Flashback: 9 years ago the FBI claimed it would NOT use Big Tech to surveil American citizens. [More]
I could scarce believe him more had he said “Trust me.”
[Via WiscoDave]
Notes from the Resistance
Flashback: 9 years ago the FBI claimed it would NOT use Big Tech to surveil American citizens. [More]
I could scarce believe him more had he said “Trust me.”
[Via WiscoDave]
Under the new law, entire categories of crime, such as aggravated batteries, robberies, burglaries, hate crimes, aggravated DUIs, vehicular homicide, drug induced homicides, all drug offenses, including delivery of fentanyl and trafficking cases, are not eligible for detention no matter the severity of the crime or the defendant’s risk to a specific person or the community, unless the People prove by clear and convincing evidence the person has a “high likelihood of willful flight to avoid prosecution.” Additionally, in cases involving non-probationable forcible felonies, such as murder and armed robbery, judges may only detain a defendant under the new law if the prosecution proves by clear and convincing evidence the defendant “poses a real and present threat to the safety of a specific, identifiable person or persons.” [More]
Establishing Justice, insuring domestic Tranquility, providing for the common defence, promoting the general Welfare, and securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, again, I see…
Y’know, any government that fails to do the above has given up any claim of legitimacy for the consent of the governed, and whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.
That’s probably why ruling Democrats want our guns.
[Via Jess]
That “cash, electronics and other valuables” were “left behind” suggests that the object of the break-in was to get the guns, making fair the question of who knew Bass had them and how it is that they knew. [More]
It sounds like there’s a lot more to this story than has been revealed, but even if there’s not, the in-your-face hypocrisy alone ought to disqualify this self-serving hypocrite from office. Which means L.A. Democrats will be lining up to vote for her in droves…
I Destroyed My Trigger, But Don’t Have Any Proof. What Do I Do Now? [Watch]
Well, Captain Parker, if you refuse to cooperate we’re going to pay you a visit when you’re alone and we’re in force. Either that or you can sign this surrender decree, and Heaven help you if we find you’re lying…
[Via Jess]
In celebration of New York’s new gun control law taking effect on September 1, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul claimed: “This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun, it doesn’t hold up. And the data bears this out, so that theory is over.” [More]
I know someone who would not only disagree with that from personal experience, but in private he’d call her a name that rhymes with…
Funny. Her security team hasn’t disbanded.
[Via bondmen]
Is a U.S. Civil War on the Horizon? [More]
That’s pretty much on those doing the squeezing.
[Via bondmen]
Biden Accused Of Appointing ‘Satanist To The White House’ After Monkeypox Official’s Photos Surface [More]
Hey, why not cut to the chase and replace the story hour drag queens with who they’ve been preparing young kids for?
This is today’s Democrat party.
And they want your guns.
[Via Jess]
Tangentially Related UPDATE
The Democrats Reward Their Zealots. The GOP Humiliates and Destroys Its Loyalists [More]
Wouldn’t want to offend their “friends across the aisle”…
[Via Michael G]
And plenty more from Vietnam, China, and the Marxist hellhole of New York, brought to us by the Anticommunism Action Team.
Senate Bill S9528 was introduced by Manhattan State Senator Brad Hoylman on Aug. 12 and, if passed, would require any vehicle manufactured or registered in the state of New York to be fitted with the ISA system, starting from Jan. 1, 2024. [More]
What do you think, Brad? You OK with this, too?
[Via Sweet Babboo]
FBI Raids Up To 50 Trump Allies In One Day: Bannon, Dhillon [More]
I saw something about this flash across the screen on Fox News as we left my Mom’s place Friday night, but on getting home saw nothing about it.
For some reason, most “real reporters” don’t find this newsworthy.
I wonder how long it will be until talk about the Second Amendment being a deterrent to tyranny is regarded as an actionable seditious conspiracy by federal law enforcement.
[Via Jess]
A little over a month ago, merchant category codes for guns were still a little-discussed backdoor ploy.
Now they’re pounding on the front door with ISO announcing a global standard. (I know a bit about the process from a past life, back when everybody thought it was just about quality standards.)
Just a month and a half since my initial Firearms News warning, look at how this is dominating the narrative. Bottom line, if you want to do business, bureaucrats in Geneva say you have to turn snitch.
Funny thing about all those headlines spreading the same talking points: None of them are documenting the communist front groups behind the demand for this.
[Via several of you]
GRNC Alert: Anti-Gun Activists Still Push Wake Co. Discharge Ban [More]
Are you a North Carolina Gun Owner?
How about some help here?
You don’t want to let some Yankee in Ohio do more about this than you, do you?
I swore an oath to the Constitution to put country first, before party… [More]
That’s why I’m doing everything I can to undermine the security of a free State!
[Via Mack H]
‘They’ Are Definitely Getting Prepared. Are You? [More]
Me, I think they’re building a trap for themselves.
