Biden Judicial Nominee Thinks a Brady Motion – a Key Issue in J6 Prosecutions – Has to Do With ‘Second Amendment’ [More]
No matter if he’s a moron. He checks off all the right boxes.
[Via bondmen]
Notes from the Resistance
Denver boy, 17, accused of shooting two school workers during daily weapons search he was ordered to undergo due to ‘prior behavior’… It’s unclear why the boy was allowed to continue attending school if he was considered such a threat. [More]
This is what is known as a Horshack Moment…
[Via cydl]
How drinking coffee perpetuates white supremacy [More]
I’ll let the T-800 do my talking for me (NSFW).
And Buck can do my singin.’
Some CLOCs (commie losers of color) are so desperate to feel entitled, resentful, and discriminated against that no dreamt-up grievance is too absurd to indignantly air. I really have to wonder if this article is satire, it’s so stupid.
Naturally, the global economic supply chain disruption that would disproportionately harm minorities isn’t considered, because reparations are on their way, right?
Incidentally, I’ve been a white coffee drinker for over half a century and this is the first time I’ve ever heard that racist “joke” that isn’t even a little bit funny.
And in the interests of full disclosure, Armed American Radio host Mark Walters gifted me with some really good Liberty Roast Defender Coffee. I’m going to refill my cup as right after I post this. And I’m even going to put some evaporated milk in it, which, “thanks” to this article, I’ve learned is also racist because I supposedly identify it with my skin.
Tangentially-Related UPDATE
School suspends black students for anti-black racism: ‘This is the third time we’ve had perpetrators of a racially motivated incident identified as African-Americans’ [More]
So racism actually is “systemic”…?
[Via Michael G]
San Francisco District Supervisor Hillary Ronen is “begging” for more police officers in the Mission District. Crime is out of control, and the city absolutely has to do something about it… Hillary Ronen is the one to ask. She led the fight to defund the police, after all. [More]
And lemme guess: Hillary wearing her gangbangers for gun control hat doesn’t want private citizens to be able to defend themselves either.
I’d say her constituents deserve exactly what they voted for. And plenty more of it.
[Via Michael G]
San Francisco is a beautiful city. This is our 3rd day here and I’ve loved my time here. But if you do visit this city, know that even with hired security watching your car, it is not enough. [More]
Sounds pretty damn ugly to me.
Needles and feces and crime, oh my!
Stanford University Employee Charged for Two False Rape Reports [More]
Vindictive progressive” women make sh!+ up about men?
But…but…but boyfriend loophole…
[Via Michael G]
And if you find anything empirically wrong with that statement, “Jack” Emhoff says you’re a cowardly Holocaust enabler.
[Via Michael G]
Hallie is unmasked as the mystery THIRD Biden family member to receive China cash [More]
I’ll bet she didn’t throw that in the trash!
[Via Michael G]
Williamson would throw her phone at staffers, according to three of those former staffers. Her outbursts could be so loud that two former aides recounted at least four occasions when hotel staff knocked on her door to check on the situation. In one instance, Williamson got so angry about the logistics of a campaign trip to South Carolina that she felt was poorly planned that she pounded a car door until her hand started to swell, according to four former staffers. Ultimately, she had to go to an urgent care facility, they said. [More]
Why are people with self-control issues so big on controlling others? Who but a psychopath behaves like this in a professional setting? I’m imagining her in power sending out the flying monkeys.
It actually sounds like somebody needs to heed her advocacy and red-flag her.
Stacey Abrams Joins Rewiring America as Senior Counsel [More]
Ah, good old Opposite Day “progressive” climate justice:
Electrical fires hit Milwaukee’s Black renters hardest. Nobody is held accountable.
I can’t help but wonder how many cow farts it would take to equal her annual greenhouse gas emission output…
[Via Michael G]
Five security guards, threats of discipline required to protect free speech talk at DU law school [More]
And just think how many Marxist future attorneys, prosecutors, and judges at all levels are being churned out by the subversion mills.
Tangentially-Related UPDATE
Angry brainwashed “students” who are ostensibly there to learn presume themselves qualified to lecture.
