A Multipronged Attack

On September 7, 2022, the National Foundation for Gun Rights filed five new lawsuits in four federal court circuits to eliminate unconstitutional magazine and gun bans everywhere! Combined with our lawsuits in Colorado these represent nearly half of the country. This nationwide legal blitz aims to take out every single ban on semi-automatic weapons and standard capacity magazines for good. [More]

I’d feel better about these if the lawsuits included acknowledgment of core purpose and that the function of the Militia, defined as “all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense [and] bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time,” was — and still is — to field citizen soldiers. These citizens bore arms that were suitable for that purpose, “ordinary military equipment” intended to be taken into “common defense” battles.

That said, isn’t it time for SAF to make peace with Dudley?

[Via Jess]

I Wonder How [Insert Grabber Name Here] Would Have Fared

He was able to pull out his firearm and shoot the suspect four times in the chest… Mendez is now speaking out about the importance of the Second Amendment and how law-abiding, armed Americans can help end shootings before they claim more lives.  [More]

I’d argue with limiting positive outcomes exclusively to the “law-abiding,” but otherwise, yeah.

[Via Robert J]

A Democrat for ‘Reasonable Gun Control’

Things that make you go “Hmmm…”:

Less than a day after asking for the public’s help in identifying a suspect in the stabbing death of Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German, police executed a search warrant Wednesday at the home of Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles.



I got your “reasonable” right here, Rob.

Overlooking Two Essentials

New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen: Originalism and the Relevance of Common Law and Reconstruction-Era Restrictions on Exercise of a Right [More]

David T. Hardy’s new law review manuscript is online. He concludes the majority made some shaky assumptions, too.

I’ve got some reading to do. Looks like no “Dancing with the Stars” for me tonight…

Taking a Leak

Elected officials, police chiefs on leaked Oath Keepers list [More]

The story here is really “Who leaked it?”

The feds?

In a related development:

The founder of the far-right Oath Keepers fired his attorneys on Tuesday…

The “real reporters” just can’t resist poisoning perceptions with a narrative talking point right out of the starting gate. I wonder if you asked them what is extreme about keeping your oath to the Constitution or insisting that the Uniform Code of Military Justice be enforced to ensure only lawful orders are obeyed if they’d be able to do more than babble and try to change the subject/argue non-sequiturs.

[Via Mack H]

Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends

AMMO, Inc. (Nasdaq: POWW, POWWP) (“AMMO” or the “Company”), the owner of GunBroker.com, the largest online marketplace serving the firearms and shooting sports industries, and a leading vertically integrated producer of high-performance ammunition and components, today announced that Steven Urvan, Chief Strategy Officer, and Susan Lokey, Chief Financial Officer of SpeedLight I, LLC d/b/a GunBroker.com, have been placed on administrative leave with immediate effect. The Company has reason to believe that these individuals may have misappropriated the Company’s data and digital assets and transmitted that data to a third party controlled by Mr. Urvan and with which Ms. Lokey is associated.  [More]

Fortunately, if you haven’t done anything wrong you’ve got nothing to hide.

And if you try to, we gotcha!

[Via Jess]

Memphis Belle

Tucker Carlson: “Our Entire Country Will Be Memphis if We Don’t Put a Stop to This Insanity Right Now” [More]

I’m debating with myself on whether I want to write more on this or not. There are some points frequently made here that I don’t see anyone else hitting very hard on, if at all. In any case, there’s already stuff in the pipeline that comes first.

[Via bondmen]

Much to Their Astonishment

Shocking moment Chicago woman is attacked and robbed at gunpoint by group of men on sidewalk in broad daylight: Terrified residents of upscale neighborhood say they never expected this to happen on ‘quiet block’ [More]

No need for smoke detectors and fire extinguishers– we haven’t had one of those around here since forever… 

I bet Sharon Tate probably thought she lived in a pretty safe neighborhood, too.

You can improve the odds. You can’t eliminate them.

And why does the Vulcan crew of the Intrepid come to mind?

[Via bondmen]

The Truth is Out There

Whatever the subject, when you’ve got the US government claiming on highly suspect grounds that there’s an exponentially growing threat that urgently needs to be addressed militarily, it’s time to sit up and start paying attention. [More]

If I may paraphrase:

If you want to fight against a galactic empire, you need an Imperial Star Destroyer. You need something a little more than an F-15.

[Via bondmen]

No Excuses

Rob Pincus excuses the Uvalde Cops. [More]

I just saw him finding common ground to exploit with Giffords, too.

Along with 97 Percent.

And Dan Gross.

Having screwed the pooch with the major gun groups, he’s looking to make a good living with the light-on-principles 2.0 crowd.

I guess I’ll continue to bear the shame of his disapproval for my lack of tolerance over Hillary-supporting gun trainers.

And don’t get me started on this

[Via Andy M]

The Buyback Menace

In fact, the study said a 7.7% increase in crimes involving a gun occurred in those cities and counties in the immediate two months after a buyback. [More]

The Philadelphia Inquirer Iditorial Board has an about-damn-time epiphany of sorts, then wrings its hands and wails “Something must be done,” all the while clueless as to what that something needs to be.

[Via Jess]

Could’a Been a Contender

In this video I discuss two important Second Amendment case that are up for Supreme Court consideration next term which could help stop the ATF’s current actions. [Watch]

All SCOTUS needs to do to allow ATF to continue usurping legislative authority is…nothing.

Then, of course, the case could be made that any legislative authority contradicting “shall not be infringed” is a usurpation in itself.

[Via Jess]

Sensitive, Aren’t We?

Oh, so that’s the reason.

I appealed the warning and gave as my reason:

This tweet documents photographic evidence that Hunter Biden has committed a second firearms-related felony that no one else in the media is covering.

That and I could find a million photos on Twitter that show more skin.

I’ll letcha know what they say.


I just noticed someone sent me a Facebook message yesterday:

Thanks for posting the Ammoland.com article on your fB Page on June 8 & 9th. I was curious if you received any notice from fB about it because I attempted to share it on my page and immediately noticed that it goes “against Community Guidelines” Really?!?!

As a result of sharing it, my #2A businesses have been issued a 28-day ban on Facebook.

I thought it was a well-documented and written article with citations, proof, and a reasonable argument.

Because there is no “Fact-Check” or notice on the post, it must be ok with it. However, just now, in writing this message, I tried to save the article here on fB, which issued two additional warnings that it was contraband.

Again though wanted to thank you for writing the article and the interesting observation and argument presented. I am curious if you have seen any additional follow-up or responses about your presentation. Somebody doesn’t want folks to ask the question.

That, of course, was the same Hunter Biden article, and no, FB never contacted me or took any kind of ban action against me.  This and this are both still up with no warnings to me. I guess if they don’t let you know it makes exposing their censorship practices less likely.

Remember the first time they said I violated their “community standards”?

People lots bigger than me don’t want anyone to notice this. Unfortunately, I can’t create a Streisand Effect by myself.

Is a Puzzlement

The clots are said to be white, fibrous, and rubbery and can be the size of a grain of sand or as long as a human leg. They can be as thick as a pinky finger. One embalmer claimed they can be “nearly the strength of steel.” Embalmers across the nation are contending that these clots are not normal. [More]

Yul’s got nothin’.

Meanwhile, the people making billions off of government-authorized special fast-tracking protocol exemptions, liability immunities, and coerced “patronage” don’t want others doing any deep diving.

[Via Michael G]

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