I don’t think there’s any running. If the U.S. goes there will be no safe haven elsewhere. And anyone reliant on others to provide “security” need to ask themselves what’s to keep the help from taking over when there’s no one to stop them, plenty of material incentives, and trophy wives and daughters to be passed around.
[Via bondmen]
“People question, like, why do you need my driver’s license for ammo?” Adamski said. “I’m 70 years old, and why are you taking all this information? So, I mean, people are apprehensive about it. I mean, most people understand it. You know it’s not me, it’s the state. But you know there are some people that are just they don’t know why, it’s so absurd to them.” [More]
Yeah, well, where have they been? And how do they vote?
I honest to God think if I were an FFL and some self-imposed ignoramus asked me that I’d tell him to get the hell out of my store, I’m saving my inventory for those who deserve it.
This is the clueless-by-choice population the antis exploit when they tell us “x% of gun owners support” more infringements.
[Via Jess]
Thus, pursuant to 34 U.S.C. § 40901(e)(1)(D), we hereby notify you, and thereby make you “aware” that the “basis” on which signers of the NICS Indices Self-Submission Form have been reported to NICS “does not apply.” Thus, pursuant to you your duties under the statute, we respectfully request that the FBI: (i) identify and “remove” records from its “database” relating to those who have signed the FBI form; (ii) that the FBI (under the authority of the Attorney General) “remove” the offending records from the NICS system;4 and (iii) that the FBI halt its use of the illegal and unconstitutional NICS Indices Self-Submission Form. [More]
Funny, how the form doesn’t include a Miranda warning that anything they sign can and will be used against them in a court of law and that they have a right to an attorney. The workaround appears to be that the signers haven’t been convicted or “adjudicated” of anything (yet).
You’d think the FixNICSers would be focused on industry customers being tyrannized and coerced instead of cheerleading registration-enabling prior restraints imposed by their “partners.”
Any bets on getting the requested reply in 30 days, or do Christopher Wray et al. figure as long as Democrats control things there’s no danger of personal repercussions, they have an inexhaustible legal war chest at their disposal, and if the Republicans do manage not to blow it, the “leadership” won’t pursue things thoroughly enough to actually punish anyone?
Or will they get right on it as soon as the frog march Hunter Biden for lying twice?
“The European governments and the European Commission speak of a ‘manipulation’ by Russia, but people perceive very well that the decision to stop importing Russian gas and oil was a European decision, taken by Brussels without even thinking of the impact it will have on the European economy,” he said. [More]
I’m thinking of investing in a tumbrel franchise…
[Via bondmen]
“A Dangerous Escalation”: Majority Of Americans Think Biden Speech Was “Designed To Incite Conflict” [More]
Of course, it was. Look at the apparatchik who helped write it.
And embedded administration enforcement provocateurs are working as we speak to incite the low-hanging fruit to do something headline-“worthy” stupid.
[Via bondmen]
Elected officials, police chiefs on leaked Oath Keepers list [More]
The story here is really “Who leaked it?”
The feds?
The founder of the far-right Oath Keepers fired his attorneys on Tuesday…
The “real reporters” just can’t resist poisoning perceptions with a narrative talking point right out of the starting gate. I wonder if you asked them what is extreme about keeping your oath to the Constitution or insisting that the Uniform Code of Military Justice be enforced to ensure only lawful orders are obeyed if they’d be able to do more than babble and try to change the subject/argue non-sequiturs.
[Via Mack H]
Whatever the subject, when you’ve got the US government claiming on highly suspect grounds that there’s an exponentially growing threat that urgently needs to be addressed militarily, it’s time to sit up and start paying attention. [More]
If you want to fight against a galactic empire, you need an Imperial Star Destroyer. You need something a little more than an F-15.
[Via bondmen]
Portland Sues Louis Vuitton for Refusing to Pay 2020 Taxes When Rioters Ransacked Store [More]
There’s a long-term solution to that.
The whole city can turn into a smoldering “Autonomous Zone” as far as I’m concerned.
[Via Michael G]
Justice Department Lawyer Smears Religious Liberty Advocate as ‘Hate Group’ [More]
Taking their talking points from the left is hardly new.
When he says “If so, then it’s time we end our professional association,” I assume it creates the same sense of loss as when Chrissy Teigen whines she’s taking her talents elsewhere…
[Via Michael G]
F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns [More]
Which, of course, is why they want to take them.
Tangentially related, I wonder if this is really true.
… Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough issued a preliminary injunction against the Pennsylvania State Police in Firearm Owners Against Crime – Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action, et al. v. PSP Commissioner Evanchick, in relation to its non-compliance with 18 Pa.C.S. 6111.1, by failing to provide instantaneous or otherwise immediate responses to firearm background checks. [More]
Guy looks like more than his hat is too tight…
You gotta wonder what kind of monkey wrenches the state will try to throw into the works before September 12 and what kind of surprises they have planned for after…