We’re the Only Ones Tactical Enough

U.S. Forest Service (USFS) special agent Travis Lunders arrived at their ranch without warning, armed and in full tactical gear, to serve the couple separate grand jury indictments. [More]

Let’s make it about Travis.

And let’s keep an eye on who Trump appoints to take over USFS, and which prosecutions are in order.

[Via Michael G]

Clueless Morons Make Noise About Guns

Gun violence prevention group speaks on deadly Ferguson gun battle [More]

Did they say anything worth listening to?

And they don’t think the admission of “generational poverty” in a land of “free” K-12 education, available jobs, and a universal understanding of how babies are made reflects on their ability to make competent decisions…?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Murderous Enough

London, Kentucky Police Killed Man in His Home in Late Night Search Warrant Raid Apparently at Wrong Address–Reportedly Over a Stolen Weed Eater [More]

So naturally, after making excuses they cut off feedback:

London Police Department, KY limited who can comment on this post.

But you can still access photos of these murder0us b@$+@rd$ giving each other awards.

I guess it’s not fair to judge them until you’ve goose-stepped a mile in their jackboots.

[Via bondmen]

With Republicans Like These

Trump hails Florida Dem’s decision to ditch party, join GOP [More]

I’m trying to figure out how including this cow who has pledged to “stand up to the NRA and fight for a ban on military style assault rifles and the high capacity ammunition that make them so lethal” will help…

Anybody else getting a Professor Harold Hill of politics vibe…?

[Via Andy M]

Shall Not Be Infringed Unless…

We learned that the denials were due to font sizes that were too small, the lack of compliant visual indicators, and so forth. We have just received additional responsive documents from the DOJ which explain their position that, pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, the explanatory text for the CLIs must be permanently displayed by engraving, stamping, etching, molding, casting, or other means of permanent marking. If the explanatory text can be removed, such as with acetone, that will NOT be sufficient for roster approval. [More]

Now they’re just being d!cks.

This is one of the things we ought to be pressing Trump on:

Imagine now the Department of Justice under an actual Second Amendment advocate, and what it could do fighting infringements and prohibitionist lawfare waged by states with unlimited tax war chests in tandem with Astroturf prohibitionist groups funded by antigun elites. Right now, the costs to defend against these innumerable assaults on all levels are borne by gun rights groups and members of mostly modest means who can only support a fraction of what is needed. That equation could be turned on its head.

That presupposes Pam Bondi’s inclination to demand infringements can be reined in and reversed.

[Via Jess]

The Worst Defense is a Bad Offense

Yet Gannon’s defense attorney, Stephen Colella, described Hayes as “someone who, allegedly attending a peaceful rally, saw fit to bring a semiautomatic weapon and 20 rounds, and a person who has, in fact, attended similar rallies in the past similarly armed”… [More]

Yeah, to keep hotheaded lunatics like your 32-year-old buttwad client from attacking his 47-year-old target peaceably exercising his First and Second Amendment recognized rights with potentially lethal force.

This you, Stephen…? I ask not just because of the rather unique name and the same state, but also because of similar seedily manipulative approaches to the law…

[Via Edmund M]

Our Pervocracy

Reps. Massie, Greene Call for Release of ‘Congressional Sexual Misconduct Fund List’ [More]

I’m still waiting to see the names on Epstein’s list…

Hello, Dolly. You gotta wonder how many votes have been turned and appointments confirmed by naked blackmail.

This seems as good a place as any to share an email I sent to the editor of American Handgunner asking him to edit out a line from a column he invited me to write (I’ll let you know when it’s published):

[W]ith the emerging scandal with Matt Gaetz on pretty damning charges of paid sex with a minor, I have made a suggested change on page two of the article — I’m no longer comfortable assessing him as “a good choice” for AG under the current cloud. If true, someone blackmailable would be a terrible choice, regardless of his understanding of the issue. So, I deleted a sentence marked by a strikethrough, and made a minor change to the next sentence, both in red. Your choice, of course, and it could just be politics. I go by what I’d do if someone falsely accused me of something so disturbing and aberrant, and resigning would not be on the table.

[Via Michael G]

It’s Not an ‘Either/Or’

The Second Amendment Cannot Override First Amendment Rights. [More]

No one but a gaslighting liar would suggest that it can.

And that door swings both ways.

The ignorance and paranoia these evil bastards are spreading has no legitimate claim on our rights.

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Racial Disenfranchisement…

His research indicates that an overwhelming majority of initial denials, approximately 99%, are errors, disproportionately affecting Hispanic and Black males due to phonetic similarities in names within racial groups. [More]

Yes, we get it. We’ve gotten it for a long time. Gun control is racist.

So, when are self-annointed “black leaders” going to stop being self-serving sellouts to the Democrat machine, and when will its patronizing white politicians, “authorized journalists,” and assorted prohibitionists start being condemned for the insufferable bigots that they are?

Trump and Musk Immigration Stance Ignores MAGA Pledges and U.S. Education Failures

The whole point of the last election was to turn all that around. [More]

A sinking ship doesn’t need to take on more water, especially if it means excusing Democrats helping send it to the bottom.

ATF to Big Brother: Hold Our Beer

Did you know that every time you search for guns or ammo online, someone’s watching? Well you probably already know, but if you think it’s just the algorithms that feed you ads, think again—the ATF is also watching your searches. Worse, they use your digital activity to shape bans and enforcement actions. And no, we’re not fear mongering here. Published reports confirm that your searches are being tracked, analyzed, and even used to forecast so-called “threats.” [Watch]

The question then becomes what do Donald Trump and whomever he appoints to head the Bureau intend to do about this?

[Via 1Gat]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

TSA Facial Recognition Scanning Spreading, Part of Planned ‘Across The Board’ Biometric Future [More]

Get your own SKU/QR code!

And just imagine the AI-enhanced deep fake/identity theft opportunities for hackers and those let into the system with bribes!

The ultimate goal, of course, isn’t just to categorize travelers. How many millions of unvetted illegal immigrants are occupying territory in this country again who won’t be affected one bit…?

[Via Michael G]

AZ Man Gives Feds Low-Hanging Fruit Gift Basket for Christmas

…Tamayo-Torres made postings on a social media platform threating to harm the President-elect of the United States, including that he was going to kill the President-elect and do violence to his family. [More]

And ATF/DOJ get to take credit for all his work!

Just look at those headlines!

[Via Jess]

The Children Weren’t Nestled All Snug in Their Beds

Houston man being robbed by children on Christmas shoots them, injuring 3 [More]

At lease we know who was naughty. Or would, if keeping the identities of young predators from the victim pool weren’t policy…

On the bright side, it’s a Christmas present for the prohibitionists, who get to add these child shootings to their “gun violence” stats…

[Via Dan Gifford]

Blast from the Past Part II

We talked a few month back about  George Gramlich, Editor of the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel sending me one of the few remaining signed magazines from Mike Vanderboegh’s smuggling exploits. [More]

I wasn’t sure how I was going to preserve it and decided over the weekend to put it in a hangable shadow box along with a sample of Threeperware from years gone by.

Arts and crafts were never my strong suit, but I like what I put together just fine:

I’ll get an engraving plate to affix to the bottom to read “Defy. Resist. Evade. Smuggle.” and my project will be complete.

I think my friend would have gotten a kick out of this, and I found the perfect place to hang it.

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