Worried Sickos

Latest Supreme Court-related ruling overturning gun regulations worries domestic violence survivor advocates [More]

Yeah, well their demands to throw due process out the window and eviscerate the rights of those inclined to obey disarmament edicts without due process is the more worrisome prospect.

[Via Jess]

A Red Flag

Jones also declined to reveal details of the shooting, or say how the boy got access to the gun or who owns the weapon. “This is a red flag for the country,” Jones said. [More]

A red flag for the country as in he wants to mass confiscate guns without due process, or a red flag for the country as in everybody better take that as a signal of tyrannical intent and prepare accordingly?

Convenient, isn’t it, how they can use the little aberration’s age to mask relevant details that will prove to all but the fanatical and the stupid that this is not a “gun problem” and hardly representative of the country outside of “progressive” enclaves?

[Via Jess]


Who let this idiot into the country?

Under Consideration

David M. Greco, Petitioner v. Matthew J. Platkin, Attorney General of New Jersey, et al… Dec 28 2022 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/13/2023. [More]

This is a FOURTH AMENDMENT challenge to New Jersey’s “red flag” law based on unconstitutional search and seizure…

Armed Scholar explains.

[Via Jess]

The Girlfriend Loophole

The Petitioner who filed for the Extreme Risk Protection Order was the estranged boy friend of the Respondent who was a licensed gun owner in New York State … The Court also pointed out that there was a Family Court case also going on in which The Petitioner had an Order of Protection against him which among other things barred him from the home that they had shared. [More]

Sounds like it should have been called the Stalker Protection Act…

[Via Jess]

A Real Opportunity for Growth

Colorado lawmakers explore potential changes to state’s red flag law in wake of Club Q shooting – Options could include expanding who can petition court to have guns removed [More]

And when that won’t work, the quest to expand it to include everybody not in the service of protecting the rulers and their functionaries will continue.

[Via bondmen]

Round ’em Up First, Due Process Later

Mayor Adams directs NYPD, first responders to involuntarily take mentally ill to hospitals [More]

Just think of the “progressive” possibilities… Hey, don’t overlook the “hater loophole”!

Funny thing about once you start turning a blind eye to due process

[Via Steve T]

Speaking of Ostriches

We’re taking an ostrich approach to enforcing gun laws — with deadly results [More]

Not that these head-in-the-sand eggheads have any “answers” besides disarming you and me without due full process.

The reason I decided to give this one a link is not for the article itself, but for some of the comments, just to show the mentality this appeals to. The fanatic in point goes by “AE,” who at least put the lie to the “No one wants to take your guns” excuse:

If it weren’t for the legal gun owners in this country there wouldn’t be a gun violence problem…

Here’s what happens if you disagree:

I’ll go slow. If it weren’t for all the fearful and compensating man boys fighting for unrestricted purchase and use of firearms, there wouldn’t be any firearms in today’s society. Thus, no illegal gun problem…

There is absolutely no point in “debating” with such as these, or in establishing “common ground” dialog, as some ostensibly on “our side” are doing.

[Via Dan Gifford]

The Enemy Within

Dolan insisted, “The Second Amendment is not in any way violated by this bill.” [More]

That’s because Dolan is a f***ing liar:

State Senator Matt Dolan, a “moderate Republican,” may as well be a Democrat as far as gun owners are concerned. Described by CNN as a “non-Trump Republican … in the McCain lane, the Romney lane…” Dolan penned an op-ed in support of the state’s proposed STRONG Act, essentially a “red flag” edict that promises due process before gun confiscations without really delivering it, and requires “background checks” on private sales, and adds liability penalties to sellers. And no surprise here, Dolan admits “I understand this bill probably doesn’t go far enough for some and goes too far for others.”

[Via Sweet Babboo]

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

And after engaging with this Nation’s tradition of firearm regulations several times already, the Court’s unanswered question is whether Bruen demands lower courts manicure the Second Amendment’s landscape by scalpel or chainsaw….As a result, the Court holds that § 922(g)(8) is unconstitutional under Bruen’s framework. It is therefore ORDERED that Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Indictment be GRANTED. [More]


Read the opinion. Wow!

Expect a challenge from Team Tyranny, because otherwise, their whole damn Gordian knot will unravel.

[Via Jess]

The Red Queen

Hochul touts “red flag” gun seizures as polls show crime top concern for New Yorkers [More]

It’s instructive how she minimizes concerns over pandering to a key Democrat constituent bloc by turning a blind eye to effectively addressing real crime, opting instead to go after citizens who have not been tried for or convicted of anything.

[Via Jess]

Hoist with His Own Petard

Austin Durrer, who has worked for Crist since 2016, was arrested Tuesday in Cambridge, Maryland, on second-degree assault charges in a case classified as “domestic violence,” according to Dorchester County court records obtained by Fox News Digital. Durrer was released on $10,000 bond after his arrest, and the court ordered him to surrender firearms and vacate his home. [More]

Gee, I feel real bad for him losing his guns like that…

[Via Michael G]

Survey SAYS…

In the more detailed breakdown of the results, Lott found that the greatest movement in the views of respondents came in the “Strongly Support” and “Strongly Oppose” categories. “Strongly Support” fell by more than half when more specifics about “red flag” laws were included; plummeting from 34% with the first question, to 14% with the more detailed second question. “Strongly Oppose,” meanwhile, climbed from 18% to 29%. [More]

Great. Now, who’s going to tell the public, which gets its disinformation from lying Democrats and the DSM (but I repeat myself) while truths like this are buried, suppressed, demonetized, and ridiculed?

