Semi vs. Full Autocratic?

“Is he going to enforce our automatic weapons ban if that’s an unregistered weapon?” Stava-Murray said. “He said no, he’s not going to. That seems very dangerous.” [More]

Who does she think she is? Kenny Akers?

Do you think she’s really that ignorant, or is she calculating enough to assist with the lie?

And any bets on if the sheriff will stick to his guns?

[Via Lane]

Lawless Enough for Government Work


An open carry ban and purchase limits — just like the Founders intended.

And no, of course that’s not all the tyrant demands.

Interesting, who these control freaks presume the law is supposed to protect…

When will in-your-face defiance of a coequal branch of government and suppression of unalienable rights be properly considered the insurrectionary seditious conspiracy that it is?

I Wouldn’t Pull That String if I Were You Guys

Top legal newspaper publishes opinion calling for open defiance of SCOTUS and abrogation of the RKBA [More]

Unfortunately, it’s behind a paywall:

But what little I can make out leads me to believe this is typical Opposite Day “progressive” lawless “law” from lefty lawyers who believe their ivory tower rises above it all.

On Thin Ice

NHL player scolded for skipping Pride event launches debate over forced activism: ‘I think it’s ridiculous’ [More]

This is no different than communist scum coercing diners into a BLM fist salute. Any way you look at it, that’s a hostile workplace environment.

It doesn’t matter if it’s “voluntary”– by forcing him to make a decision that has nothing to do with playing hockey, he has been “outed” to include those who would make it mandatory or else, like frostback Nazi Sid Seixeiro.

God only knows what “legal” repercussions there’d be if he refused to participate in a Toronto game.

Something’s Fishy

CNN EXCLUSIVE ‘Something has to be done’: After decades of near-silence from the CDC, the agency’s director is speaking up about gun violence [More]

“Something must be done!”

Where have I heard THAT before?

I don’t suppose ol’ Rochelle has a rational answer to “What?”

And what’s with “decades of near silence“?

[Via Jess]


Well, I not only posted on an old story that’s a couple of years old but the very same story I cited in my above-linked AmmoLand piece. That’s what happens when I’m in a hurry, I guess…

Crying Shame

“We won’t shy away”: Mayors are shaming gunmakers [More]

No, the only ones who are being shameful are these petty incompetent tyrants. I wonder if you did an analysis of criminal members of their population what the rate would be.

What the gun makers should be ashamed of is continuing to arm these tin-pot dictator’s enforcers.

[Via bondmen]

Delay of Game

A judge has issued a temporary restraining order blocking the new Illinois law banning assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines [More]

Related, just to show how worlds apart we are:

“They took an oath of office to enforce the laws of the state of Illinois, and they will do so,” Pritzker said of the sheriffs Friday in Chicago after signing a law protecting abortion and gender-affirming care.

That’s not what the oath is to, but funny how this disgusting pig of a privileged elite domestic enemy now demands his enforcers be “oath keepers”…

That’s not without precedent.

[Via several of you]

Exit, Stage Left

New Zealand leader Jacinda Ardern announces shock resignation before upcoming election [More]

I wonder what the real reason is.

In my experience, global socialists don’t willingly give up power.

I’m torn between whether she’s been instructed that it’s time to move over or else the clot shot is catching up with her.

[Via Jess]

Still Repressive After All These Years

Back in the day, Democrats reacted to the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision requiring that they respect all Americans’ civil liberties with fury and a petulant campaign of massive resistance. What is old is new again – the Democrat Party is back in form, furious that SCOTUS will not let them steal our rights. This time it is gun rights. The Bruen decision made it clear that blue states cannot deny your right to keep and bear arms on a whim. And the libs have gone into overdrive to undermine it. [More]

That the lying totalitarian wannabes call themselves “liberals” is all we need to know.

[Via Michael G]

Punching Back


Look at all the legal actions, just for this group.

You’d better believe part of the enemy’s legal strategy is to use their virtually unlimited tax plunder resources to deplete their victims’ resources.

I’d really like to see a concerted effort by the “gun lobby” to go after qualified immunity for enforcers abetting tyranny.

I’ll See Your 40 Acres and a Mule and I’ll Raise You Perpetually Unlimited

San Francisco Reparations Panel Now Recommending $5 Million for Each Black Resident – “The committee also proposed wiping out all debts associated with educational, personal, credit card and payday loans for black households.” [More]

How’s that saying go, you can wish in one hand and…?

In any case, I’m with Bugs.

Bring it, racist communist scum.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond…

Cake in the office should be viewed like passive smoking, says food regulator chief [More]

No, there is nothing a chronically obsessed control freak will not try to ban. Give them government power and they are free to release their inner monsters.

Hence we have the pathetic state of what was once “this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.”

Kinda makes me want to watch “Mrs. Miniver” again and weep.

That’s Greer Garson on the cover of the Aug. 1960 issue of GUNS.

[Via Steve T]

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