First Do Harm

That appears to be the mission statement for Opposite Day “progressive” gunquacks:

It’s the part of me that won’t give up on our AMA efforts to stop the public health crisis of gun violence, demanding waiting periods, universal background checks, red flag laws, and bans on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines that our House of Delegates policy supports. Enough is ENOUGH. I’ll keep relentlessly showing up to accomplish those goals.

I wish he’d shake his rattles or yell a few times as Dr. Mbogo does. Makes you feel like he’s accomplishing something.

Don’t these charlatans have some children to give clot shots to?

[Via Antigone]

All-Electric Gaslighting

Stacey Abrams Joins Rewiring America as Senior Counsel [More]

Ah, good old Opposite Day “progressive” climate justice:

Electrical fires hit Milwaukee’s Black renters hardest. Nobody is held accountable.

I can’t help but wonder how many cow farts it would take to equal her annual greenhouse gas emission output…

[Via Michael G]

None Dare Call It Treason

Biden Regime Confirms Commitment To “Legally-Binding” Agreement Which Will Surrender U.S. Pandemic Authority To Chinese-Backed World Health Organization “For Generations To Come” [More]

He also says he’s going to ban semiautos.

As noted before, per the Constitution, the Senate needs to approve treaties.

[Via Michael G]

The Weight of the World

Over the weekend, reports surfaced that the Biden administration was preparing to enter the United States into a “legally binding” agreement with the World Health Organization (WHO) that would grant the entity authority to mandate America’s health care policies in the event of a future pandemic. Experts say the proposed plan would be an unprecedented violation of the Constitution, which grants the Senate the authority to approve international treaties. [More]

And we can’t have epidemics becoming pandemics…

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