The Lying Threatener in Chief

  1. Of course, you can.
  2. No problem there, either.
  3. Flesh out how an “F-15” is going to be used against millions of armed Americans who will not disarm. Do you really want to escalate this to taking out families and neighbors, you maniac? And it’s curious, how you disparage Constitutionalists as “right-wing” while sneering out the word “brave” and proposing what you perceive to be a riskless mass slaughter of them and everyone they love.
  4. That, of course, is dependent on the “Only Ones,” especially those who realize “I was just following orders” doesn’t cut it if you lose. Personally, I wouldn’t be so sure some of them aren’t sick of Democrat s*** and a good number more of them wouldn’t be looking at which side has better odds in a given environment.
  5. And don’t forget your basic Von Clausewitz

Now tell us about Hunter’s TWO guns

We will not disarm, you treasonous, tyrannical son of a bitch.

And no, I’m not joking. I’m serious.

Radical Push on Card Companies to ID Gun Store Purchases Goes Mainstream

Now, using “time tested” techniques of assigning “social credits” to those who promote the Party line combined with the threat of public “struggle sessions” for those to be humiliated and purged, the mainstream card companies have been put on notice: Start snitching on gun owners or be “canceled.” [More]

Economic fascism for citizen disarmament is being used as a stepping stone to communism, all with open-eyed complicity by the Democrats.

Connected Insiders Signal Contempt and Lethal Intent for ‘Traditional Americans’

Talk about an inside player with connections to the major players in both parties. He has basically had access to everything. And in his “professional” opinion, Republicans are more dangerous, more violent, more extreme, and more contemptible than, ISIS or Al Qaeda. That’s to say more terroristic, and if that’s to be believed, more deserving of coordinated black ops search and destroy targeting and drone strikes, and more incarceration under Patriot Act “rules.” [More]

Yes, of course, they want to take your guns. And it’s got nothing to do with “commonsense safety” unless you’re talking about for tyrants.

Maloney Baloney

The first, the Firearm Industry Fairness Act, mandates a new 20 percent tax on total revenue of firearm manufacturers who make MSRs, or the AR-15-style semiautomatic rifles she erroneously calls “assault weapons” … The second bill, the Firearm Industry Crime and Trafficking Accountability Act, would make it a requirement that every firearm manufacturer create a tracking database system that allows them to track crimes committed with guns they have sold. [More]

Here’s the takeaway:

The bill has no chance of becoming law.

So here’s why she’s doing it.

The evil old rhymes-with-blunt doesn’t care whose rights she tramples on as long as it gets her power over others.

Not that Nadler’s any better

[Via Jess]

None Dare Call It Treason

The op-ed advocates doing away entirely with the Constitution. Why? The authors don’t quite put it this way, but the reason is that the Constitution fails to establish a pure democracy by plebiscite, and makes it difficult to use a transient majority to effect radical change. [More]

Then those who would rule us and who control all major means of communication wouldn’t need to just ignore it anymore.

It figures The New York Times would publish such a subversive screed. As for the ivory tower Harvard and Yale apparatchiks, when useful idiots are no longer needed, that which they’re helping bring into being generally finds a suitable place for “new people.”

[Via Michael G]

Just Deserts

Think The FBI Deserves The Benefit Of The Doubt? This Laundry List Of Corruption Should Make You Think Again [More]

Let’s just say I think they deserve full due process after being frog-marched to booking and having their assets frozen.

I heard an interesting factoid the other day, that the FBI considered It’s a Wonderful Life subversive, with elements of communist propaganda techniques, which is pretty ironic seeing as how Jimmy Stewart later starred in the blatantly propagandistic The FBI Story, going after domestic commies. And that guy was a mixed bag– no doubt about it, he put himself on the line in WWII, but then was persuaded to undermine RKBA along with some other names that may surprise those who don’t already know.

[Via GP]

Tangentially-Related UPDATES

FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner [More]

If anyone can make me rethink my position on crucifixion, it’s evil ambitious functionaries like this.

[Via bondmen]

Without a Trace

Boxes of paper records fill nearly every corridor of the ATF’s National Tracing Center, where agents are struggling to keep up with surging requests from local police. [More]

Still singing the same old song

What they want, of course, is a national registry database traceable to legal purchasers that will by design exclude the illegal ones. Who but a deplorable hate-filled racist Nazi white supremacist could be against that?

[Via Jess]

A Little Something for the Fudds

The Firearm Industry Fairness Act would mean that “the family hunting rifle is not taxed at the same rate as an assault weapon, and would ensure that the firearm industry, like other industries in America, takes responsibility for the safety and misuse of its products,” Maloney said in a statement. [More]

Until someone, say, Carolyn Maloney, decides they’re “sniper rifles“…

There ain’t no deals with Polyphemus. He’ll eat you when he damn well feels like it.


[Via Jess]

Speaking of Toxic Messengers…

Are gun advertisements in FTC’s crosshairs? Critics decry ‘toxic’ messaging as firearm sales soar [More]

If tyrants don’t respect the Second, why should the First bother them any?

It figures this subversion originated with the monopoly of violence apparatchiks over at  USA Today, a Gannett Publication

[Via Remarks]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise…

“The head of RAF recruitment has resigned in protest at an ‘effective pause’ on offering jobs to white male recruits in favour of women and ethnic minorities, defence sources have claimed.” [More]

That’s OK. Thanks to foreign entanglements, America will be happy to send young people over to die in a war invited by embedded subversives!

