Unsound Thinking

Bay Area crime tech firm ShotSpotter rebrands as stock tanks with new Chicago mayor [More]

What they call it won’t mask the fact that it’s an expensive boondoggle for Democrat cities that want to look like they’re “doing something.”

Maybe along with the “rebranding” they need a new spokesman:

[Via DDS]

A Continuation of the Original Rebellion

While the FBI has been sending spies into Catholic churches, hunting for “domestic terrorism,” Old Joe Biden’s laughably named “Justice” Department has just offered what Fox News calls a “sweetheart plea deal” to a woman who claims to be a man and who smashed doors, destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary, assaulted a church staffer, and sprayed graffiti at a Catholic church in Washington state. There isn’t even the pretense of fairness anymore. The double standard is glaring and obvious. [More]

Now there’s someone in need of a good exorcism.

Aberrations in self-imposed psychic prisons of rage are not happy and will never be happy. And they know it.

So do the principalities and powers using them.

[Via Michael G]

Suffer the Children

Children Are Not Property The idea that underlies the right-wing campaign for “parents’ rights.” [More]

No, they’re not. They’re precious charges and we are their devoted stewards. I don’t know anyone who thinks they can be owned aside from totalitarian enslavers, demonic perverts, and abortion fetishists.

Anybody know if this Marxist hag has kids?


Asked and answered.

[Via WiscoDave]

Opinions are Like…

Opinion: Founding Fathers would want gun control today [More]

Just because William Lambers says so.

Forget all the research, scholarship, and documentation to the contrary– the useful idiots agreeing with him have no interest in confronting their ignorant prejudices with reality.

Interesting though, how “progressive” liars presume to speak for historical figures they also decry as racists. Kind of like when they lecture us about what Jesus wanted.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Underrepresented Here…

Nearly 20% of the American population has had a family member killed by a gun, including by suicide, and 1 in 6 has witnessed a shooting, a new survey found … For Black adults, the numbers were even higher, attesting to greater gun violence in minority communities. [More]

I need to up my game. I’m gonna be 71 in a month and we’ve had no one. Well, an uncle was killed with an artillery shell, but that was different.

If I don’t want to be hated as racist, I guess I’d better credit my good fortune on white privilege, because if I mention personal conduct and life choices, Little Stevie’s Genocide Xers, Ys and Zs will be Antifaing my fascist @$$…

Blaming the Victim

SFSU Responds To Alleged Assault On Riley Gaines… By Praising The Protesters [More]

It’s telling how the elite luminaries in “women’s sports” are showing their true purpose has nothing to do with their stated one.

Everyone understands coexistence is impossible with those who demand total allegiance or extermination…?

Curious, it’s the same “side” that wants our guns…

[Via bondmen]

Have You Driven a Ford Lately?

Now, though, Ford is taking things even further. Its next Mustang — the internal combustion kind — will no longer have an AM radio as of the 2024 model year. In fact, AM will soon disappear from all Ford models. Mazda, Volvo, Polestar, Rivian, and Volkswagen all think that the time is right to dump AM radio. [More]

Mark Levin explains the deliberate impact on “conservative talk radio” while Media Matters gaslights and ridicules with Alinsky Rule 5.

[Via Mack H]

Conflation Time

Biden invites ‘Tennessee Three’ Democrats who faced expulsion over gun violence protest to White House [More]

It wasn’t actually his idea, but his handlers thought it would be something to exploit by equating RKBA defenders and Republicans with racists.

His main job will be to not call any of them “clean.”

[Via bondmen]

A Plan Comes Together

These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas’ financial disclosures. His failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to disclose most gifts, two ethics law experts said. He also should have disclosed his trips on the yacht, these experts said. [More]

Don’t be surprised to see charges from a functionary of the party of citizen disarmament. They need him out before the court takes up “assault weapons.”

