How to Make a Monster

Teacher confiscates student’s Nintendo Switch during class. Student then attacks her, kicking and punching her, leaving her unconscious. [More]

Take a wholly undisciplined mental defective and drill into him from the start that he’s a systemic victim and that anyone not immediately surrendering whatever he feels entitled to is disrespecting him, and what other result does anyone expect?

I don’t suppose suggesting that being immersed for their formative years in unnatural woke school indoctrination could have an impact on weak minds that snap and go on killing sprees would be received well by the folks who say the answer is citizen disarmament…?

Or would anyone inquiring be wished dead?

‘What Difference, at This Point, Does it Make?’

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Loses Reelection, the First One Term Mayor in 40 Years [More]

Look for the frontrunner to bring the same record of competence, integrity, and success he did when he was CEO of Chicago Public Schools.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.

And keep voting stupid, Democrats!

[Via Michael G]

Lived Experience Trumps ‘Vision’

1619 Project Creator- Chinese Not Oppressed By Mao [More]

But what good does it do to take her to school if she’s too fanatically closed-minded to learn?

I see the same thing going on with Hogg’s Resurrected Postulate.

You can’t reason with a cultist any more than you can a pig.

[Via Michael G]

Someone Tell Me Next Time?

The Left invented a “Day of Hate” to condemn it [More]

But the lack of participation hasn’t stopped the vindictive hive minds from extending their Two Minutes Hate to continual on social media…

If there’s a special day when the rest of us are allowed to do it, I know I completely missed it.

What day’s it supposed to be so I can mark my calendar for next year? And if nobody’s come up with a representative graphic for it yet, I have a suggestion.

[Via Michael G]

Missing the Mark

Mark Wahlberg’s past back to haunt him after presenting Asian cast with SAG award – Actor was charged with assaulting two Vietnamese men in 1988 [More]

Who believes the new version of the eye story?

I still want to know how Pokey Poke gets to handle guns on set.

And just wait until they find out what he called one of Madonna’s singers.

Wrong Thinking is Punishable

“Under Washington state law, residents will now be classified as domestic terrorists if they protest school board meetings, Drag Queen Story Hour Events, and the outcome of elections… These include being anti-mask, anti-vaccine, anti-critical race theory, questioning election results, and calling the LGBTQ community “groomers.” [More]

I’m not getting Minority Report analogy from this so much as a Keepers vibe

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Idolatry…

Are Guns The New “Golden Calf”? [More]

And here I thought they were penis compensators.

It figures the Newsraper of Record is driving this,

Who are the ones erecting “faith” statues?

This is projection by those who reject reason and rely on government-worshiping zealots, pure and simple.

That and they’re counting on what government does to armed “apostates.”

[Via Michael G]

The Moscow Horror

“This is a healing step and removes the physical structure where the crime that shook our community was committed,” Green wrote. [More]

Don’t be surprised to note our finest minds in “progressive” academia are steeped in medieval thinking.

Haven’t we established that Western thought and science are racist?

Funny thing– guess what’s still standing and lived in.

[Via Michael G]

Grounds for Divorce

Hey @EvanHafer what’s goin on at @blckriflecoffee bud 🤣🤣🤣 Your accountant outshot you in a competition so you proceeded to try and sexually humiliate him because he’s a mormon with more moderate attitude towards sex? [More]

That’s not the only grievance, and if true, it adds new meaning to “Chock full o’ Nuts.”

[Via WiscoDave]

The Judas Goat Bleats

I joined 97Percent because they are a gun safety organization taking a different approach to this seemingly intractable issue. [More]

The kinder, gentler citizen disarmers.

Divide and conquer is hardly a different approach. Like all “progressive” ideas, it’s a dusting off of an old ruse relying on apparatchiks and useful idiots to draw the suckers in.

Not to mention make a buck.

There’s never been a shortage of gunkapos presenting themselves as Gun Culture 2.0.

WarOnGuns Correspondent Andy M. sent me a couple more examples that are a few months old but timely in regard to this:

  • This dope.
  • And these. I’m just surprised they don’t wear their “Moms Demand” shirts to the range.

What’s in a Name?

L.A. DA Gascón Suspends Prosecutor for ‘Deadnaming’ Transgender Child Molester Accused of Murder [More]

I had to look the word up to see if it meant what I thought it did.

I find it curious and more than a little telling that it didn’t even appear in Merriam-Webster until late December 2019, and now it’s considered by the societal shapeshifters a heinous offense worth destroying someone over.

[Via Michael G]

Bringing Home the Bacon

According to House Bill 23-1169, which only has one sponsor, Denver Democrat Rep. Jennifer Bacon, the change is needed because “Public safety is served by responding to low-level offenses with increased services rather than custodial arrest because non-prosecution of low-level offenses has been shown to reduce reoffending, or recidivism, for these populations.” [More]

Because nothing says “Don’t go on to bigger violations” like excusing victimizing others in smaller ways without consequences.

It figures she doesn’t want you to be able to defend yourself against the sociopaths she’s helping.

Any government that allows this has deliberately reneged on its basic charter and absolved the governed of giving consent. And “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.”

[Via Michael G]


A recent study found that one of NYC’s upscale neighborhoods is covered in poop – and it gets inside – Many other cities, including San Francisco, have also struggled with poop-lined streets in recent years [More]

A Pootopian society, brought to you by “progressives”…

So in addition to being crime-ridden and oppressive hellholes, Democrat-run Bloomberg cities are literally full of sh!+.

[Via bondmen]

‘Leaders’ Summit Guarantees More Urban Carnage

St. Louis leaders and police work to address youth gun violence… The St. Louis safety committee worked with the city police on Tuesday to spread awareness about gun safety. [More]

“Youth violence” or “gun safety”? Which is it?

And what track record shows any of these dolts are capable of doing more than removing their sn0uts out of the trough long enough to regurgitate hackneyed talking points for an equally ignorant media that confirm their utter incompetence?

[Via bondmen]

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