Just Like the Founders Intended

The Second Amendment Allows States To Implement Varied Firearm Regulations To Address Their Local Needs [More]

I kept reading through this trying in vain to find something, anything reflecting Founding intent to substantiate that claim.

Then again, I’ve been waiting for over 20 years for one of the lying grabbers to be able to do that.

Not the ‘Only One’?

In a strongly worded letter to ATF Director Steven Dettelbach, obtained and reviewed by DrydenWire.com, Sheriff Waak states that he will not take any enforcement action on this rule change “or allow any federal agent to take action against his citizens.”

“I stand ready to defend the rights of honest, law-abiding residents here in Polk County,” Waak states. [More]


There’s an interview I didn’t have 42 minutes to watch here. I can’t promise you he’ll answer that question.

[Via Jess]

No Justice No Peace?

Authors demand US government issue $14 trillion in reparations over role in slavery, voter suppression [More]

Let’s just say for the sake of argument they got it (which would be impossible for a number of reasons as well as casus belli, but I’m making a point here).

Look at the reaction to a California proposal:

[O]ther critics have suggested the steep price tag isn’t enough.

No “reparation” would ever be enough, there would always be a resentful and entitled demand for more, and if anything, the hatred would be magnified and more widespread. And cowards who submitted to it would become slaves and targets.

Look at the angry scowl on that well-dressed, well-fed, overcompensated and overprivileged bitter, and stupid motherf****r– do you think he’ll ever be satisfied?

Do you want him to be?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to a Dacian Liberation Front meeting to demand reparations from you Italians for what Emperor Trajan did to my people — and no, I won’t use “Romanians,” because that’s a slave name.

Curses, Foiled Again!

A federal judge on Monday extended an order preventing New Jersey officials from enforcing the state’s sweeping new concealed carry restrictions, dealing another blow to a law championed by gun control advocates, Gov. Phil Murphy and his allies in the Legislature. [More]

And he’d have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for you darned activists!

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Doctor Who Tried to Save Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6 Charged With 4 Misdemeanors for Time at the US Capitol… Harris was on his knees checking Babbitt’s upper chest wound when a U.S. Capitol Police bicycle officer reached down and grabbed him by the shoulders. The officer wrestled Harris away from Babbitt, grabbed him by the jacket, and shoved him down the hallway. [More]

The important thing is, Mike Byrd has been “exonerated.”

[Via Michael G]

The Perfect Democrat Constituents

The Oregon Legislative session is rolling on. We are now monitoring about 25 bills that would affect gun owners. As always, the Democrats are hard at work attempting to enable violent criminals and endanger law abiding Oregonians. As an added bonus they are working to pass legislation to allow criminals to vote FROM JAIL. [More]

Who better to vote to disarm you?

It’s Been Done

“Never Again Is Now Global,” a five-part docuseries highlighting the parallels between Nazi Germany and global pandemic policies, will premier exclusively, for free on CHD.TV beginning Monday, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. EST. [More]

The similarities are chilling. Then again, they’re following the “evil” playbook.

Do you notice how “progressives” never actually have anything new so much as they just recycle old ideas after most have forgotten them…?

Nevada Considers Bill to Allow Foreign Citizens as Police Officers

The thought of a foreigner doing it seems intolerable. What could go wrong with our cities employing what amounts to latter-day Hessian mercenaries, with incentives to follow orders above all else, especially since rocking the boat or blowing the whistle could jeopardize more than their jobs, but also their eligibility to remain in this country? [More]

Back the blue…helmets?

For the Children

U.S. Senate Democrats call for probe into ‘JR-15’ child-size rifle [More]

Because “commonsense gun safety” demands young people be denied development-appropriate training and remain utterly ignorant if a firearm is present.

Every one of the scumbag politicians in that photo is an opportunistic collectivist traitor and whore.

[Via Jess]

Demand for ‘Commonsense Gun Laws’ is the Road to Citizen Disarmament

We’ve seen the same list before and we know that citizen disarmament has always been and remains the goal. [More]

Right out of the “progressive” totalitarian apologist playbook: Dust off the same old sh!+ and present it as new–all the while masking what you really want and counting on a critical mass of useful idiots to believe it’s for their own good.

One Bite at a Time?

KILLING THE NFA: The Real World 2nd Amendment Strategy for ATTACKING the NFA [Watch]

Incrementalism. We get it. That’s the correct legal strategy.

But here’s one thing proponents of reverse incrementalism, and in fact, none of the “gun groups” will even acknowledge, let alone seriously address:

What if the clock runs out because the courts have all been taken over by politically unchallengeable majority appointments?

What does anyone with eyes think the enemy has been busy setting up?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

[Via Jess]

Semi vs. Full Autocratic?

“Is he going to enforce our automatic weapons ban if that’s an unregistered weapon?” Stava-Murray said. “He said no, he’s not going to. That seems very dangerous.” [More]

Who does she think she is? Kenny Akers?

Do you think she’s really that ignorant, or is she calculating enough to assist with the lie?

And any bets on if the sheriff will stick to his guns?

[Via Lane]

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