500 Percent Spike In Biden Administration Shutting Down Gun Retailers Over Typos [More]
Time was, a determined effort could get them to back down.
Notes from the Resistance
500 Percent Spike In Biden Administration Shutting Down Gun Retailers Over Typos [More]
Time was, a determined effort could get them to back down.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today urged all Americans to contact their members of Congress to support the adoption of the gun safety reform measure, “Protecting Our Kids Act,” H.R. 7910. [More]
I’ll keep that in mind.
K-12 Carry In Georgia – Declined By School Districts [More]
And it would appear the most that can be expected from “pro-gun lawmakers” is weasel-wording that avoids actually doing anything.
“Do nothing” is a hell of a response to all the antis screaming “Something must be done!”
The AzCDL Newsletter for May 2022 is available for viewing and downloading at our website. [More]
Download a copy at the link.
The state has unlimited resources. Who thinks forcing tapped-out citizens to go chasing one infringement after another is what the Founders had in mind?
A county jail inmate receiving treatment at an Ohio hospital shot and killed a security guard, pointed the weapon at others and then killed himself in a parking lot, authorities said… Dayton police said inmate Brian Booth, 30, was receiving treatment when he struggled with Darrell Holderman, 78, and took his gun. [More]
Really? And the Sheriff’s Department thought this setup was a swell idea?
[Via Steve T]
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Pushes Subway Gun Detecting Technolgy As Shootings Surges In Gun-Controlled City [More]
Lemme guess: Another crony?
[Via bondmen]
Former US Marine gets 16 years in prison as leader of Mexican drug cell [More]
Dual citizen, eh? And it’s a safe bet that criminals don’t want ordinary people armed.
Coincidentally (?), note how the antis use service records to establish “authority” for agreeing with gun bans…
[Via bondmen]
Time to Reestablish the Concepts of Duty and Accountability [More]
Well, we know police have no duty to protect. And that last bit only matters when those in power want to cancel you.
[Via bondmen]
Gregg Phillips Finishes Arizona Testimony with this MAJOR Update: “We Do Indeed Have A Matter Brewing That Is 10 TIMES BIGGER Than Mules” [More]
I’ll be happy if it’s bigger than the Kracken.
[Via bondmen]
EXCLUSIVE: Boy, 10, is ‘crying all day’ as he is held for THREE WEEKS in detention center for sending ‘humorous’ texts with stock picture of guns that he found on the Internet – as lawyer insists hardline sheriff took the messages out of context [More]
I imagine a developing mind could emerge from this wanting to kill someone…
House Dem declares gun control will happen even if it means abolishing filibuster or expanding Supreme Court [More]
I wonder when Republicans are going to get savvy about denying committee quorums…
[Via Steve T]
Eric Adams went out of his way to promote an unconventional police tool called BolaWrap. All the while, his friend and benefactor had a stake in the device maker, earning $460k in profits while Adams praised it. [More]
It’s good to be the king!
As a result of the passage of SB 554, schools in Oregon now have the authority to prevent licensed adults from being anywhere on their property while armed. [More]
Tell me that won’t make “school shooters” think twice!
I have to confess, back in the day, Sanford and Son was a guilty pleasure. At first I just thought it was so stupid it was funny, but as I watched it more I came to realize that there was some genuine talent happening on several levels.
[Via Kid Sister]
Mountain lion roams into California high school classroom…There was no safety threat to the public… [More]
Yeah, what harm could come from staff leaving a door open for predators?
[Via Michael G]
University police refuse to release pictures of two alleged ‘nooses’ found on campus [More]
And the racists are even teaching them to kids!
[Via Michael G]
If you have anything unsupportive to say about this, or if you even think it, there’s just no place for you and your kind in the “progressive” world of tomorrow.
The devil being in the details, “due process” can mean different things, with not all “hearings” providing the same legal safeguards as a jury trial. And that raises questions of concern that haven’t been spelled out. [More]
Anybody who thinks that this squares with “Shall not be infringed” is nuts.
No background checks til pick-up [More]
So is there a point to this “article” other than to get ignorant readers to draw false conclusions?
GOP lawmakers pass bill allowing for armed teachers… Jagdish Khubchandani, a professor of public health at New Mexico State University … offered a skeptical take of the idea. [More]
Well, there’s a stunner.
[Via Mack H]