Pi$$ Christie’s

‘PISS CHRIST’ (1987) by Andres Serrano Resurrected As NFT After 35 Years For Miami Art Week By Christie’s 3.0 and a/political Nov 30 – Dec 3 [More]

If you “progressive” white supremacists (sorry, that’s from your side, not mine) really want to be edgy, include your names and locations on a “Piss Muhammad” exhibit.

London seems the perfect place for it, especially with all those “commonsense gun safety laws.”


NFTs? That’s your target audience, baby!

And like I said: Do this with Muhammad. I dare you, Satanist Limeys.

Because Everyone Knows Correlation Equals Causation!

Maybanks and Johnson County Attorney Janet Lyness agreed that the increases in gun charges are attributed to gun law changes — such as that carry permits are no longer required in Iowa. Maybanks acknowledged that individuals have a constitutional right to carry a firearm, but if they have been convicted of a felony or use the gun illegally, they have no such right. [More]

So leaving aside the obvious for a moment, how does permitless carry change any of that?

Oh, it doesn’t?

Then why would Janet say that?

Great job there just parroting and not questioning that, “authorized journalist” Trish Mehaffey!

[Via Michael G]

New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town

NYC bill preventing landlords from performing criminal background checks gains traction – New York City Mayor Eric Adams has suggested he supports the legislation [More]

Seeing as how the vast majority of people this will affect vote Democrat, I say go for it. Maybe force landlords to offer preferential discounts to them because they’ve been socially disenfranchised…

How do you like that Eric now, Tucker?

Focus on the Fallacy

Focus on the Family in Colorado vandalized with graffiti days after Club Q tragedy: ‘Blood is on your hands’ [More]

Because a godless self-loathing “non-binary” snapped at those he identified with…?

Tangentially-related UPDATES

Narrative Busted: Man Throwing Bricks At NYC Gay Bar Was Actually A Gay Man Enacting ‘Revenge,’ Police Say [More]

So would it be fair to say Focus on the Family has broken glass on its hands?

[Via Michael G]

And as long as I’m on the general topic:

San Francisco’s Guaranteed Income For Transgender People gives applicants 130 gender, sexual orientation and pronoun options to identify as… Under the GIFT program, 55 San Francisco residents who earn less than $600 monthly and identify as one of the many genders listed will receive $1,200 per month. [More]

Marxist wealth redistribution aside, dare I suggest there might be reasons they are incapable of earning $600/month? That and keep this up and there’s gonna be no room left on the 4473 for lying about drug use.

And talk about an “OK groomer” self-own

[Via Michael G]

The Living Daylights

And since people of color have a higher number of health problems, this means observing Daylight Savings Time is more dangerous for them. [More]

Time joins math and physics in the hall of racist shame.

And you know what’s really racist? Suggesting lifestyle choices might have anything to do with it.

Case in point: The “M” word, focused on exactly the wrong thing.

You had something to add, Mr. President?

Court Date Set

Things are moving quickly in our suit to put Mz 114 on ice. [More]

The Medford CBS affiliate surprised me by doing a story on how hundreds of Oregon gun stores could be closed down.

Nice to see the “real reporters” catch up.

I wonder what would happen if I said what I really thought of Connie Ballmer

Maybe if I just said what it rhymes with…

Who’s Really Being Raped Here?

“Trump’s false, insulting, and defamatory October 12 statement about Carroll—and his actual malice in making that statement—is fully consistent with his tried-and-true playbook for responding to credible public reports that he sexually assaulted women,” the lawsuit said. [More]

So you don’t need to prove someone actually committed the crime he’s being accused of anymore?

And remember: Believe women!

Can We All Get Along?

Received via email:

We’re sharing some advice for those challenging conversations with family members around the dinner table. We believe there are ways to discuss politics that include others and make them feel heard, not alienated. Check out our post below for a few tips on how to have conflict-free gatherings. [More]

Stop demanding to sic the jackboots on us to disarm us by force and we’ll get along just fine.

No matter how much 97percent tries to present itself as the “reasonable” alternative to find “common ground,” their supporters show they just can’t control their militant hostility.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Four Mass Shooting Truths To Shut Down Your Liberal Family Members At Thanksgiving Dinner [More]

What “liberal family members”…?

[Via bondmen]

It Takes a Commune

An expert on “feminist, trans and queer politics and philosophy,” scholar Sophie Lewis on Nov. 16 spoke at UMass Boston at an event named after her October 2022 book, “Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation.” [More]

A Tom Petty line comes to mind.

Funny… I don’t see where her bio says how many children she has successfully raised.

You just knew there was going to be a cat in there somewhere…

[Via Michael G]

But Still Enough to Elect Democrats

Diminished Majority Supports Stricter Gun Laws In U.S. [More]

There are still too many low-information ignoramuses out there willing to swallow whatever bilge the antis are pumping into them.

It’s up to each of us to be force multipliers and share the truth within our spheres of influence.

[Via Jess]

Good News for Some

At last a little light is shining on the social engineers who have been using wokeness to debilitate American armed forces. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) have issued a report finding that indoctrinating the US military with Critical Race Theory and LGBT ideology has significantly weakened it… [More]

America’s enemies love it!

Amazing how the domestic enemies in charge fail at every goal in the Preamble that is the basis for assigning them delegated powers…

Ready to turn in those “assault weapons” now?

[Via Michael G]

As Good a Reason to Disarm Us as Any

“But when you have a total lunatic who might as well be speaking to pink elephants under the tree that he’s living under, they are telling us this is the fault of the GOP. Hand over your guns in your freedom because of this maniac — I don’t think so,” he said. [More]

Questions “authorities” know the answers to but have so far refused to reveal that would go a long way toward dispelling “rightwing conspiracy theories”:

  • Did Paul Pelosi open the door for police?
  • Did he then go back inside toward the assailant instead of outside to safety?
  • What was he wearing?
  • What was his attacker wearing?
  • Why was this not revealed before the midterms? Why has it still not been disclosed? When will it be? Ever?

Gentlemen’s Agreement

Before she knew it, the gentleman in the black shirt, black backwards hat (as seen in the video), basically football tackles my mom and my mom just remembers flying and that’s it,” Nicole said. [More]

Why, when telling reporters about violent and cowardly sociopathic scumbags, do so many people call them gentlemen?

As to why the victims were defenseless, well, maybe they backed the wrong “Only One.”

What I’m actually most curious about: Did old groomer “Sir Elton” trot out more cub scout strippers?

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