We’re the Fauxnly Ones Rash Enough

Federal agents say four Polk County men were involved in a rash of armed robberies, all while pretending to be law enforcement officers. [Watch]

As I’ve continually noted, be aware of The Fauxnly Ones Files. You never know when an “I was afraid he might not be a real cop” defense could use some validation that it’s a widespread and frequent enough phenomenon to be a legitimate justification for resistance.

[Via Remarks]

The Butler Did It

Witnesses said Butler seemed agitated and left but returned to the complex shortly after, armed with an AR-15 style rifle, and started shooting at the crowd. Police said a woman pulled out her pistol, shooting and killing him… Court records showed Butler had been convicted of two felonies in the past, so he should have not had a gun. [More]

Fact: It would have advanced Shannon’s agenda had Butler prevailed.

[Via Jess]

Fuel to the Fire

There simply isn’t going to be DEF fluid sufficient to keep the engines running and moving. [More]

Anybody have qualifications and knowledge about this to weigh in?

What I’ve been able to find is it is hitting RVers and truckers hard.

And not just in the U.S.

Is it really that paranoid to suspect manipulation via an agenda that is not benign?

[Via JK]



Doubling Down

Be it resolved that the members of the National Rifle Association of America, in convention assembled, does declare its profound support for the past, present and future leadership of its executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre…One prominent LaPierre backer, Janet Nyce, denounced Wayne’s critics as “the enemy within,” whom she blamed for taking “our beloved NRA down to her knees.” A former sheriff from Montana, who is also a board member, insisted he was “getting tired of these s*** o* b****** at every one of these meeting coming in and trashing Wayne LaPierre.” [More]

Make your decisions accordingly.

By All Means, Go There

The possession, by private citizens who could be called up for militia service, of “weapons of war” is not only protected by the Second Amendment — settled law — it is required. [More]

And the antis say we’re the ones who never want to mention the first 13 words…

In a way, they’re right– for reasons they’ve never adequately explained, the power players “on our side” don’t seem willing to go much beyond “self-defense” in their legal filings.

That’s a vulnerability that will hurt us.

Going Full FBI

“What the public should be looking at is the fact that the FBI gave our son the means to make this happen. He has no job, no money, no vehicle, and no driver’s license, due to the fact that he is schizophrenic and we; his parents do everything we can possible to keep him safe and functional….. He has suffered through countless serious full-blown schizophrenic delusional episodes and he has been put in numerous mental hospitals since he was 16 years old. The FBI came and picked him up from our home, they gave him a vehicle, gave him a fake bomb, and every means to make this happen none of which he had access to on his own. [More]

Three words


The Ruse of the Fisherman

In an interview with The Pillar, Bishop Daniel Flores of Brownsville, Texas, elaborated on a tweet he made following the horrific mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas and admonished gun-owning Catholics — and all Americans — that there is no “divine right” argument to be made about owning a weapon. [More]

I beg to differ.

Anybody see the Swiss Guard disarming?

[Via Mike F]

80% Deceivers

The 80% Coalition is non-partisan and is comprised of advocacy, business, education, faith-based, professional and service organizations committed to pushing back against hate and urging our legislators at the state and federal levels to pass commonsense gun violence prevention legislation. [More]

I see a lot of “faith” organizations claiming tax-exempt status in there…

[Via Lawrence S]

All the Right Words

Instead of targeting guns and gun owners, Trump called for a “top to bottom security overhaul at schools across the country” in a variety of ways; single-point entries, security fences, metal detectors, a school resource officer in every school, and yes, arming teachers who volunteer, are vetted, and trained. [More]


Now if he only takes those words to heart if he’s ever in power again.

Am I so wrong to doubt he will?


Schumer vows to force vote on gun control legislation after Memorial Day recess [More]

With Graham, Collins, Toomey, and Cassidy parlaying under a white flag, I guess we’ll see how badly Republican want a “red wave.”

Also of interest, look at the amount of attention the media is devoting to what this ever-treasonous, on-his-way-out GOP loser thinks.

Ask What Our Country Can Do for You

Askandi, who’s Mexican American, attended the protest with her son, who’s also Persian American, because she said she’s become afraid after gunmen targeted people of color in Buffalo, N.Y., less than two weeks ago and in El Paso in 2016. [More]

So they came here with the understanding of the role of government they were indoctrinated with, and now want to impose what they fled on the people who took them in.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue” …

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