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Bending You Over Enough

Bend Police Chief Mike Krantz told city councilors Wednesday evening that the city makes the highest use in the state of Oregon’s Red Flag Law … Oregon’s Red Flag Law allows police, family or roommates to ask a court for an Extreme Risk Protection Order to remove firearms or other weapons … “When an officer files for an Extreme Risk Protection Order… [More]

Advanced goose-step training and qualification ensure the department is up to the task.

[Via Jess]


I’m told that last link doesn’t work for some– perhaps you need to be a FB member? Anyway, this is what it leads to:

May be an image of 1 person, goose and text that says 'nOPnOTECT CTA AND STENE Eф 43 SERVICE SERVICEOFFICER OFFICER POLICE'

Render Unto Seizure

More than 15K “red flag” gun seizures since 2020, but AP claims the law is “barely used” [More]

Speaking of “barely used,” how about the presumption of innocence until proven guilty?

And as long as we’re talking “woefully low” and “too small a pebble to make a ripple,” I wonder if anyone has compiled verifiable figures proving a documented number of saved lives attributable to “red flag” confiscations.

[Via Jess]

Lunatics Running the Asylum

The American Psychological Association on Thursday released a study claiming a link between racism and support for the Second Amendment. [More]

That’s right, we’re not just haters, we’re crazy haters! No leftist agenda there, right? Even when the useful idiots know they’re spouting crap?

There’s a reason why they call us “gun nuts.”

And for all our “moderate Republicans” backing “red flag laws” and mental health blanket dragnets (I’m talking to you, Marco, and to you, John):

How will rights be restored when there is no longer a compelling mental health reason to deny them? Who are the psychiatric evaluators, the risk management administrators, and the insurers who will be both sympathetic and willing to subject themselves to malpractice liabilities if they guess wrong?

Chuck gets the final word on this:

[Via Sweet Babboo]

A Real Red Flag

“Governor Hochul made the announcement in Suffolk County where the County Sheriff’s Office is reporting a more than 75 percent increase in utilization of the Red Flag Law over the last three months.” [More]

And, of course, they’ll be prepared to handle the increased caseload to preclude drawn-out delays with rights denied…? I wonder if anyone will be keeping track of people caught up in the net being victimized…

Take the guns first, due process second,” Mr. President?

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Unflagged Enough

Third Chicago Police Officer Dies By Suicide This Month [More]

We’ve talked for a long time now about how the antis exploit suicide as justification for citizen disarmament, with them conveniently not mentioning that the ones tasked with doing the disarming are a much more at-risk population.

Pritzker wants to empower them to further deny guns to citizens they only have a surface awareness of. Yet here we see colleagues they closely interact with on a daily basis slipping through the cracks and given thin blue line passes.

[Via bondmen]


Will Ricky Martin be Caught Up in Gun Control Net He Helped Cast?

So now, just as with so-called “red flag laws/extreme risk protection orders,” even though he maintains his innocence, Martin could be a “prohibited person.” [More]

What is it about people who want to rape us out of our rights?

Protection Racket

Weeks after she was denied a protection order, a Michigan woman and her family are dead – A judge denied the order June 27, saying there was insufficient evidence of immediate or irreparable injury. The woman and her family were found dead Sunday, officials said. [More]

The prohibitionists will say this proves the need for “red flag laws.”

Who thinks a piece of paper would have stopped this maniac or prevented him from getting his hands on whatever he wanted for a butchery spree?

Look what they (purposely) didn’t tell us when they report he “bought a gun.”

The only way to prevent such atrocities, proven once more, is to separate the threat from the victim pool. With full due process.

That may not be foolproof? Anybody see any guarantees in life? And a system could be set up that would do that and do a much better job of considering individual circumstances and probabilities than one-size-fits-all prior restraints.

The alternative is denying rights to the innocent. We call governments that do that “tyrannical” for a reason. We’re supposed to accept that because of statistically rare aberrations lawmakers refuse to more effectively address, mostly for political reasons?

[Via Steve T]

Red Flags

[L]et’s talk Red Flag Laws and ex parte orders and due process and how anyone who tells you don’t worry, the process won’t be abused and there are robust due process protections is, at best, wildly naïve and, more likely, is lying to your face. [More]

That’s so true you’d think even a death wish Republican would get it.

Thank goodness Politifact is there to give them gaslighting points.

[Via Michael G]

A Proven Defender of Your Freedom

“Obviously, my goal is to get much more than 60 votes…” [More]

The proof is in the pudding.

[Via WiscoDave]


You don’t get to take people rights without convicting them of a crime, or showing they are nuts and need to be in the booby-hatch. There’s no special exception to the Constitution because ten invertebrate Republican senators want to “do something.” [More]

And don’t forget “the law.”

[Via Michael G]

The Usual Suspects

House passes red flag gun legislation in mainly party-line vote… Five Republicans — Reps. Fred Upton (Mich.), Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio), Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.) and Chris Jacobs (N.Y.) — bucked the GOP in voting for the measure, and Democratic Rep. Jared Golden (Maine) broke from the party in opposing the bill. [More]

Two of them aren’t running again. The other three have earned a full-court press to oust them next time around, but that depends on how willing their gun owner constituents are to actually do something.

[Via Mack H]

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