Speaking of lying to buy a gun…
Category: social media
The Little Mermaids
People @Mermaids_Gender mentioned can reply [More]
And they’re livid that others can.
[Via Michael G]
Tristan Smell
September 11 was a terrorist attack. January 6 was a terrorist attack. [More]
What an @$$hole.
This great response would work if Smelly and his cheerleaders weren’t irredeemable leftist tw@ts.
Who thinks there can be coexistence and peace with them?
[Via Michael G]
At Facebook Value
As it turns out, the Biden White House relied on foreign “disinfo” activists to pressure Facebook to censor Americans. Worse, it turns out the group supposedly targeting disinformation had their facts wrong. Facebook knew it, too. [More]
Those must be the “community standards” they keep dinging me for violating…
[Via Michael G]
Just Here for the Attention
We have a ton of handcuffs ready for those who refuse to give their guns up so if you refuse just be ready to get arrested, you are part of the problem. Just give it up and we won’t have a problem, we will go door to door. [More]
Farming for interactions is the lowest of lows and ruins the Twitter experience.
[Via WiscoDave]
We Could Tell You But Then We’d Have to Kill You
If they removed something, I can’t tell what it is. Sure be nice if they told me what I’d done that offends them and puts me in jeopardy of being kicked out.
I mean, I thought I’d learned my lesson after wishing everyone a contemplative Bill of Rights Day…
Et Tu, Elon?
I haven’t been this enamored of “social media” since Facebook told me wishing readers a contemplative Bill of Rights Day violated community standards.
Since the only reason I’m on “social media” (which I use as advocacy media) is to promote my work and support the work of others, I don’t solicit for “friends” or “followers” for the exact reason that to do so WOULD be spamming. They “friend” or “follow” me first.
So what this tells me is either the share utilities on this blog or AmmoLand or Firearms News triggered this OR some prohibitionist “followed” me so they could lodge complaints when my stuff appears on their feed — and some kneejerk bureaucrat then kicked it into the penalty box without assessing legitimacy. If they can do that (and we’ve established they have networks for it), then the power to censor is in the hands of the antis.
Why don’t I just quit? Who else is going to promote my work by sharing my links — the ones asking that? And for reasons I detailed here.
And if my stuff is “spam,” how come every day I get multiple follower notices like this?
I’d like to find out if Musk believes all that stuff he says about free speech. So how does a relative nobody get a world-famous billionaire’s attention?
Guilty until proven innocent with no evidence presented and/or not being able to face your accuser is the stuff of tyranny.
I’m told “bugs,” and not the kind Greta wants us to eat.
Help Wanted, Inquire Within
Welcome to the Party, Pal
The New Way YouTube is Going After 2A Content [Watch]
As opposed to the “old way”? I had a genuine original news video, non-monetized, mind you, taken from a car, of ATF trying to fire Fast and Furious whistleblower Vince Cefalu that got blocked by Google-owned YouTube after it started getting noticed on bogus “copyright” grounds because you could hear the radio playing a song in the background:
There’s a reason I went through all the contortions to leave Google–owned Blogger and find a platform safe from censorship, and since I don’t do ads here, there’s nothing to demonetize.
Screwing my findability on work published elsewhere is another story.
[Via Jess]
Help Wanted, Inquire Within
From GRNC, via email:
Many of you have asked how you can help, even from home and on an as-available basis. Well, our Facebook crew has a suggestion. We need “Social Media Ambassadors” to help extend GRNC’s reach on Facebook. All that is required is that from time-to-time social you will be asked via email to 1). invite people to follow the GRNC page and to 2). like, comment and share targeted posts. In terms of how many people we need, the more the merrier.
If you are interested in being a GRNC Social Media Ambassador, please reply with full contact into to DirectorOfDevelopment@GRNC.org using the subject “Social Media Ambassador.”
Think of it as “Advocacy Media.”
Vanishing Act
May the Farce Be With You
This is how this moron sees himself. The ratioing is how everyone else sees him. [More]
Interesting though, him lauding armed insurrectionists rebelling against the government.
Sturm und Drang
A child just rang my doorbell,” the post read. “Folks you do NOT ring doorbells in 2023. My 6 was loaded. Keep your kids away.” [More]
We sure have come a long way since Aileen the ‘Weather Girl’.
It looks like the moron just keeps digging in deeper, which has the predictable effect of giving the gun-grabbers a brush to tar us all with and bringing out the “real men.”
If They Could Figure Out a Way to Say It’s Trump’s Fault, They Would
A 13-year-old boy was groomed publicly on Twitter and kidnapped, despite numerous chances to stop it [More]
See, it’s Elon Musk’s fault that the system hasn’t;t achieved perfection yet.
Certainly not the level of dependability NBC News has attained…
[Via Steve T]
The Road to Hell…
So, What’s Trending on TikTok?
Americans Pull Back From Values That Once Defined U.S., WSJ-NORC Poll Finds – Patriotism, religion and hard work hold less importance [More]
Some of us have noticed.
And some have warned.
