A Lot in Common

Twenty years ago, a newspaper headline asked the question: “What’s the difference between a politician and a psychopath?” The answer, then and now, remains the same: None. There are surprisingly few differences between psychopaths and some politicians. [More]

I guess that answers my question.

Guess who else they share these characteristics with.

[Via Edmund M]

With Republicans Like These…

Tracking List of Which GOP Senators are For or Against Biden’s Open Borders Invasion policies embodied and paid for by taxpayers in the ‘Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024’’ aka The BORDER SURRENDER BILL! [More]

You gotta wonder how much is greed and how much is they don’t dare say “No” to their masters.

Related UPDATE

Looks like it’s not going anywhere — for now.

Republicans voting yes were Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, James Lankford, R-Okla., Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Mitt Romney, R-Utah.

There Can Be Only Ones

“We really only want firearms in the hands of those who can handle a firearm responsibly,” said Sen. Barbara Favola. [More]

As evidenced by a badge, right, Babs?

Meanwhile, our fellow violence monopolists in other states are eliminating citizen safety training and encouraging those who can’t handle firearms responsibly to handle them.

[Via Mack H]

Jump the Shaq

Shaquille O’Neal helping sponsor gun buyback program in Dallas [More]

When are departments going to learn “star cop” liabilities can outweigh any perceived PR value?

Let’s hope if one of the ignorant people he’s urging to handle and transport a gun ends up shooting someone that victims and survivors go after Shaq’s deep pockets. And the city’s, because they elected the sheriff.

Let’s ask:

[Via JG]

We’re the Only Ones Pro-Gun Enough

From an email conversation I was having about cops, oaths, and pensions with Hershchel:

I had a similar experience with a “pro gun cop” who claimed to support 2A that I had been corresponding with a while back–

I asked him – since he knew who I was and knew I would not do anything criminal with it – if asked if I let him know I was peaceably carrying concealed and did not have a permit because it is my right to bear arms, would he arrest me?

After hemming and hawing and excuse making, I finally got him to admit he would “have to” enforce the law.

I recall writing this up on the old blog– perhaps even having the conversation in comments under a post — but it’s been years and I don’t have time to try and find it, assuming I even could…

No Supply Demand

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses HB 2118, a actual reality this legislative session and a bill who’s sole purpose is to financially ruin every single FFL in the State of Washington. If you thought your individual liberties have been under attack, wait until you check this piece of leglislation out. This is the most Orwellian and dystopian piece of legislation to ever be introduced in Washington State and must be stopped now. [Watch]

Prohibitonists gonna prohibit…

[Via Jess]

History Lesson

“Our brief is really a look at history,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “We have detailed gun regulation in this country dating back to before the Revolutionary War, and our brief explains how the state has failed to provide a single Founding-era restriction on firearms commerce. [More]

The prohibitionist have been dodging that challenge for a long time.

Casus Belli

Biden to Send Troops to Stop Texas from Protecting the Southern Border [More]

They’ve learned nothing since Katrina.

I guess we’ll find out who will just follow orders.

Now bone-to-pick time:

Personally, I have long believed that the United States should increase the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country per year.

Why? Even the “rigorous” ones? And take the challenge first.

I’m also waiting for someone to recognize the whole influx of H-1Bs from countries that spend a small fraction per capita on students that we do does nothing to expose the fraud of the Democrat-dominated U.S. “education” cartel’s deliberate cranking out of illiterates and useless majors that creates the demand for foreign workers by treasonous cheap labor Vichycons.

[Via Michael G]

Cancellation of Maine ‘AR’ Safety Class Opens Questions as to Motives and Legality

That leaves a potential conflict, as duly enacted existing law, which mandates “The commissioner shall establish a program for training individuals in the safe handling of firearms,” does not add a proviso saying “except for firearms that Democrats don’t like.” And the truth about that is all of them, as the Fudds will find out when they’re no longer needed. [More]

Who knew “commonsense gun safety” meant no training? My Freedom of Access Act Request attempts to find out who’d behind that bit of idiocy.

And I just sent it out this morning:

Another Great Reason to Turn in Those Guns!

Virginia legislative committees approve bills allowing even serial killers to seek release [More]

So much for the law when the inmates run the asylum.

What kind of “ocracy” is run by psychopaths?

[Via Michael G]

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

ATF official: Federal prosecutors turning a blind eye to straw purchasers, again – Events reminiscent of ATF’s “Operation Fast & Furious” scandal. [More]

Hey, if you want to blood dance, you first need blood.

Which invites two questions, one about the open border and the other about the imposition of prior restraints because people who have proven they can’t be trusted with a gun aren’t kept away from the rest of us.

I’ve established a dialog with Mr. Forcelli, have read his book, and will be releasing an interview and a review over the next few weeks.

[Via CP]

Let’s Find Out What He’s Made Of

Although I’d prefer it it had been his idea.

[Via bondmen]

Unleashing the Beast

Warning Issued After Researchers Link Energy Drinks To Suicidal Thoughts In Children [More]

At least you can’t accuse them of false labeling

Besides, we have something else to blame that has a lot more support.

And far be it from me to suggest parents exercise authority over what their dependent children regularly consume.

[Via bondmen]

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