What Total Government Gun Control Looks Like


Just wait. They’ll turn up at crime scenes. And fuel more infringement hysteria.

If I may repeat myself:

Many of you know I used to do policies and procedures for a defense contractor, and we had inventory controls and secure stores protocols in place to account for and prevent stuff going “missing.” Quite simply, it’s not that hard to achieve.

So this is either inexcusable incompetence and laziness, or outright criminality. Either way, if this happened at an FFL’s place of business, he would be shuttered and facing charges.

On the plus side, even when they have total registration they can’t handle it. Of course, we’ve known that for some time.

What a way to dishonor a memory. I do wonder what he’d have thought of the coerced name change…

[Via Jess]

Chech Your Premises

The Colonel confronted Daraev, an altercation ensued, and Daraev was shot multiple times. [More]

Good thing it was outside Fort Br… uh…Liberty.

Now describe the what an “altercation” justifying lethal force looks like, because the accounts I’ve seen have been light on the details.

[Via bondmen]

Related UPDATE

Tinfoil Haturday: Special Ops Soldier Shoots Illegal Chechen Photographing His Kid, Then it Gets Weird [More]

The plot thickens…

[Via Michael G]

Stand…uh… Flying Army

Calling it a “power grab,” Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) has expressed his opposition to the Biden administration’s proposal to transfer members of the Air National Guard to the Space Force without the permission of state or territorial governors. [More]

That must be why the ACLU tried to evade my challenge by claiming the Militia evolved into the National Guard…

And there are still egotistical useful idiots mistaking themselves for informed trying to keep the lie proppped up.

It’s funny– I go back to some of my old stuff, and while I can see things I said then that I might challenge today, I’m not unhappy that my influencers then were those arguing text, history, and tradition…

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially Related UPDATE

And Nadler’s still beating that horse

[Via Jess]

Finland’s Government Support for Civilian Shooting: A Step in the Right Direction the U.S. Should Take

“Well, the reservists are ready and willing, if Russkies are coming. They will be a big help for the regular army,” Saro declared. “If there will be new shooting ranges opened, the main reason is just to be ready and practice. It is pretty similar to our Civil Guard that was active before the wars. Then, besides reservist and military, there are hunters.” [More]

Yes, there’s plenty wrong with their “gun control” laws. That doesn’t mean we can’t learn from what they do right.

Speaking of National Security Threats…

19 Retired Generals, Admirals, and Former Top Defense Officials File Supreme Court Brief Against President Trump’s Immunity Bid, Claiming Trump’s Act “Threatens National Security” – Here Is the List [More]

They’re the ones David Hackworth dubbed “Perfumed Princes,” the ones who through purges and promotions set the stage for rot.

We’ve met some of these Benedict Arnolds before, like the execrable Michael Hayden. He and Peter Chiarelli have another bit of oath-breaking in common.

[Via bondmen]

Every Terrible Implement

M-16 Era Ends: Army’s 101st Airborne Division Receives Next-Gen Assault Rifles [More]

You and I can’t have those either, because they’re not “in common use.”

As long as we allow that to be defined by what’s popular for “self-defense” and sport as opposed to arms that soldiers bear, we’re giving the prohibitionists an out to screw us.

[Via bondmen]

Two Wolves and a Sheep

If you wish to understand how democracy ended in the United States and the European Union… [More]

I wish it would.

Why don’t these prominent influencers?

As for the military trying to take over, it would be the biggest mistake the rulers ever made.

Unless we’re talking Blue zones like NYC and Philly because Democrats, who demand to rule us, can’t rule themselves.

[Via bondmen]

Insurrection 2.0

Gold Star Father Put in Handcuffs for Protesting Biden During State of the Union Over Deadly Abbey Gate Terror Attack in Afghanistan [More]

Doesn’t he know his kind isn’t wanted here anymore?

Just ask Rob Reiner.

And yeah, I saw it last night. He basically had the commies cheering for plans to exacerbate inflation, pile onto the debt, play chicken with Putin and China, further open the pathway to citizenship floodgates, disarm me and you, draw and quarter more babies, and meet the “river to the sea” people going from the sea to the river.

I will give him this: He slurred some words, but getting through the speech as well as he did surprised me. IKt’s an indicaiton he doewsn’t mean to be replaced, and I’m hoping that works in our favor.

Still, and I’ve said this before, the issue this election is abortion, and masses of women voters will ignore everything else and burn the house down to get it.

Change my mind.

[Via Michael G]

The Enemies Within

“Understand that if active duty military actually get deployed within the United States, that weapon is not just going to be pointed at other people, other countries, it’s pointed at you.” [More]

And those will be real “weapons of war.”

Noting the differences in sheer numbers and the impossibility of containing them, I’d say there’s a meme in there somewhere, but I’m actually more concerned with how China and Russia would be taking advantage of Democrat-initiated hostilities, with no small amount of reliance on another group that outnumbers the military.

[Via Michael G]

Look On Our Works, Ye Mighty, and Despair

The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) “LGBTQIA + ally training” includes the “gender unicorn” and “transgender terminology index,” internal documents reveal. [More]

I can’t figure out who’s more intimidated and with a newfound sense of respect: Russia or China.

And I’ll bet the Grand Ayatollahs are shaking in their slippers.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Ignoring Enough

The tape and resulting investigations further highlight the argument that police and the Army were sufficiently warned that Card was suffering from mental health issues long before the October shooting, per the AP. [More]

So “If you see something, say something” is just a meaningless slogan?

And naturally, the demands are more infringements against those of us who behave ourselves just fine…

[Via bondmen]

Thank You for Your Cervix

The U.S. Department of Defense plans to revamp its assisted reproductive technologies (ART) policies to ensure service members’ taxpayer-funded benefits cover the creation of motherless and fatherless children via in vitro fertilization for single and same-sex soldiers. [More]

Another vital area in which the Russian and Chicom militaries lag…

[Via Michael G]

From the Government That Brought Us ‘Zero Tolerance’ for FFLs

40,000 Weapons Sent to Ukraine Have Gone Missing: Pentagon IG [More]

Meanwhile, you fill out lost and stolen reports– or else.

Anyone doubt they’ll turn up…?

The convergence of incompetence and intent needed for this to happen is just stunning.

So: Who’s even losing a job?

[Via bondmen]

A Little Standoffish…

The Texas Military Department confirms the TX National Guard has seized control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass (city property where mass illegal crossings are), and is restricting Border Patrol from accessing the area, saying the Feds “perpetuate illegal crossings”. [More]

And who will they obey if Biden takes over by calling them into national service and ordering them to “help”…?

[Via bondmen]

None Dare Call It Treason

As fighting rages in the Middle East and Europe and China looms as a threat, America’s dwindling arsenal of high-end munitions emerges as an alarming crisis. The United States, once a fortress of military might, now faces the prospect of a munitions deficit in an era brimming with uncertainties. [More]

Who thinks that’s not deliberate and calculated, with incentivized decision-making?

[Via bondmen]

And Thank You for Your Service

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) is putting together legislation to require the U.S. military to adhere to state-level red and yellow flag laws for troops. [More]

Denying them due process and stripping them of a fundamental right is one hell of a way to show appreciation.

[Via Dan Gifford]

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