On the plus side, there’ll be plenty of cannibal food to keep the scavengers from trying harder targets…
A Typical Twitter Lefty
I went to HS 45 years ago. We didn’t have gun clubs or shooting ranges…because it was a school. AR-15’s didn’t exist back then either. Nor did 9mm semiautomatic pistols. Nor did hollow point rounds. [More]
Four lies in a row. Why should we believe he’s not fraudulently using the “Vet” handle to establish false authority with his moron followers?
[Via WiscoDave]
Unclear on the Concept
Meanwhile, Over at Minitrue
The Wrath of Khan
FTC Seeks Names of All Journalists With Whom Musk Shared Twitter Documents [More]
Seems kind of un-American to me…
[Via Michael G]
I Think They Call What’s Happening Here ‘Ratioing’
Today, we remember and honor the life and service of Special Agents Conway LeBleu, Todd McKeehan, Robert Williams and Steven Willis, who were killed attempting to execute warrants at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, in 1993. [More]
To put it mildly, comments are not supportive.
[Via WiscoDave]
Someone Tell Me Next Time?
The Left invented a “Day of Hate” to condemn it [More]
But the lack of participation hasn’t stopped the vindictive hive minds from extending their Two Minutes Hate to continual on social media…
If there’s a special day when the rest of us are allowed to do it, I know I completely missed it.
What day’s it supposed to be so I can mark my calendar for next year? And if nobody’s come up with a representative graphic for it yet, I have a suggestion.
[Via Michael G]
Dance in Someone Else’s Blood
Dad Who Lost Child in Shooting Unleashes on Biden After Seeing Video: ‘Don’t Use My Daughter’s Death to Advance Your Political Agenda’ [More]
And there’s always the @$$hole…
[Via bondmen]
Ready to Rumble
YouTube Censorship Of Suppressor Content & Wholesale Deletion of Creators [More]
Well, it’s not like the CEO came here for the liberty…
While it’s understandable and necessary to endorse uncensored alternatives like Rumble, the fact remains that I have accounts on Truth Social, Gab, and MeWe and don’t get anywhere near the admittedly limited exposure I get on Facebook and Twitter.
[Via Jess]
We’re the Only Ones Theoretically Speaking Enough
FBI Says Twitter Infiltration Business As Usual , Slams ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ [More]
I believe them.
It is business as usual, and by the time something is a theory, the hypotheses have been tested. to form a “plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle … to explain phenomena.”
[Via bondmen]
The New Fifth Columnists
The Fifth Estate- pirate wires #85 // summary and analysis of the twitter files, a dangerous alliance of powers, and technology’s nature brings the industry home [More]
And the Fourth Estate showed ’em how it’s done.
[Via bondmen]
Fauxbook Friends
I know I said I was only going to use the blog to promote my articles until the new year, but this just came up and needs to be addressed.
If you’re on Facebook and received one of these “friend requests,” it didn’t come from me. As I’ve repeatedly said in the past, I don’t send “social media” requests, because I only use it as advocacy media to share links to my work and that would make me no better than a spammer, so I wait for people to approach me first.
Whoever it is has stolen my real profile avatar (and made some additions I can’t quite figure out the significance of) and the link goes to an account at this url:
The url to MY account is: https://www.facebook.com/david.codrea
I don’t know who this other person is and if he’s a leftist agenda-driven saboteur or just an @$$hole fraudster, but one thing you can bet on by this false representation is that his intentions are not good.
If you get a “friend request” from “me,” you didn’t. Report it. I intend to.
And if you have the skills to try and find out who’s behind this (I do not), feel free. I opened up the source code on the avatar thinking that might tell me something, but quickly figured I was in over my head and got lost.
And to anyone who feels inclined to just say “don’t go on social media,” it’s you who’s limiting what weapons you’ll pick up and use, not me.
[Via Dan H]
Crack Facebook moderators quick to pass “community standards” judgment on me for wishing readers “a contemplative Bill of Rights Day” assure me they’ll look into if impersonating me to sucker in victims rises to that level of offense:
Looks like they got it right:
And in a related/unrelated(?) development, WordFence warns me this site is under a concentrated attack:
I’ll let Dr. Evil field this one.
Schiff Happens
By publicly pressuring Musk to censor “hate speech,” which is indisputably covered by the First Amendment, Schiff and Takano are trying to indirectly accomplish something that the Constitution forbids. [More]
Well, it also says “shall not be infringed, but that’s never stopped either of these @$$holes.
Not Monkeying Around
Musk’s Neuralink faces federal probe, employee backlash over animal tests [More]
The obvious intent here is to destroy the man for allowing unapproved speech and to divert the conversation away from Hunter.
So naturally, leave it to The French Mistake to take point for the left-enabling Vichycons and “not understand” collusion and marching orders.
The Riddle of Steele
Michael Steele says Musk doing Twitter Files while arguing for free speech undermines ‘central tenets’ of … free speech [More]
This is what happens when the Vichycons so desperately want a minority face to hide behind and deflect racism smears by the commies that they pick a damn Democrat-at-heart.