The Horns of a Dilemma

It’s going to be interesting when some gun store becomes the first to refuse a sale because an employee think the purchaser is “mentally ill”… because they’re wearing a dress and wanting to be called a woman’s name. Who will the left defend? The gun store, or the purchaser? [More]

It reminds me of a paradox I thought of a few years back on the nature vs. nurture theories for homosexuality, prompted by those who argue they’re born that way and no one would choose it based on the discrimination they face.

Suppose there’s a biological/genetic basis for that and the markers could be identified in utero.

Would they try to outlaw “a woman’s right to choose” if that were the reason for her decision to terminate a pregnancy?

[Via WiscoDave]

Let’s Go, Brandon!

[Deleted photo — from the thumbnail my mind conflated the red t-shirts with Moms Demand Action shirts. But he’s still big on citizen disarmament.]

The Windy City decided on its new mayor Tuesday after a tight race between two blues, with a progressive, Bernie Sanders-endorsed Democrat taking the keys to the Chicago mayor’s office. [More]

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.

Lest Ye Be Judged

WE DID IT – thanks to the tireless efforts of Wisconsin Moms Demand Action volunteers and help from supporters like you, Judge Janet Protasiewicz was elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court! [More]

In other words, it will be impossible for anything Second Amendment-related to get a fair hearing on an appeal.

And if Wisconsin Democrats have their way, it will be illegal aliens hauling gun owners in.

Throw the Bums Out

Three Democratic lawmakers who took part in protests on the House floor of the Tennessee statehouse will face expulsion later this week. Earlier Monday, the three lawmakers were removed from their committee assignments and had their badges to the capitol deactivated. [More]

Republicans should have had the guts to do that here.

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Selling Out…

The convention known as “SatanCon 2023” will be held on April 28-30 at the Boston Marriott Copley Place. It is being promoted as “a weekend of blasphemy and remembrance in Boston” and will also celebrate TST’s 10-year anniversary. The group also claims the convention will be the “largest Satanic gathering in history.” [More]

Fortunately, Giffords assures us that “Massachusetts has some of the strongest gun laws in the country,” so at least they shouldn’t have to worry about any fatwas. Right?

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Raising the Bar

Currently, when constitutional amendments are placed on the ballot, it takes only a simple majority (50% plus one vote) to change the constitution. SJR 2 would require any future constitutional amendment to be approved by at least 60% of the voters, whether proposed by initiative petition, by the General Assembly, or by a constitutional convention. [More]

This ought to buy us some time, at least.

But the changes the state is going through have already taken over where I live.

And we know how that ends up.

Who’s Asking?

WaPo: Mass shooting raises controversial question: What’s the Christian thing to do about guns? [More]

That it’s “controversial” is the first lie, but one to set everyone scurrying off in the wrong direction. Shall we consult the “historical understanding” that the Founders accepted?

“He that suffers his life to be taken from him by one who has no authority for that purpose, when he might preserve it by defense, incurs the Guilt of self murder since God has enjoined him to seek the continuance of his life, and Nature itself teaches every creature to defend [it]self.”

Or we could just listen to more violence monopoly propaganda from the useful idiot rope-selling DSM, in this case from an outlet whose elitist multibillionaire owner profits off of child pornography

[Via Michael G]

Where Credit is Due

In this case, a mentally ill woman suffering a psychotic break with reality was told by the media, doctors, therapists, academics that she was perfectly sane, was actually a man trapped in a woman’s body and was literally fighting against the genocide of people like her. [More]

And Democrats. Don’t forget Democrats.

[Via bondmen]

This Should End Well

The L.A. County Board of Supervisors has quietly added a proposal on Tuesday’s agenda that seeks to “decarcerate” and “depopulate” LA jails by directing law enforcement & courts to vastly expand the use of “cite and release” & return to COVID emergency bail schedule. [More]

What else would we expect from four Democrats and a Vichycon, privileged women all…?

[Via WiscoDave]

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