Ain’t Nobody’s Business

In a statement, Kelley Foxx and Kim Foxx told Fox News “This is a personal family matter, and we ask that you provide our family with respect and privacy. [More]

Funny she doesn’t feel that way when other people get disarmed on “domestic violence” charges…

As a prosecutor, she knows charges become “The state vs.”…

[Via Michael G]

The Company They Keep

The Satanic Temple Idaho is sponsoring a Pride Month event for kids and families featuring “unbaptisms” and a drag show… Along with the Satanic Temple Idaho, the ACLU of Idaho, Everytown for Gun Safety, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Ecumenical Catholic Communion Church, Idaho State Police District 1, and a local public library are involved in event. [More]

Gimme that old-time religion!

Can you imagine the cries of “Apostasy!” (and more) from the Muslim community if they were singled out for renunciations?

At least the coalition is not comprised of  “white nationalists”

[Via President Non_Fudd]

UPDATE: Looks like turning on the lights makes cockroaches flee.

We Don’t Cotton to Your Kind

Tom Cotton, a Second Amendment Champion, Proposes a 5-Year Mandatory Minimum for Violating Arbitrary Gun Bans [More]

Well, that explains the NRA endorsement

Not all agree.

Of course, that’s not much help to guys like me.

You know, “juveniles“…

And here are Tom’s partners in opening the door.

See any familiar names?


LMN says it secured financial backing for the deal from leading Latino investors, and debt financing for the acquisition from Lakestar Finance, an investment entity affiliated with Soros Fund Management LLC. [More]

For all those idiot “gun pundits” who say instead of warning against the greatest threat, we need to instead focus all that energy on outreach, like the resources to be competitive are there and like promising efforts won’t be canceled.

And note the token “cheap labor Republican” on the board, to give the illusion this is a good thing.

And now, the rest of the story

[Via Agustin B]

As if by Design

It’s an act of war by the government of Mexico and an act of treason by our own.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue” …

Just ask any national or state “gun group,” full of lame excuses because they’re too cowardly to say anything lest they be branded haters and xenophobes by the same domestic enemies who brand them as Nazis regardless…

Who the hell do they think #DisarmHate is aimed at?

Never Enough

According to law enforcement, the 18-year-old gunman wore what’s known as a plate carrier: a vest, often made of ordinary fabric, that holds hard armor plates designed to protect against rifle rounds. The legislation signed by Hochul bans the purchase of “body vests,” which are defined in state law as “a bullet-resistant soft body armor.” Soft body armor is flexible, more concealable, and designed to stop small-caliber rounds. [More]

Bloomberg’s The Trace puts the lie to “Enough.” It will never be.

And Jennifer still has daddy issues.

Things I Saw on the Way to the End Game

After alleged plot to kill Kavanaugh, Republicans targeted in 2017 shooting fear more assassination attempts [More]

Yes. Totalitarians want everyone they want to eliminate dead. Who doesn’t know that? Why else would they want our guns?

Which makes stupidly suicidal Republican complicity in disarming their last best defense all the more of a forehead-slapper…

A ‘Bipartisan Deal’

Democrats and Republicans involved in the discussions said they have a deal in principle that includes providing financial incentives for states that adopt “red flag” laws, more money for school security, more investments in mental health and expanding the background check system to include youth felony records. [More]

Here’s more.

And the traitors giving the necessary votes are:

The E-Trade baby has the floor.

And this just in: The Lairds of Fairfax pulled up in the Weinermobile, rolled down the window, and boldly shared this firm-fixed principle:

“As is our policy, the NRA does not take positions on ‘frameworks’. We will make our position known when the full text of the bill is available for review,” the statement continued.

I’m sure this is the end of it and the grabbers will go away sated.


[Via several of you]

GRNC is trying to rein its wayward Vichycons in. Anybody know of other similar campaigns?

Shock Value

Debate emerges on showing graphic photos of gun violence [More]

It’s an admission that they can’t win on facts or logic, and so need to resort to obscene emotional manipulation in order to gin up mass hysteria.

If they end up doing this, count on more of the weaker minds in the citizen disarmament cult snapping and going on the attack.  Because they are counting on it, at least the evil calculators pulling the useful idiots’ strings…

[Via Jess]

We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident

I wonder what her views have been until this on “commonsense gun safety laws”?

Any bets this wasn’t his first time?

Any objections to sending “an unarmed man” to hell?

The Sounds of Silence

From every one of the networks and major newspapers a la New York Times/Washington Post on the Hunter Biden naked gun story… [More]

That said, even the “conservative” sites are all focused on the sensational “naked with a whore while armed and high” aspect, and so far, mine is the only report I’ve seen highlighting the evidence of a second gun/second felony.

I don’t get why more aren’t picking that up. This seems like a gift that we could be exploiting by loudly shoving it in the Democrats faces at a time when they’re trying to eviscerate 2A.

NIH, “gun groups”?

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