[Via Michael G]

With ‘Republicans’ Like These…

“[The bill] protects the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens while also providing the opportunity for those suffering from mental illness to get the help and treatment they need before tragedy occurs,” Dolan said. [More]

Change that to “Dolan lied.”

I’ve touched on this tool before. I may just expand on this latest subversive and pathetic bid for attention after clearing out my existing queue.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Ask Him No Questions He’ll Tell You No Lies

Get your questions answered TODAY at 9:00 PM EST on zoom with David Chipman. [More]

Unfortunately, that was last night.

For some reason, I’m reminded of the end of the 1960 film version of The Time Machine, where Filby finds George has returned to the future after having taken three books from his library. There are many books, so it’s impossible to tell which were taken, but they will be used to rebuild human civilization in a degenerate future.

“Which three would you take?” he asks Mrs. Watchett, the housekeeper (and, in effect, the movie audience).

What question would YOU like to ask Chipman?

Mine starts with “Why don’t you go …”

[Via WiscoDave]

Stop 114

The measure essentially ends the sale of all firearms in Oregon for the foreseeable future and bans the sales of most shotguns and all standard capacity magazines forever. Possession of those items outside your home will be a criminal offense. If you are caught in possession of a standard capacity magazine INSIDE your home you will be required to prove that you had it before the law went into effect. There will be no presumption of innocence. [More]

If you’re an Oregon gun owner, consider this a muster call willingness test.

Funny Peculiar

“It may be funny to you motherf—er, but it’s not funny to me”: Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke snapped at a man during a town hall on Wednesday who started laughing as O’Rourke discussed the gun used in the deadly Uvalde mass shooting. [More]

He was laughing at the bald-faced disprovable lies, not that Beto’s idiot supporters who cheered him on have the wits to realize that’s what he was doing.

Speaking of which, have I mentioned these idiots lately?

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of ‘Deplorable and Dangerous’

FBI Director Wray pushes back on threats following unprecedented raid on Trump [More]

Channeling his inner Hillary, is he?

Why not? He’d channeled his inner Blumenthal before he was even confirmed.


Be very suspicious of anything you hear in the media attributable to anonymous sources. The supposed leaks from unidentified persons supposedly with knowledge are either FBI/DOJ whispering in the ear of reporter-scribes which may or may not reflect reality, or people who don’t have actual knowledge, or sources who exist only in the imagination of the reporters. It’s all an unreliable web of deception. [More]

The best gaslighting uses coordinated narrative talking points.

[Via Michael G]

Eric Trump tells what REALLY happened in FBI raid: President’s son says 30 agents REFUSED to hand over warrant… [More]

At that point you notify them on camera you are calling the sheriff.

[Via bondmen]

The only way to fight back is to make the kinds of people who’ve weaponized and undermined the American state suffer for their actions. They’ve arrested their enemies, revived obscure rules as pretexts for partisan attacks, and raided their opponents’ homes, and they won’t be sorry until they’ve felt the same pain. [More]

Or worse.

[Via Michael G]

On Second Thought

They are looking for an excuse to indict him…..and keep him under indictment. While indicted he won’t be able to run for office. If they can get him behind bars that’s just a bonus. It’s a virtual certainty they will have “found” i.e planted evidence during this bullshit raid. The American Gestapo nee FBI will do whatever their masters in the American Communist Party tell them to do. [More]

Yeah, that was my fourth thought after I called it a day. Stealing 2020 wasn’t enough– after seeing his CPAC straw poll results and knowing people will be paying attention next time, stealing 2024 calls for pulling out all the stops. If this fails, some may be deranged enough to want that assassination Bernard Kerik is publicly speculating on, and all I can say to that is if they thought Archduke Ferdinand was a catalyst for something bigger…

What I can’t tell at this point is if this is a long-planned step or if it’s a last-ditch desperation “Hail Mary” by the Dems who know their numbers are up for November.  Trust in government is at a low and a significant portion of the country believes the last election was stolen– not just a handful of lunatics in buffalo hats egged on by assorted provocateurs.  That also explains why the Dems are so adamant about this J6 business– if legitimacy in their rule is exposed for all to see as fraudulent, they’ve seen what happens when truckers in Canada and farmers in the Netherlands are roused. They know that F-15s and nukes aside, they’re hopelessly outnumbered on the ground– which is why they want our guns.

I find it significant that, at this writing, there is nothing in the Google News feed about Mitch McConnell weighing in on this. I sense a combination of feckless Republicans not knowing how real hardball is played and some of the old guard rooting for the Swamp because they believe they’ll have a place in it.


We’ll probably want to check in on Donald Trump’s Truth Social page from time to time for statements.  This seems like a point to hammer on:

The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends [More]

So is that a bug or a feature?

[Via Michael G]

Every American should be frightened and mad as hell by such unprecedented police state thuggery tactics and there must be a complete dismantling and elimination of the FBI. This is too much for our republic to withstand,” concluded Congressman Gosar. [More]

FBI delenda est.

[Via Henry Bowman]

This is a provocation. They are trying to get a reaction that allows a further crackdown. Don’t take the bait. [More]

He’s right about deliberate provocation, but this piece feels incomplete. “Be smart” has to include more than “do nothing.”

[Via Michael G]

Remember when Trump said it would be best for armed government agents to raid you and take your property first and then “go through due process second?” [More]

Helluva thing, being hoist with your own petard.

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