what kind of treasonous, mad Democrat would demand and defend this, and the answer is the same kind whose policies have made the type of 18 -20-year-olds making daily headlines in Philadelphia inevitable.

[Via Jess]

The Walking Lead

A sporting goods store in Delaware “watched half a million rounds of ammo walk out the door”, an attorney said… The probe began over reports that significant amounts of ammunition were being stolen from Cabela’s, which at the time stored ammunition unsecured in the middle of the sales floor and “made no apparent effort to stop massive shoplifting”. [More]

Why don’t you guys just hand the Democrats more ways to spook the herd? Does the manager still have a job?

Who made the “reports”? And is it wrong to suspect “shoplifting” may not have been the problem?

Alternatively, if ammo is a “public nuisance,” what do you call food?

I gotta tell ya, this whole society makes less and less sense to a “S’cuse me, you dropped your wallet” kinda guy like me.

[Via Remarks]

Law for the Lawless

The SPLC declined to comment when asked whether Jurgens changed into black-bloc-style clothing and whether he physically attacked police officers or equipment during the assault on Cop City. The SPLC declined to specify whether it had any evidence that Jurgens had remained peaceful. [More]

Of course, they’ll take full advantage of the burden of proof, something they don’t practice with those they publicly condemn as “haters.”

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Susceptible Enough

Police in California are not immune from civil lawsuits for misconduct that happens while they investigate crimes, the state Supreme Court ruled this week, overruling a precedent made by lower courts that had helped protect law enforcement from litigation for decades. [More]

Good. Maybe. Before cheering too loudly, consider the inevitable increased lawlessness and demands for more citizen disarmament.

[Via Michael G]

Rotten to the Core

At the center of this case is whether the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) properly interpreted the term “machinegun,” as defined in 26 U.S.C. § 5845(b), to include items known as non-mechanical bump stocks. [More]

And at the center of that is the question of where the hell any branch of government has the legitimate authority to infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

[Via Jess]

Kloepfer Lawsuit Documents ‘Attempted Murder’ of Unarmed Citizen by Police

The lawsuit follows. Readers are encouraged to set aside the time to go through it completely to understand the totality of events that happened and are still happening to a citizen attempting to comply with police orders, and to know if it can happen to Jason Kloepfer it can happen to any of us. [More]

That this story hasn’t been headline national news tells us much.

Mooting Cases Can Chill Incentives to Pursue Gun Denials

Who wants to spend years and substantial effort to force a correction and not even be able to recover costs? Who has those kinds of resources? [More]

Here’s another huge advantage that rights deniers with unlimited state resources have over gun owners of limited means.

Who will Judge the Judges?

A federal appeals court has restored most of New Jersey’s new gun control laws limiting firearms in sensitive public places after overturning a lower court ruling blocking many restrictions while a legal challenge plays out. [More]

Here’s the order. If someone gets killed as a result of it, I wonder how much sleep the judges will lose.

Krause was appointed by Obama and Chung was appointed by Biden. The one that concerns me here is Porter, appointed by Trump.

[Via Jess]

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