Making It Illegaler

Rep. Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Keep Non-Citizens From Voting, Thwarting Democrat Election Strategy [More] Loophole? What loophole? Under the new bill, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would be required to provide citizenship status information to states if they are asked for it. And if they don’t want to ask for it? Democrats screaming … Continue reading “Making It Illegaler”

Who Better to Heed Than Propagandists and Turncoats?

Former gun industry executive: I saw with ‘my own eyes’ how NRA ‘radicalized’ gun debate [Watch] That’s funny. From what I saw, they’ve continually had to be dragged in. The ones who “radicalized” it were the ones demanding we surrender our freedom aided and abetted by Juda$e$ like Busse. Note all the supportive comments from … Continue reading “Who Better to Heed Than Propagandists and Turncoats?”

A High Hurdle?

The firearm industry wants to keep firearms out of the hands of those who cannot be trusted to responsibly possess them. That includes prohibited individuals, those suffering through a mental health crisis or suffering suicidal ideations and unsupervised children. “Red flag” laws have utility in protecting the public but must be carefully administered so these … Continue reading “A High Hurdle?”

The Dependent Rebellion

It will become untenable for @MarshaBlackburn @BillHagertyTN @AndyOgles & other Republicans to continue blocking gun control legislation. These students will turn 18 & make gun control a priority when they vote. [More] I’ve run into their type before. They’ll still have the problem of “We will not disarm” to overcome, and I am just not … Continue reading “The Dependent Rebellion”

We’re the Only Ones Fine Enough

Police took semiautomatic rifles, a shotgun and handguns from the Rangers and said they arrested two gang members on previous warrants. None of the Rangers were arrested, though police were frustrated residents hadn’t called them sooner. ″There is a fine line between self-defense and vigilantism,” a police spokesman said, according to the AP. [More] If … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Fine Enough”

Out of Joint

The Oversight Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs Chairman Pat Fallon (R-Texas) and the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance Chairman Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) will hold a joint hearing examining the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ (ATF) actions aimed at curtailing the ability of lawful gun … Continue reading “Out of Joint”

Nothing to See Here?

I am an immigrant and a Second Amendment advocate myself…[More] That’s why I exclude anecdotes and isolated examples from my challenge and focus on the overall effect. Of course, there are some random 2A supporters, and great ones at that. They are a drop in the bucket compared to the majority. Most immigrants, unless they’re … Continue reading “Nothing to See Here?”

The Judas Goat Bleats

I joined 97Percent because they are a gun safety organization taking a different approach to this seemingly intractable issue. [More] The kinder, gentler citizen disarmers. Divide and conquer is hardly a different approach. Like all “progressive” ideas, it’s a dusting off of an old ruse relying on apparatchiks and useful idiots to draw the suckers … Continue reading “The Judas Goat Bleats”

A Clear and Present Danger

Chris Cuomo Said, ‘I Was Going to Kill Everybody, Including Myself’ After Firing by CNN [More] Says the guy who advocated invoking “red flag laws” on Marjorie Taylor Greene… In the spirit of “If you see something, say something,” I’m thinking a call to Cherokee Indian Police SWAT might be in order… [Via Andy M]

A Trainer Wreck

But when Rob Pincus told FOX News he supported Biden’s ideas, even shooting a shotgun out a door to scare away bad guys, it was too much. Even with Pincus’ previous statements calling for more gun control, he had crossed the Rubicon. There was no going back. [More] He crossed the Rubicon for me when … Continue reading “A Trainer Wreck”


David Cardenas, a gun owner who was headed to the target range at Shore Galleries, said he supports the assault weapons ban, although it won’t affect him because he doesn’t own them. “I’m glad they did it,” said Cardenas, a Chicago-based artist. He said the ban would prevent people with mental illness from purchasing the … Continue reading “Guncapo”

Once More Unto the Breach

SB Tactical, one of the most popular AR-15 pistol brace manufacturers, appears to have been hit with a data breach, where customer data, including names, addresses, and credit card information, was leaked online. [More] That looks like something for Republicans now in control of House Oversight to look into. [Via Andy M]

Still Waiting for an Answer

However, for those like Hudson who do have these concerns, I’d offer a suggestion. If you feel this way, you should start pushing the lawmakers asking for your support to oppose gun control. [More] We’re well aware of Republican betrayals and failures. That said, what kind of utter moron says they’re for the right to … Continue reading “Still Waiting for an Answer”

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