Al Capp sure had it nailed:
[Via Michael G]
“You see it in the discourse in the country right now. You see it in the divide that we have, just going to school meetings. You see that hate that is out there. We’ve got to step up and speak out and we’ve got to call out the cowards out there,” he continued. [More]
Yeah, ordinary fed-up Americans who stand up against perverts and racists in power grooming their children while filling the white ones’ heads with self-loathing and the black ones’ with unearned entitlements– and knowing the DSM and the highest levels of government are going to smear them to the world as Nazis — are cowards.
He’s right about one thing, though. The hate that is out there is unmistakable and clear.
There can be no peace with sanctimonious elite pieces of crap. And that’s on them.
[Via Michael G]
Brothers in Jussie Smollett hoax break silence, say actor wanted to be ‘poster child for activism’ [More]
I can see where they say the greatest problem is with white supremacism. Hey, if there wasn’t so much systemic racism, the lottery-blowing stage prop wouldn’t have had to fake being a victim of it.
[Via bondmen]
Silicon Valley Bank Spent $74 Million on Black Lives Matter and Social Justice Causes [More]
No worries. Buying Swamp politicians means help is on the way.
You know, for “small investors.”
[Via bondmen]
Eleanor Williams jailed for eight and a half years for lying about being raped and groomed – Three men had tried to take their own lives over the 22-year-old’s allegations, a court was told [More]
Red flag laws with boyfriend loopholes, anyone?
[Via Steve T]
Former Colorado Rep. Pat Schroeder, pioneer for women’s rights, dies [More]
And here’s Pat encouraging a rope-selling capitalist to undermine those rights.
Just about every article I’ve seen calls her a “pioneer.” I don’t see a coonskin cap, so I’m assuming they mean this kind…
[Via Steve T]
She’s established up front she has power. She spends the rest of her screed demonstrating she does not have the wisdom or integrity to wield it responsibly. [More]
Brought to you by stupid voters engaged in chronic citizenship malpractice…
…and Federalism and originalism as checks on totalitarianism are “anarchy.” [More]
Only a monopoly of violence can bring order!
Anybody else getting an Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS vibe off of Kim…?
[Via Remarks]
As I have said before, we have too many damn guns in this community. [More]
Actually, the community has too many damn denizens who can’t be trusted with them.
Like this moron:
Officers ran after Johnson and managed to bring him into custody. According to police, a firearm was recovered with an extended magazine capable of holding 30 rounds. Johnson was charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. shooting into an occupied dwelling, using a firearm in the commission of a felony and carrying a firearm with a magazine that holds more than 20 rounds.
I wonder how Dawn Savery votes.
[Via Mack H]
After Blocking $300M for Border Chemical Screening, Democrat Jon Tester Now Claims to Support Fentanyl Crackdown [More]
Well, he also claimed to support the Second Amendment…
[Via Andy M]
“Well, I’ve thought of murder,” Fonda said during cross-talk before her “Grace and Frankie” co-star Lily Tomlin asked her to repeat herself. “Murder,” Fonda said again as the reliably liberal panel burst into laughter. “She’s just kidding,” Behar said hastily, before motioning. “Wait a second… They’ll pick up on that and just run with it. She’s just kidding.” Fonda then gave Behar a long stare that created even more laughter, making it unclear whether Fonda was still joking. Hostin then segued awkwardly to discussing Fonda’s activism. [More]
Imagine if pro-life advocates had said that about how to deal with the other side. They and everyone who did not immediately condemn and eject them would be “canceled” forever.
ABC/Disney and the hags of The View get away with “Just kidding.”
Billionaire investor Bill Ackman calls on the US government to consider a bailout of Silicon Valley Bank if private investors won’t step up [More]
San Francisco electrician hides his gun case in a backpack and his ammunition in a toolbox when he loads up his van for a day at the shooting range some 20 miles outside the city. Though he shares many of the liberal values of his neighbors—“I am an equality-loving pronoun-checking, hippie, San Francisco guy”—he conceals his status as a gun owner, worried that they would ostracize him if they knew. [More]
The rest is behind a paywall but I’ve read enough.
F*** this moron.
Gun Culture 2.0 useful idiots are exactly what the repackaged antis are counting on.
[Via Dan Gifford]
New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, is hoping to send illegal migrants to college for free, with taxpayers footing the bill… [More]
When’s Tucker having him on again?