In a news conference from Sao Paulo state, Lula accused Bolsonaro of encouraging the uprising by those he termed “fascist fanatics,” and he read a freshly signed decree for the federal government to take control of security in the federal district. “There is no precedent for what they did and these people need to be punished,” Lula said. [More]
Sure there is. It even looks like they’re using the J6 Playbook.
And not to say “I told you so,’ but:
This isn’t over. And we in the Land of the Second Amendment may learn a thing or two before it is… In an editorial comment-laced “news” story rife with loaded terms and leftist-sympathizing sentiment, The Washington Post tells us Jair Bolsonaro has flown to Florida. Don’t be surprised if that’s not enough for the Lula regime.
Tangentially related: It looks like the trade association rope-sellers can’t suck up hard enough and hit the ground running proposing new infringements. [More]
[Via Jess]