Bump and Grind

US appeals court blocks ban on rapid-fire ‘bump stocks’ [More]

I’m looking into what this means for my case and plan on drafting something up soon.

In the meantime, seeing as how AP is telling everybody “The ban was instituted after a gunman perched in a high-rise hotel using bump stock-equipped weapons massacred dozens of people in Las Vegas in 2017,” I’m wondering what they know that the government evidently doesn’t.

Spider & the Fly

  • Maoist sworn in as Nepal’s Prime Minister
  • Mexico demands impeached Marxist Peruvian president be restored
  • South Africa: Socialist ANC pushes land expropriation bill
  • Cubans fly to Nicaragua to start trek to U.S.
  • Communism has a long history in Minnesota
  • And much more from our friends at the Anticommunism Action Team [More]

Return I Will to Old Brazil

In a news conference from Sao Paulo state, Lula accused Bolsonaro of encouraging the uprising by those he termed “fascist fanatics,” and he read a freshly signed decree for the federal government to take control of security in the federal district. “There is no precedent for what they did and these people need to be punished,” Lula said. [More]

Sure there is. It even looks like they’re using the J6 Playbook.

And not to say “I told you so,’ but:

This isn’t over. And we in the Land of the Second Amendment may learn a thing or two before it is… In an editorial comment-laced “news” story rife with loaded terms and leftist-sympathizing sentiment, The Washington Post tells us Jair Bolsonaro has flown to Florida. Don’t be surprised if that’s not enough for the Lula regime.

Tangentially related: It looks like the trade association rope-sellers can’t suck up hard enough and hit the ground running proposing new infringements. [More]

[Via Jess]

State Semiauto Bans Try to Accomplish What Feds Cannot (Yet)

Blue states are attempting to circumvent the U.S. Constitution and federal law to go after “assault weapons.” [More]

My latest piece…

But don’t worry. No one is trying to take your guns.

Standing Room Only

Judge Claims “Lack of Standing” in Second Amendment Public Transportation Case … In effect, Judge Moss is stating a plaintiff will need to be arrested for violating the District of Columbia’s ban on carrying concealed weapons in order to challenge the ban. [More]

Who thinks the Obama nominee rides the Metro into work?

[Via Dan Gifford]

New York State of Mind

The State of New York is Still Fighting the Bruen Decision [More]

Herschel brings us up to date on Antonyuk v Satan’s Minions, including New York’s insulting brief and Stephen Stamboulieh’s authoritative response.

I have to find out what SCOTUS’s options are for slapping inferiors defying hierarchical precedent down.

Thanks for Nothing

Retired FBI boss says agency has lost independence, been co-opted by liberal DOJ ideologues [More]

He just couldn’t say anything about it until his pension checks were assured.

That he “remains friends with Chris Wray” tells me any “solutions” he backs will make noise and nothing more. After all, who calling the shots in government went to prison after the Church Committee wrapped up?

[Via Michael G]

Choke Point

NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, condemned the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of Martin J. Gruenberg as Chair and Member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Gruenberg led the FDIC from 2011-2018, during which the Obama administration conducted the illegal Operation Choke Point scheme to deny banking services to firearm businesses. NSSF opposed his confirmation in the strongest terms as he has already demonstrated a lack of respect for the law and unparalleled disdain for the Constitutionally-protected firearm and ammunition industry. [More]

Confirmed by voice vote to protect the Vichycons from accountability. Any gun owner familiar with the Hughes Amendment knows the type of treason that allows the self-serving tyrannical bastards to get away with.

See any Senate Republicans demanding to end that practice and record all votes?

Totally Unsurprisingly, Brazil Begins Gun Bans Ahead of Lula Inauguration

In the meantime, returning to the leftist playbook, look for Brazilians who question the election and defy tyrannical disarmament to be attacked and marginalized as extremists, criminals, racists, and “deplorables,” just like here. And just like here, they’re picking a fight to the finish with people who are proud of their heritage, vested in freedom, and not likely to grovelingly surrender their birthrights to their moral inferiors. [More]

History repeats itself. And in more ways than one.

Fear Isn’t the Reason

Will Phobias About AR-15s Keep Schools From Adopting This Innovative Product? [More]

Seeing that it’s about citizen disarmament and not about “commonsense gun safety,” I think it’s more like the antis would rather see children die than have to give up a successful weaponized narrative.

[Via Michael G]

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