Speaking of Missing the Barn…

AN ACT Relating to protecting the public from gun violence by establishing additional requirements for the business operations of licensed firearms dealers [More]

Go after the people whose livlihoods already depend on proving — on demand — that they comply with the law… really?

[Via Jess]

Know the Enemy

Spetsnaz, Russian Mercenaries, and American Commandoes in Syria [More]

Dr. Miguel Faria give us an excerpt from his book Stalin, Mao, Communism, and the 21st Century Aftermath in Russia and China.

As an aside because this made me think of it, war on home turf is not the romantic stuff of fiction, anonymous keyboard commandos boldly calling for CW2 notwithstanding. I believe the reason we have not seen it here –yet — is because the Second Amendment is working, not just against individual predators, but on a societal level. As Thomas Paine observed:

[A]rms, like law, discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property… Horrid mischief would ensue were one-half the world deprived of the use of them…

Our duty is to keep that horrid mischief from taking over. And rejecting the peaceable means bequeathed to us by the Founders that we yet have and doing nothing but rattling sabers and complaining undermines that.

Homerphobia on Rise in UK

British University Issues Trigger Warning on Greek Mythology [More]

I understand. I’ve suffered PTSD from The Odyssey myself.

I was six or seven, and saw Ulysses with Kirk Douglas. The Cyclops scared the hell out of me, and I remember waking up that night crying from a bad dream about it.

These students are the emotionally disturbed equivalents of first or second graders. Like the saying goes, it’s a mental disorder. They are children, unworthy heirs of the terrible sacrifices that ended up enabling them to “grow” into entitled collectivist weaklings deserving of the replacements they are demanding.

Speaking of Polyphemus, he’s a regular in these parts, usually brought up when talking about Quislings, Fudds, and “compromisers” willing to obey him if he eats them last.

The rest of us are heating up sharpened stakes in the fire.

Democrat Influencers Propose that Congress Ignore Election and Start Civil War

It sure sounds like “seditious conspiracy” to me, but I guess that would have to be decided by the victors… [More]

They seem to believe they’ll remain above it all.

Make It Happen

Grassroots activists want an ATF chief who adheres to the Second Amendment, and who “can tell the difference between the good guys and genuine bad guys. [More]

Well, as the most prominent name mentioned so far in “Gun Owners for Trump,” you’re in a unique position to influence that:

Gun rights leaders and legal scholars could be identified and nominated to analyze and prioritize bills, lawsuits, regulations, opportunities, and threats, to advise on judicial and other federal nominees, and to help educate the public. The Office would provide a way for the public to express their concerns and to offer ideas and suggestions, meaning gun owners would have a conduit.


Funny, still nothing on the news about this…

Silence is Golden

Last month, Representatives August Pfluger (R-TX) and Jared Golden (D-ME) introduced the bipartisan “Protecting Americans’ Right to Silence Act of 2024” (PARTS Act), H.R. 10145, which seeks to modernize and clarify the federal definition of firearm suppressors under the Gun Control Act. [More]

So Republicans help Gungrabber Golden burnish his reputation with a bill that has a 1% chance of being enacted, meaning it costs Democrats nothing but buys them all kinds of Fuddwill and “gunfluencer” kudos…

[Via Jess]

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

“Last night in Queens, a memorial for a teen lost to gun violence turned to horror when gunmen opened fire on the crowd, including several young people who are now hospitalized. This cannot be our normal…” [More]

No, it’s not OUR normal, Kathy. But it’s pretty unexpected (oops) for a significant segment of YOUR consituency.

As is blaming it on “gun violence”…

Classy joint sure to attract all the right people, no…?

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Triangular Enough

NYPD top cop, who abruptly resigned amid sex-for-OT allegations, was shot on Staten Island in the 90s over alleged love triangle [More]

So, yeah he’s been a self-serving swine his entire career and got away with it because no one dared derail his politically-mandated DEI path to the top and because the entire damn NYPD is the corrupt enforcement wing of the Democrat machine and always has been, public fawning over Tom Selleck and Blue Bloods notwithstanding…

[Via Steve T]

Another Great Reason to Disarm You and Me

A 15-year-old boy is facing serious weapons charges after being arrested in possession of a semiautomatic rifle in northeast Portland on Monday. [More]

Bet the breeder sow and sperm donor are real prizes…

No, of course we can’t tell you who he is so you can thank him for adding fuel to idiot Dana Polehanki’s fire.

Boy, times sure have changed.

[Via Steve T]

Daily Defense

Go to the AAR website to watch/listen live or find a station near you.

You Know My Suffragette City

Firearms Ownership Is As Feminist As Feminism Gets [More]

Their readers aren’t the ones who need convincing.

I still think Ranjit’s got some ‘splainin’ to do about a major threat he not only ignores, but dismisses.

And Amy Swearer-endorsed red flag laws are also as feminist as applied feminism gets.

[Via Andy M]

Too Many Chiefs and Not Enough Indians?

I note some in comments are not only defending but applauding the H-1Bs. [More]

The last thing I have time for is to engage in debates under my own articles, especially since no shortage of posters shielded by anonymity seem to devolve into distractions and confirmation bias-based insults. That said, I don’t like to see some contentions go unchallenged, and I find a lot to be concerned about with some of the observations articulated by Matt Bracken. I had another link by a former HR recruiter explaining scams that H-1B companies engage in, but I guess that was too much free speech for Mr. Musk’s foreign labor-championing X.

Speaking of which, my wife retired after decades as a mainframe programmer, versatile in all the old languages that are still in demand but with an aging pool of qualified IT personnel. She still gets calls for contract openings, and nine times out of ten the recruiter’s English is practically unintelligible. My more tolerant and enlightened betters would say that shows what a dignity-violating racist I am.

I can’t help but recall how The New York Times crowed about Democrat expansion in Virginia a few years back:

“Guns, that is the most pressing issue for me,” said Vijay Katkuri, 38, a software engineer from southern India, explaining why he voted for a Democratic challenger in Tuesday’s elections. He was shopping for chicken at the Indian Spice Food Market. “There are lots of other issues, but you can only fix them if you are alive.”

As with people of all backgrounds, I’ve known a handful of exceptions, people of Indian heritage who are patriots as fine as any I’ve met, but the rule of numbers overwhelmingly results in Grewal and unusual punishment.

Today’s Five-Minute Activism

On the way back from my routine doctor visit my wife and I stopped in at the supermarket to pick up dinner fixings for tonight ( I make a very good Italian sausage and peppers if I say so myself), and one of the things I usually check is the magazine stand to see if the new issue of Firearms News is on display yet.

Someone moved magazines from other sections and placed them to cover most of the gun mags. It’s not the first time I’ve noticed and set things right.

I can just imagine the bitter, self-righteous, indignant type that has no clue what this says about her as a human being, and instead perversely justifies this to herself and other frustrated cud chewers. And yeah, I just made assumptions drawing on stereotypes. Change my mind.

The thought strikes: In addition to the other resolutions, why not make a point of checking when you’re in the store and setting things right?

Time for Commonsense Car Safety Laws

BREAKING: Suspect in New Orleans crash and shooting is dead after firefight with police, law enforcement officials tell AP [More]

Yeah, leave it to AP to make it about guns.

But as long as they have, so much for licensing and registration…

And remember:

Anybody figure out why the barriers were conveniently down with no temporary replacement alternative?

No thoughts and prayers from CAIR…?

In with the New

I decided against better judgment to watch the ball drop on one of the networks, and at random picked CBS. My guess is the song right before the countdown was on all the feeds, and it was some rich, faux-furred celebrityette singing Lennon’s paen to Lenin, “Imagine,” with the “no possessions” line juxtaposing bizarrely (so probably unnoticed by most) against a thick jeweled necklace that looked like something worn by a queen. I turned it off soon after while the music was interspersed with crowd shots, replete with a long pause on two guys making out…

Cut and Run

The Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney who led prosecutions of over 1,500 Jan. 6 defendants is set to step down before President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Jan. 20, 2025. [More]

Why do I have the feeling we’ll be hearing the name Matthew Graves again?

Javert at least tried to atone…

[Via Michael G]

Lest Ye Be Judged

Georgia judge Stephen Yekel shoots himself dead inside courtroom on last day in office [More]

They’ve already wiped his Facebook, so once more we’re dependent on what LE wants to share. I see he “received training from Georgia Police Academy and Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.”

Without admittedly knowing any more about this than the story I link to, I’ll only say I don’t see how anyone could do that to their family, grown children or not, and have them live the rest of their lives with this nightmare.

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